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GirlWithAHat's avatar

Last Login: 06/25/2024 9:11 pm


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DeleteMeNow72 Report | 02/22/2015 4:08 pm
seaymoure Report | 07/24/2012 11:19 pm
Hey doll! I miss you C: Hope you are doing okay!
kristinat0rz Report | 07/20/2012 1:16 am
Bump emotion_dealwithit
Majillia Report | 07/03/2012 4:42 am
I'm back my love > biggrin
The_Manly_Succubus Report | 06/24/2012 1:04 pm
NO. =.= More like didn't get a present at all.
The_Manly_Succubus Report | 05/18/2012 4:06 pm
I feel bad it's taken so long. I finally took my laptop in to find out the harddrive is fried. crying
The_Manly_Succubus Report | 05/18/2012 4:01 pm
NEXT COUPLE O DAYS. I wish I could just write it on Josh's lappy. He has a mac tho, and no Word-type program. crying I'll see if he can re-install windows on it though. *A* If not, I'll just take a damn picture of the s**t I wrote, lol.
The_Manly_Succubus Report | 04/28/2012 12:57 pm
Yea, I have it written down in a notebook! So all I have to do is copy it! ^_^ And thanks! Because I don't have a working computer and nothing else to do, I shifted my focus on busting out cosplays! @.@ It's been hectic, but well worth it!
The_Manly_Succubus Report | 04/28/2012 10:42 am
OKAY THIS IS LONG OVER DUE. I know it's no excuse, I've been busy and Josh won't let me use his computer. HOWEVER. I'm getting a new one for my birthday! I'll have that post up before ya know it! I'm really really really sorry about not posting. For what it's worth, the post is written, I just need to copy it down. xD ANYHOW LOVE YOU LONG TIME. <3
The_Manly_Succubus Report | 03/23/2012 10:50 am
We still don't have internet. I'm on Josh's phone right now. We can't find anyone to service us where we live. We live in the swamp, lol. HOWEVER, we are waiting for a long cable to come in the mail that'll attach us to his Dad's internet, since they live like twenty feet from us. Sowwi. crying
