Dream Avi

I can Hear the Bells

Patrick Henrys immortal last words

Big Blonde and Beautiful (reprise)

Welcome to the 60s

Without Love

And now quotes:

Mr. Flak: Mr. Larkin would you please share with the rest of the class Patrick Henrys immortal last words?
Link: Kiss my a**
Link: I think knowing you is the start of a pretty big adventure. One i'm not willing to take. (meaning the march)
Tracy sad tears start to flow)
Link: Oh oh God no not that. thats not what I meant...Tracy!!!!!!!
Tracy: (runs to her mom crying)
Motormouth Maybelle: If we get any more white people in here this is gonna be a suburb.

Wilbur Turnblad: [to Tracy] This is America, you gotta think big to be big.
Edna Turnblad: Big ain't the problem in this family, Wilbur.

Edna Turnblad: Penny, get home before your mother shoots you.

[from trailer]
Velma Von Tussle: Amber! Save your personal life for the camera, sweetie! Oh, shiny!

[from trailer]
Motormouth Maybelle: [to Seaweed and Penny] You two better brace yourselves for a whole lotta ugly. Coming from a never ending parade of stupid.
Penny Pingleton: Oh, so you've met my mom.

[from trailer]
Link Larkin: [to Tracy] I think knowing you is the start of a pretty big adventure.

[from trailer]
Velma Von Tussle: [to Edna, about Tracy] Tracy certainly has redefined our standards
Amber von Tussel: That's for sure.

Prudy Pingleton: Soon you'll be in jail, fighting the whores for cigarettes!

[from trailer]
Motormouth Maybelle: [after demonstrating a dance] That's the way you do it!

[from soundtrack]
Mr. Pinky: [guessing Edna's sizes] 54-Double D
Edna Turnblad: Triple E
Mr. Pinky: [shouts] I hit the motherload!

[from trailer]
Penny Pingleton: [to Tracy, at the dance] Get out there and show them!

[from trailer]
Corny Collins: [to Velma] You can fight it or you can rock out to it.

[from trailer]
Motormouth Maybelle: [to Edna] Are you sure you wouldn't like to have a little something to eat?
Edna Turnblad: [looks at pot roast] Is that braised?

Corny Collins: That is the newest dance this week. Now, let's meet our brand new Council member, Miss Tracy Turnblad! Tracy, why don't you cozy up to old Corny and tell us about yourself.
Tracy Turnblad: Well, I watch "The Corny Collins Show" and I do absolutely nothing else.
Corny Collins: Ohhh!
Edna Turnblad: [at home] And to think I almost thumped Tracy from reaching for the stars.
Edna Turnblad: No one is auditioning for anything in this house!
Tracy Turnblad: But why not? Why not?
Edna Turnblad: Dancing is not your future. One day, you're going to own Edna's Oxidental Laundry.
Tracy Turnblad: I don't want to be a laundress. I want to be famous.
Edna Turnblad: I you want to be famous, learn how to take blood out of car apholstery. That's a move you can take right to the bank
Penny Pingleton: [sees Tracy in the window, gets up to leave] Okay, mother. Excuse me.
Prudy Pingleton: Penny!
[offers her a cross necklace]
Prudy Pingleton: Pray for her. She's gonna need it.

Velma Von Tussle: They're just kids, that's why we have to steer them in the white direction.
Corny Collins: Right direction?
Velma Von Tussle: What did I say?

Velma Von Tussle: 'Detroit Noise?' What is that? The cries of people being mugged?

Penny Pingleton: Without that show I have nothing!
Prudy Pingleton: Having nothing builds character!

Amber von Tussel: [to Shelley] Do that again, and there'll be stumps where your feet are, you got that? You little whor -
Link Larkin: [interrupting] Hey, Amber
Amber von Tussel: [to Link] - Oly moley!

Edna Turnblad: [catching Tracy at Motormouth Maybelle's Record Shop] No call? Just disappear?
[looks Link up and down]
Edna Turnblad: And all mashed up against a crooner...

Tracy Turnblad: Penny, the cops are looking for me everywhere... you could go to jail for helping me!
Penny Pingleton: Tracy, I'm already in jail. Come on!

