
Hello, I'm Samantha, but please call me Sami. It bugs me a lot when people call me by my full name. I play bass guitar and piano. I'm in a band called 'Chemical Ward'. I'm also in my school's jazz band and we perform every two week. I also play piano at open mic night once a month in the music wing after school. It's fun, I love music. Music is my passion and it's my life. My band and I are working on making a CD. So far we've came up with two songs, but one is fully recorded onto the computer in the music studio and we are now working on a new song. I also love to write lyrics. People always say that my songs are depressing and sad, but that's how I feel sometimes. Go to my journal if you want to read some of the songs that I've written. I'm wiccan, but also christian. I love magick, I love to learn more about it and explore everything about it. I also have a wicca blog. http://www.wiccapaganinfo.blogspot.com Check it out if you want to. I'm Bi sexual, I get along with girls better though. And right now I'm single and looking. If you'd like to talk, just PM me.

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Me a while ago, I was about 16 here.


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GothPrincessOfDarkness&S a m i M o o r e's lyrics

Lyrics that I've written

This is where I'll post my lyrics that I've written and I would love to have comments on them as well. You can also find my lyrics on my other gaia account S a m i M o o r e



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Me, I have another account on here.
S a m i M o o r e
Look me up on there too. ^-^