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Taylor (last name for people who know it)
Define: Taylor
Taylor is of a fun, loving, and caring girl who loves to have fun and play sports. She helps you with your homework, and never says no, and never lies. They are of one religion and keep it's commandments or rules. Trust Taylor, She is always truthful.

Define: Me
I can be a fun person, but at times I, like everyone else, have my moments in life where I feel the world has turned upside down on me. I am
loving, most of the time. I love to love, but sometimes, I can be selfish and want the attention. I do love sports with all my heart, even though I am not the best at a few. I few that I have a passion for would be softball, baseball, basketball , and tennis. I could play every sport with it's own amount of enjoyment. I don't like to say no, it makes me feel guilty, yes, I am a person who feels guilty about everything, but I've come to know that I can't always be the one to say yes all the time, I need some help too in life, and thankfully, I have amazing friends to understand that. I do lie. It is a habit of mine, and even if they're small lies, they still make me feel horrible, I'm working on that habit, and trying to tell myself that the truth of me can be better and people will understand, than having to lie. I am of the religion of Christianity and it helps me in life with all of my wrong doings. My God, which can be your God, strengthens me in my tough times, and lifts the weight off my shoulders, that I should have. Jesus is my savior, and for that I am eternally grateful, to do wrong, and to be forgiven, and helped.
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[edit] Working on my profile, you may read the About Me obviously, and message me to help with my profile. Thank you.
Donations are appreciated[/edit]

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Viewing 5 of 5 comments.


Report | 04/12/2009 5:28 am


thanks for buying!!

Report | 10/28/2008 12:19 pm


whos eveer profile is this add me and by the way u got nice blue eyes

Report | 08/30/2008 12:27 pm


yeah, sure. i'm kaila, i have really kewl friends who help meh work on meh pro, get gold, and motivate me to work to get my dream av's.

Report | 08/30/2008 12:23 pm


no not really...

i saw ur store and i almost always look @ peeples pro's. ur's is kewl! ^.^

Report | 08/30/2008 12:20 pm


lol i cant lie either.


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I wanna be loved by youuu