
Hey whats up yeah not really good at these things but anyways I am 17 and I live in a place that i absolutely hate. I am one of those people that you will probably get along with. I get along with alomost everybody i have met in my life but the ironic thing is I am shy it will take a little bit of knowing you before you have the chance to love me. I am the biggest sucker for romance and love and I can't live without it and it is the quickest way to my heart. I love being spontaneous if I want to do something i will get up and do it no matter what I was doing before that is just who I am. I am not big on animals except big dogs i love german shepards, rot weilers, and huskys. I don't like dogs so big that i have to wipe their mouth cause they are drooling on everything. After my family I hold my friends closest to me if you are one of the ones that I hold dear than I would take a bullet for you. that is all I can think of for the moment if there is anything else I will say it later. see ya.


what the hell happened now!!!!!


just the same old lame stuff you know blah blah blah.

