
I have now been on Gaia for over TEN YEARS. This feels monumental to me, as a lot of my adolescence was spent in art threads in the Chatterbox. I grew up here. crying

I'm Chandra! 24, customer care representative for a pretty popular cell company. I play music, read books, and watch netflix. I have roommates and a car. I think I'm an adult now!




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Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Enigmatic Phantasm

Report | 07/04/2013 8:58 am

Enigmatic Phantasm

Well hello to you too fabulous! Life is great! No complaints here. My baby just turned one a few weeks ago. She is the happiest little girl ever, I'm pretty sure! How have you been?
Enigmatic Phantasm

Report | 08/11/2012 5:53 pm

Enigmatic Phantasm

Pink hair! That is so awesome. Do you have it again yet? And I agree, I think it's nice when people have rules and require things of you. Leads to discipline, which leads to learning, and then, y'know, you're just not wasting your time. Sounds like a really good thing you're in! When do you plan to graduate?

Wow, sounds like things are rough with scheduling. It often is that way for couples, at least for a while... I hope things settle down for you before long though. It's a hard thing to have to do. >_< Sounds like he's pretty dedicated to work like that! And wow, there's a bit of an age gap for you guys. As long as it works though, right? 3nodding

Well, I don't normally post pictures, but you're right--this is a case where I should. 1 and 2 She is such a sweet baby, too. gonk heart I'm in love. [/end twitterpated parent rant] ~cough~ anyway, I think I will look into those conventions for next year. I am starting to expand my convention circuit (from one convention to three, haha) because I do all right... and I love traveling and it would be cool to see you! whee You go conventioning much?
Enigmatic Phantasm

Report | 07/24/2012 5:28 pm

Enigmatic Phantasm

Hey ladeh!~ Long time no talk! I MISS YOU TOO! gonk crying
Haven't done much Gaia stuff in ages. I guess it's lucky that I got online so soon after you posted on my profile!
It sounds like things are rocking for you! Beauty school, huh? That is so awesome. Is it like a Paul Mitchell-type chain school, or more of a local thing? And almost 22, sounds awesome! Happy birthday next month!
YAY RELATIONSHIPS~ Best thing ever, seriously. So glad you've found a special someone! Hope things continue to work out for you. What does he/she do? surprised

My life is going great! I just celebrated my 2 year wedding anniversary yesterday! It's been wonderful. Also we had a baby last month! It's a little girl and she is SO precious and has a whole head of hair. I've never seen a baby with so much hair. We named her Lorien because we're huge nerds and thought it was pretty. <3
So yeah, right now I'm just parenting and doing art... getting ready for conventions. I'm going to three conventions this fall, so... I'm trying to have enough stuff to take to make it worthwhile. I'm enjoying getting to do some kind of nerd art right now, definitely. So good to hear from you! 3nodding
Bleu Berry Sugar

Report | 03/10/2011 3:05 am

Bleu Berry Sugar

Hey add me
I moved out from my Mule (Anaemic complexion) Alexy Trancy
Enigmatic Phantasm

Report | 02/25/2011 12:36 pm

Enigmatic Phantasm

Definitely--I think no one will give you a hard time for being a well-rounded person who likes funny things and serious things. x3

I drink herbal teas--I love them. :3 But yeah, I stay away from things with caffeine. ^^;

I think everyone has points in life to choose religion, or lack thereof. Growing up with something doesn't always mean you believe it on your own, or wouldn't choose otherwise if it weren't for your parents. That was kind of the case for me. I grew up in an LDS family, but I began some serious questioning when I was a teen. And it wasn't because I didn't believe it--it was more that I recognized that the views we have as children are not necessarily views that are right, or that we ought to keep. I also had, what was for me, a very devastating experience when I was a teen that kind of made me wretched and miserable, and at the time I wasn't very certain about a lot of things. So yeah, there was definitely a lot of self-scrutiny, as well as outside considerations and searching... But ultimately the conclusion I reached and the choice I made were that I should choose that church, and so I guess you could say that's when I really stood on my own two feet in my conversion, haha. So I guess the answer to your question is yes... and yes. xD
Enigmatic Phantasm

Report | 02/23/2011 1:51 pm

Enigmatic Phantasm

It's cool. 3nodding There's time for goofy stuff and actors and time for the more serious things. It's good to have causes you're concerned about.
I will let you know when I get it up. xD Gotta get more arts polished up and such, but I'm workin on it. >w>

and my religion? I'm LDS. 3nodding It's not something I necessarily advertise, but then again, it is such a big part of my life that it seems weird not to mention it at all? XD
Enigmatic Phantasm

Report | 02/22/2011 9:41 am

Enigmatic Phantasm

lolol your tumblr is most amusing. :'D

So many funny images I might be stuck here forever ;w;

XD My blog will be an art blog, since I am too cheap to make an actual art website. :'D
Enigmatic Phantasm

Report | 02/21/2011 8:36 am

Enigmatic Phantasm

Man, I should get a tumblr then. >> And yeah, I resisted FB forever too... it's useful for keeping in touch with people though, which is why I finally joined it. >>
I'm working on a blog, and after that maybe I'll try for something else. xD

Report | 02/18/2011 9:07 pm


Thank you for buying!!! ^.~

Report | 02/17/2011 4:31 pm


Thank you for your purchase!
Come again soon! heart


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