
My name is Sephraim (Seph for short) or Rath. Call me by whichever you want.

What can I say about myself? I'm a dark minded seventeen year old who doesn't have any care for much of anything. You could pretty much yell at me or whatever and I would shrug it off. Although, if you get in the way of my goals, then I'll drag you down and crush your skull. Warning enough? Haha. I'm just joking. Or am I? Just don't get in my way though, all I ask.

People say "Music is life". Well, I suppose so, but not really. I mean, I do like music, but it isn't needed for me. But I do like heavy black metal, piano, organ based things. It has to be creepy, scary, or just plain dark.

People label me as "Goth". I suppose it's a respectable enough title. As long it isn't "Emo" or anything. Nothing against Emos, just don't like being called one. Even though I am labeled, "Goth", I don't really consider myself as one. Why? I'm not a person who takes onto Labels.
"But you have 'Goth' in your name." Yes, you are right, I do have it there. But some thief stole the name "Sephraim" away before me, haha. And besides, It's just a name.

I know this isn't much description of myself, but I tend to keep to myself a lot. If you have questions for me to get to know me, then ask away.

I'll add more later I suppose.


Viewing 12 of 17 friends



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 09/28/2010 6:30 pm


I'm back! but not for good, though. And I have changed A LOT

Report | 08/03/2009 11:32 am


too bad it dont seem to be working... v.v

Report | 07/30/2009 12:13 pm


hmm . . you make being serious sound so depressing . . like its bad . . happy and serious. . I can be serious, and happy . . gosh your confusing me! I dont get confused! jeez . . If your serious do you always have this grim look on your face like your carrying around bad news? or can you smile?

Report | 07/30/2009 10:12 am


And it's not bad, right? Keeps everyone happy! And face it, this world could do with some more happy!

Report | 07/29/2009 6:38 pm


I get moods . . So it depends . . like that one guy thought I was a total grump . . and you think I'm a Happy Go lucky rainbow chaser preppy loser . . and it's kewl u hav one uh ~mood~ seriousness . . I like to keep a cheeriness cause I just hate it when people are upset . . and even if I'm upset I dont like to show it . . U know like showing your weaknesses. . not one of my favorite things to do . .

Report | 07/28/2009 7:51 pm


Oh well thats nice. Style points! My friend did my person. You know her, the nicer one. I guess you would like her more, Lol . . . Choosing favorites are we?

Report | 07/28/2009 3:25 pm


Oh hmm . . demonic fairies . . well then that ends that topic . . and ur butt's fine . . i dont mind . . te he . . all though wat? your wearing a skirt? AND I AM NOT HARASSING YOU! am i? I'll stop if i am . . I'm sorry . . I won't bug you . .

Report | 07/28/2009 1:58 pm


Hmm . . everyone should be into fairies . . they rock . . kinda . . and i really dont remember what we were talking about so ummmm what item dont you have anymore??? and are you serioulsy showing me your butt??? WOAH

Report | 07/25/2009 4:30 pm


i made friends with three cows and one cat .

Report | 07/25/2009 4:28 pm


guess what?