
Hi, My name is Jessica. I 22 and a mother of a baby boy named Kaleb. He was born 12/17/2008. I dont realy play this game anymore, but I stop on here and there. Im more into World of Warcraft theses days. I have a 80 Holy priest and 80 hunter on Kirin Tor. My next 80 will be a Pally on Hyjol. I used to drink and party almost everyday, but now that Im a mom those days are over, but5 being a mom is just as fun ^____^ Im generaly a realy nice person, but Ill addmit I have hert a few people really bad. Well I guess if ya wanna talk just write me.


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Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 08/20/2010 5:28 am


Hey, I love how we always have like a 6 month to a year long break inbetween talking to eachother xD
how have you been?

Report | 04/11/2010 7:29 pm


Hey Jessi How goes everything?

Report | 03/09/2010 1:47 pm


how's it going long time to talkie...

Report | 07/14/2009 8:25 am


Hey you! I haven't talked to you for a while, how is your summer going?

Mine is going ok I suppose, only working one day a week as that is all I have work study for. I am planning on going on a trip to NY and MD hopefully sometime soon. I am confused though, I really need to find out the info from the people's and all, and then buy the tickets. @.@ So much work to do. But yah, would be taking the bus, the cheap way hehe

How is your son?
Calliope Solipsism

Report | 06/21/2009 5:58 am

Calliope Solipsism

just stopping by
to make you my gold whore
Calliope Solipsism

Report | 04/20/2009 3:02 pm

Calliope Solipsism

I'm guessing I'm blind, but I don't see where I can add you to my friends.... Um, yeah, this is Shaylon, if that isn't already blindingly obvious by the name... and the babbling.

Report | 01/08/2009 8:36 pm


Yah, it is good stuffs. I just called him out on a lot of things, and how he comes across as arrogant when he says things in a certain way. I guess he didn't notice before.

But yah, Rahal avoids working basically by well, his gf works and brings home the bacon. He stays home and takes care of the house and cooks I guess. He seems to like it that way. I don't know her so I don't know, maybe she is cool with that situation as well. Must be though to have married him!

I am glad to not be at subway anymore. The only thing that stinks is I had more hours at subway! I am only working like, 10 hours a week at the job I have now. *sighs* It is a job though, and I like it, so all goodz. And also will look good on the resume ^_^

I feel kind of good and bad right now. I went shopping with a friend, and I spent like, 26 dollars! It was a wholesale place that sells stuff for cheap, and it was going out of business! So the sales were so good! I got this shirt that fits me perfectly for 4 dollars! It is so pretty! It is kind of tight though, so I am going to have to be careful and all. It was like, one of the only shirts left that looked ok, and I am SO glad I picked it over the other ones. I also got some makeup and stuff. That stuff is so expensive in the normal stores, like 5-8 bucks and the such. So I figured I would get a few things since they were like, 2 dollars each thing. Bleh, I don't love makeup, but I wear it sometimes and it is nice to have I suppose for special occasions.

How is your life though? Are you mostly staying at home, or do you have a babysitter and still work at the shop you were at before?
White Jade Fox

Report | 01/08/2009 4:20 pm

White Jade Fox

Great avi!

Report | 01/07/2009 2:53 pm


Oh wow, that is funny! I guess we were both thinking about each other at the same time or something? hehe

Ohh, congratulations on having your baby! I am glad it worked out for you, I know you were very worried about things before. But yayz! So now you have ze baby! woot! It is probably going to be very rewarding being a momie. I mean, I am quite happy just working with children, they are so nice. I mean, they can be mean sometimes, a lot, but the good outweighs it so all goodz!

That is good! Nice that he is being thoughtful and all ^_^ Hey, it is all good, when you are both ready to tie the knot, it is all good. Nice that things are going well with him though, and well with the baby. So life is goodz!

I do still talk to Keith and Rahal sometimes. Keith I talk to here and there on gaia and on msn(although I don't have msn on the comp I use most of the time now) But um, he seems to be doing ok last I checked. He is all into his nature hikes, thinking, and also working with the energy of nature. Keith and I used to butt heads a lot due to his energy being so dominating and pushy, and it is better now. It isn't as intrusive and pushy at me usually, and so I am not flipping out due to it so much. so in all good stuffs!

Then with Rahal, he is doing well. He got married and is going to be going back to school I think in the fall or something? He is not working, and he wants to keep it that way XDDD I guess his wife brings home the bacon lol

Report | 01/02/2009 9:30 am


And now I see Ethereal Horizons posted on your profile. I wonder if that was Sona that did that. Hummmm

Anyways, Happy Belated New Years again! Woot Woot!

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I made this... I get paid to make urns... It's surprising that people would pay a couple hundred dollars on a custom urn for someone's ashes.