Who I am

Smiley I love: XD

Smiley I hate: Those freaky ones that are all animated and crap. They ruin my smiley DX

Colorz: Blue, Black, and Silver.

Moviez: I love all genres of all types. I don't really like twilight, because they books are WAY better. Vamps are cool though, mostly in scary movies.

Bookz: Twilight Saga, The Chronicles of Vladmir Todd, Thirst Series, The princess dairies, Guardians of Ga'hoole (I know thy're for little kids but I like them. Sue me) I've read a lot of books, so just ask me what I've read and I'll tell you.


How people label me: They can't. I love pop and rock, rap and country, musicals and thrillers. All they know is I'm funny, don't have much common sense, hates pink and stays far away from the popular crowd. Some pplz think I'm a lezbo. I'm not, I just love hanging with gay guys and gay girls cause' i like them. I have no problemo with people who are bi. I'm just the straight girl who supports gay rights. I also love hanging with goths and emos. I really lighten up the mood. Sometimes I even hang with preps! the people who like me are the people who i like back.

My personality: Bubbly, shy, random, dark, scary, evil, emotional, violent, perversion, awesome! XD

What I love: Animals, water, exploring the world (hey, you only get to live once) staring at clouds and the stars, hanging with my budz.

What I hate: Meanies, serial killers, abusers.. I don't really hate anything else. I respect lots of stuff.

Things I hate to do: Clean, study. XD

Foods I hate: I am VERY PICKY!! I hate Mexican food (except guacamole and refried beans) celery (YUCK!) tomatoes (anything to do with one, this includes ketchup) rice (ew!) hot dogs (sorry hotdog fans sad ...)

Foods I love: Long of a list, but my top 5 are bacon, watermelons, peaches, steak, and salad!

Bio: Lettsee....I had cancer in 2nd grade, but I got better in 4th. Plz don't ask me about it. I hate talking about that. For a while I cared about what other people thought and wanted to make people happy. Then i thought. OH CRAP I ONLY GET TO LIVE ONE TIME!! It was kinda an awakening. Since then, i've gone hang-gliding, bungi-jumping, snow boarding, and learned French!