Penny Pingleton: Oh, no!
Tracy Turnblad: What?
Penny Pingleton: Your hair deflated!
Tracy Turnblad: Let it. It was just a symbol of my conformity to the man.
Penny Pingleton: You are so tough.

Penny Pingleton: So... what do you think? Maybe you could live down here. I don't even know why we have this room down here, but there's food, water, first aid kit, gas masks, Russian language books...
Tracy Turnblad: It's very well insulated.

Penny Pingleton: Mom, please don't send my best friend to the big house!
Prudy Pingleton: [grabs Penny] Penny, hush!
Tracy Turnblad: You haven't heard the last of me, Mrs. Pingleton! Things need to change, and I won't stop trying to change them. I don't care how long it takes.
Prudy Pingleton: Good! You'll be waiting twenty to life.

Prudy Pingleton: Get the jump rope, Penny.
Penny Pingleton: [runs out of the room] Mom, not the jump rope!
Prudy Pingleton: [to Tracy] Don't you touch my canned tuna!

Prudy Pingleton: [to Penny] Wait till your father gets out of prison, you'll see more than a jump rope!

Prudy Pingleton: [tying Penny to her bed with a jump rope] Penny Lou Pingleton, you are absolutely, positively, permanently punished. You will live on a diet of saltines and tang, and you will never leave this room again.
[tosses holy water on Penny]
Prudy Pingleton: Devil child, devil child!

Penny Pingleton: Seaweed? Shhh, don't let her hear you!
Seaweed: What happened to you?
Penny Pingleton: She's punishing me for harboring a fugitive without her permission. What are you doing?
Seaweed: I'm here to rescue the fair maiden, baby.
Penny Pingleton: Oh, Seaweed, you do care! I was afraid the colors of our skin would keep us apart.
Seaweed: No... but these knots might.
[still trying to untie her]
Seaweed: Was your mom in the Navy?

Seaweed: Livin' in the ghetto, black is everywhere you go. Who'd have thought I'd love a girl whose skin was white as winter snow?
Penny Pingleton: In my ivory tower, life was just a Hostess snack, but now I've tasted chocolate, and I'm never goin' back!

Link Larkin: [ending the song "without love"] Darlin' you had best believe in love!
Edna Turnblad: [called from off camera] Link, your pig is ready.

Mr. Spritzer: [about Tracy] I want that chubby Communist girl off my show!

Tammy: Aren't you scared we're on live?
Tracy Turnblad: No, I'm sure I can cope.
Amber Von Tussle: Well, this show isn't broadacst in...
Amber Von Tussle, Tammy, Shelley, Noreen, Doreen, Vicki, Darla, Brenda: [with the other coucil girls] Cinemascope!
Velma Von Tussle: I never drank one chocolate malt. No desserts for Miss Baltimore Crabs.

Penny Pingleton: We're being invited places by colored people - I feel so hip!

Corny Collins: Tell me, Velma, how exactly do you fire Corny Collins from the Corny Collins show?
Velma Von Tussle: They do it all the time on "Lassie"!

Corny Collins: Some news! One of our beautiful young dancers, Becky, will be taking a momentary leave of absence from the show! How long you gonna be gone Becky?
Becky: [Smiling nervously] Oh, just nine months.

Edna Turnblad: Come on, Wilbur, first the hair and now this?
Tracy Turnblad: It's the style, mom, everyone's doing it! Even our First Lady, Jackie O does it!
Edna Turnblad: No she doesn't.
Tracy Turnblad: How do you think it gets like that?
Edna Turnblad: I like to think it's... naturally stiff.

Police Chief: I doubt she'll risk jail to win some beauty pageant.
Velma Von Tussle: I risked communicable diseases. She'll risk jail.

Penny Pingleton: [about Amber] She's a plastic spastic.

Penny Pingleton: I am very pleased and scared to be here.

Link Larkin: [bumping into Tracy] Sorry little darlin’. Hope I didn't dent your 'do.

Tracy Turnblad: I wish every day was Negro Day!

Edna Turnblad: Tracy, eat your doughnuts.

