
Hello fellow gaians!!!! Welcome to my virtual home away from reality =) it has been a few years since I was last on here but I'm making up for it now with a serious change up. As always feel free to message me anytime.

*[~ Personals ~]*

Full Name: Erin Ashley Gorman 3nodding Nice to meet you!!!

Birthdate: October 2, 1991

Eye Color: Hazel

Hair Color: Dirty blonde

Height: 5"3 and a half haha

Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Taken and happy whee heart I hope it continues to be great for a long time =D Vincent Reilly is the awesomest boyfriend EVER!!!

*[~ Favorites ~]*

Food: I'll eat anything or at least am willing to try new things. Basically I'm a picky eater so just go with it.

Color: Blue!!!! The color I've always been in love with =D

Candy: Sour candy all the way

Number: 5

Animal: Grey Wolf

Drink: Some kinds of soda, milk, juice, tomato juice, water with crystal light, and I think that's it.

Bagel: BAGELS DURR!!!!!!

Letter: Hmmmm I don't exactly have a favorite letter but I'm gonna say the letter V =) first letter in a certain someones first name hehe

Sport: Soccer

Place: I hope to travel to many places one day

Person(s): Vince, Katie, Steve, Michelle, Dane, My parents, and younger brother Kyle =) but I cherish every single person I have in my life so I thank all of you!!!

Actor/Actress: Too many to name haha

Video Game: Kingdom Hearts


*[~ This or That ~]*

Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate.....CHOOOCOLAAAAAAAATTE!!!!!!!

Hug or Kiss: Kiss wink

Dog or Cat: Dogs

Summer or Winter: Winter

Rap or Rock: Rock ā€˜nā€™ Roll Baby

*[~ Your ~]*

Bedtime: I go to bed when I'm tired

Most Missed Memory: Prom night

Best Physical Feature: Running

First Thought When You Wake Up: What am I gonna to do today??

Fear: heights, spiders, nightmares, not being able to protect the people I love and care about

Longest Relationship: none of your business

*[~ Have You Ever ~]*

Drank: No

Smoked: Nope

Done Drugs: again no

Been Beaten Up: no

Beaten Someone Up: I don't hurt people unless I have a reason to

Shoplifted: Once when I was little

Skinny Dipped: yep

Been Dumped: no

Dumped Someone: yep

*[~ Random Things ~]*

What Country Would You Like To Visit: Japan

How Do You Want To Die: of old age

Been To The Mall Lately: Mhmm

Do You Like Thunderstorms: Yep, it's even more fun if you get a group of friends and run in the rain together

What Kind Of Music Do You Like: All types except country, r&b, rap, and classical

Do You Get Along With Your Parents: Yep

Are You A Health Freak: Kinda

Do You Think Youre Attractive: Not really sure

Believe In Yourself: Sometimes

Where Do You See Yourself In 2 Years: Graduating from high school and taking a few classes at a community college

Do you Shower Daily: Everyday

Have You Ever Been In Love: Once and now I am again

Do You Sing: Yes

Do You Want To Get Married: Someday

Do You Want To Have Kids: no more than 3

Did You Ever Have A Crush: I have a crush on someone right now

Have You Ever Kissed The Same Sex: No

Play Sports: no


Viewing 12 of 91 friends


Kairi's Journal

I write about anything and everything I want to rant about, but I mostly have posted journals with pictures of my favorite animes....so yeah..........ENJOY AND HAVE FUN^.^


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 10/09/2009 7:27 pm


*gives you birthday balloons and a great biiiiiig huuuuug!* biggrin . I hope you had a swell birthday Gaa-chan!

Report | 12/25/2008 4:32 pm


hey there erins

How was yours xmas

i hope it was great cause everyone deserves a spiftastic xmas

so see ya soon

Report | 12/25/2008 8:40 am


Sau Rosie

Report | 10/02/2008 2:40 pm

Sau Rosie


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blue fingers

Report | 10/02/2008 12:32 pm

blue fingers


Report | 08/04/2008 11:32 pm


I like your Avitar :]

Report | 07/30/2008 10:13 am


thanks for purchasing

Report | 07/13/2008 6:25 pm


Hey Erin this is Selena. Uh...can you tell me how to get a background for the gaia profile?
Sau Rosie

Report | 07/06/2008 2:55 pm

Sau Rosie

Hey we should hang otu sometime im goign to try to beg my mom to let you help me choose a certain tint of redhair x3

Report | 07/05/2008 9:08 pm


i wasn't the one who put that info there it was michelle

and i miss you too and did you see the other pics there


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I am Gaara! Hear me roar!