
To those that the time to read my profile, I thank you. My name is Jordan and I'm 15 years old. I have never been able to hold a good relationship, friendship or anything of that sort. The reason is because I have never stayed in one place long enough to get to know someone more then the basics. I have moved about 18 or 19 times in my whole lifeand have gone to about the same amount of schools. Possible less, I can remember. The only people I have known for a long time are those I meet on the internet. There are a few peple I still remember even though I have not seen or even heard from them since I have moved from where ever I meet them.

The first person I will never forget is my first best friend, Ashley we meet when I was in kindergarden at the second school I have ever gone to, Lyndale Elemtary School. I don't even know how we meet. We just became instant friends. We did everything together and liked all the same things. When I moved away to Las Vegas in 4th grade we never spoke to each other again. We were not able to get in contact from were we live for a while and by the time we could their phone number had changed. It has been 6 years and I have moved back to Washington and finally I dound her online but unfortunately have not seen her in person. We are so different from each other by now that I don't think we will ever be as close as we used to be.

Another person I will never forget is my first boyfriend Michele Pikeman. I was in 5th grade at the time and we were in the same class together. We also sat at the same table group so we were together all the time at school. Unfortunately after a month or so I had to move away again and I only heard from one of my other friends that he later got a brain tumor and was hospitalized. After a while I was not even able to get in contact with any of them. So I later forgot about all of them but him. I just don't what to heartbroken again, even though in reality it is him who had his heart broken. It is hard to have a relationship when you know that it will end sooner then you want it to.

Other then those two people, there is not any others I remember so well. Only one person and for only one reason. Her name was Victoria, I don't remember her last name. The only reason I remember her is because she was the one to introduce me to energy drinks. Other than that I remember only that I meet her if 6th grade. That is all.

That last person I mentioned brings me to the topic of my obsession. Energy drinks. They are the best hings in the world. Over the past 4 years since I had my first one I have been trying all the energy drinks I can get my hands on. I've had so many different kinds of energy drinks that I don't remember the names of them all. My favorite energy drink is a Full Throtle. I know that there is four different kinds of Full Throtles. there is the regular kind, Blue Demon, Fury, and Sugar Free. My next favorite if called Nos. It taste great and it makes you feel a little bit high. I know there are different flavors but unfortunately I don't know them because it was my friend who introduce them to me and I have yet to buy one of my own. Next, is Monster. There are many different flavors of them but I like the original best. Then there is Rockstar. There is the energy drink and the energy cola, which taste just like Coke-a-Cola. Next is Dr. Dogg. If you know what Dr. Pepper taste like, Dr. Dogg taste like it too. After that there is Kabalah. I don't know how to explain the taste but it tast really good. There are many others I have tasted and there are many more to try but I will probably bore you with the details. The point is that I am obsessed with energy drinks, as you can see from what I wrote above. I was not always obsessed with energy drinks. In the beginning I could have gone months without but now I can go a week without having one. If i have had one in a long time then you don't really want to be near me. I am known to be a b***h with energy drinks but without them it is ten times worse.

You might think that with all that energy coursing through my bloodstream that I would be a hyper person all the time. I am the opposite of that.Every once in a while I may become hyper for a little bit but that does not happen often. I don't like having to run in PE class at school but I have to anyways and because of my laziness I am usually one of the last people to finish on the track. When I have to walk somewhere and get there at certain time i have to leave extra eary in order to be there on time. Such as school. I have to set my alarm clock for 5:30 in order to wake up by 6:20 because I hit the snooze button a bunch of time. Then I have to get ready to leave by 6:40 and I am usually late to get the first transit bus so I have to take the one after it. I could still get to school on time by taking that one and mostly I do but sometimes I don't get there by 7:40 because I am walking slower then usual from the bus stop to school.

One reason for my laziness at school may be the fact that I have sleep depravation problems. I get little sleep at night and sometimes none at all. I really don't mind this because I like the feeling of numbness I get after a long night of not sleeping. This may seem odd but I'm just an odd person. I probably have sleep depravation because my mind does not want to miss a moument of life that I could use to accomplish my dreams. Also at night is about the only time I'm able to get anything done that has anything to do with the computer. If I try to get something done durind the day then people will be looking over my shoulder, which is something I truelly hate peple doing. Do they not know what privaticy is.

i just wrote some poems today.
please tell me what you think of them.
this first one is call.
Between Darkness and Light

Darkness and light
Fade into one another
To make something between

The darkness in the hate deep within you
You lock it aawy for none to see
You reject it
But if you don't let it out it will consume you
Let it out little by little and you won't be driven to insanity by it

Darkness and light
Fade into one another
To mae something between

The light is the love flowing through you
You release it for everyone to see
You enjoy it
But if you don't hide it some it will leave you
Hold onto it a little and you won't be driven to sorrow by it

Darkness and light
Fade nto one another
To make something between

Whati's in between is a quiet content
You don't know what it is
You question it
But it's the thing that's just right for
No matter how little or how much fo it

This next one is called

No two people are the same
We can only try to be the same
We are different from each other
Our feelings are different as well
We are each built a different way
Meant to do different things
We each come up with different ideas
What's right and wrong seem different too
We will each meet different people
We'll each go different places
Accomplish different dreams
In the end we all are different people
Dying in different ways


Viewing 12 of 51 friends



Viewing 10 of 19 comments.

Marius the Ancient one

Report | 05/08/2008 7:45 pm

Marius the Ancient one

I loves you Jordan!

//_^ User Image

Report | 11/21/2007 8:07 pm


Rawr! :3
Marius the Ancient one

Report | 10/02/2007 4:15 pm

Marius the Ancient one

Hello, I'm posting a comment!

Report | 09/18/2007 11:10 am


Sexy sup?

Report | 08/16/2007 1:15 pm


Hiiiiiiiii ^_____________^

Report | 05/29/2007 3:50 pm


Hi ^^.
Demon-Suri01 told me to tell you that she likes your poems ><

Report | 04/21/2007 10:05 am


sup cool profile what kind of music do you like?

Report | 02/02/2007 6:47 pm


hey havent talked to you in a long time so .... see ya around and can you answer my question eveyone saying you are going to say yes but i wanna hear it from u

Report | 01/24/2007 8:16 pm


you changed your profile fast 0.0

Report | 11/27/2006 11:33 am


hey i miss seeing u!


If you love me don't put my name in a heart, put it in a circle. Because hearts can break but circles have no end.