Amber von Tussel: [to her classmates] Oh, and it's totally not true about her and the entire football team. I mean, please: anybody can get grass stains all over their back.
Link Larkin: Amber, stop it. I'm sick of you doing that! Just because she's a good dancer...
Amber von Tussel: [scoffs] Uh, I'm sorry... you think that she can dance? Well, maybe you'd rather have her as your partner. You could get sponsored by Goodyear!


Smosh: ax murderer


Greasegirl1193's avatar

Last Login: 11/27/2010 5:10 pm


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John Travolta

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I Can Wait

John Travolta

John Travolta is the best actor who ever lived. He is awesome. I love every single 1 of his movies. He is perfect in every single way. It would be my dream come true 2 meet him...But i know that will never happenI LIED!!!!! I MET HIM ON 9/13/07 AT 6:45PM I CACN NOT BELIEVE THAT I MET HIM!!!! HE HUGGED ME!!!! HE SAID HE LOVED MY SHIRT!!!*Scientologists make better actors shirt* and he liked my purse!!!!! *Grease purse* and he loved the drawing I drew of him!!!!!!! One little touch now my lifes complete


So im supposed to write something about me hear..... IDK what to write. IM GOING TO SEE GREASE ON BROADWAY
I love JOhn Travolta so much!!! He is the best actor who ever lived!!!


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Journal title IDK

I will not right any of my thoughts or feelings or any of that stuff here. Because if someone reads it that i dont know they could find out about me...or worse someone i did know read it and they found out anout me..... so this will be completely ran


View All Comments

Rockstar1 Rules Report | 06/06/2010 3:35 pm
Rockstar1 Rules
Sailor-Moon-gurl7 Report | 10/07/2009 9:50 pm
Hey haven't talked to you in a while. How are you?
v_l o v e l e s s_ v Report | 04/06/2009 5:57 pm
v_l o v e l e s s_ v
heyyy its Lynn cant find the add u button so i got lazy and added a comment. biggrin
Fractured Smile Report | 04/01/2009 1:16 pm
Fractured Smile
Very nice touch right there. xDDD
Fractured Smile Report | 03/31/2009 11:59 am
Fractured Smile
I'm your virtual younger sister...I FORGOT THAT!
I'm also your mother...and your having my child....Hrrms.
burbeblu Report | 01/29/2009 8:00 pm
John Travolta ROCKS!!!!! and R.I.P. Jett Travolta. He is very much missed :'(
Sailor-Moon-gurl7 Report | 01/05/2009 3:45 pm
May he always live on in hearts User Image
Sailor-Moon-gurl7 Report | 01/05/2009 3:44 pm
R.I.P. Jett Travolta
BrokenHeartLNW Report | 10/15/2008 2:33 pm
chiname Report | 10/05/2008 9:11 am
o.O why not?


To spin or not to spin? What a silly question =)
Colorguard is my sport, Colorguard is my life, Colorguard is my anti-drug, Colorguard is my drug

More song lyrics

She walks to school with a lunch she packed
Nobody knows what she's holding back;
Wearing the same dress she wore yesterday,
She hides the bruises with the linen and lace;

The teacher wonders but she doesn't ask,
It's hard to see the pain behind the mask;
Bearing the burdon of a secret storm,
Sometimes she wishes she was never born;

Through the wind and the rain,
She stands hard as a stone in a world that she can't rise above;
But her dreams give her wings and she flies to a place where she's loved.

Concrete Angel

Somebody cries in the middle of the night,
The neighbors hear but they turn out the lights;
A fragile soul caught in the hands of fate,
When morning comes it will be too late.

Through the wind and the rain,
She stands hard as a stone in a world that she can't rise above;
But her dreams give her wings and she flies to a place where she's loved.

Concrete Angel

A statue stands in a shaded place,
An angel girl with an upturned face;
Her name is written on a polished rock,
A broken heart that the world forgot.

Through the wind and the rain,
She stands hard as a stone in a world that she can't rise above;
But her dreams give her wings and she flies to a place where she's loved.

Concrete Angel

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Fractured Smile

Grease is the word, and JOhn Travolta rocks!!!

Im going to see Grease on Broadway!!!!


Moo im a giraffe

Zac Efron is a Sexy Beast

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