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"My only wish in life is to be happy for once, and to stay that way."-Nikki Navarrete.
Hey :]
My name is Colleen Marie Grinde.
I am 13 years YOUNG; Thanks.
I have short brown hair, with blond highlights.
And my eyes are a bluish gray
But said to have different colors mixed in sometimes.
Even said to turn red when I get ticked.
I was born in southern California, lived there until I was 5.
But I did most of my growing here, where I am now.
Grants Pass Oregon.
I am mostly Norwegian and Italian,
but am many other things too
If you're not stupid, you would have already figured out that I am, in fact, Eric and Jordan Grinde's little sister.
That doesn't mean you can come up to me and say "OMG, are Eric/Jordan's little sister?!"
I apparently have anxiety issues.
Anxiety: a relatively permanent state of worry and nervousness occurring in a variety of mental disorders, usually accompanied by compulsive behavior or attacks of panic)....
I have many scars on my body,
most from myself.
I am racing; rushing. I get injured pretty often,
But I'm happy to say that it's been a while since my last injury.
I've only broken one bone,
and that was my right wrist in second grade.
All the rest were bad sprains/partially torn ligaments.,
I am an eighth grader at north middle school.
Soon to be freshman at Grants Pass High
Which I and many others are excited about.
I'm not like other people, and no one is exactly like me either.
I am complicated, and complex.
I'm nothing special.
I'm single, yet in love.
I do believe in God, thank you very much.
I won't try and push my beliefs on you; Religion doesn't really matter in my friendships.
Whether you're agnostic or any other,
as long you don't push your beliefs on me,
I won't do it either,
and we'll be fine.
I take pride in my look.
I wear a bit more eyeliner than average girls,
and I make my eye make up a bit darker than most.
Then when I can, I make my hair elegantly disheveled.
I am aberrant.
Aberrant: one whose behavior departs substantially from the norm of a group; Wandering; Deviating from the ordinary or natural type; exceptional; abnormal..
I am eccentric. And proud of it.
I love music, and to sing.
To Haley Eacret, I'm a ******** rockstar.
I like to write stories.
Usually fiction.
I like to use my imagination.
I write quotes (see above in blog).
If you want one made for you and a situation, let me know.
And I'll try to come up with something.
I'm a deep thinker, analyzing more than most.
Only two or three know everything about me.
To everyone else, I'm a mystery.
I'm not very confident. But I'm trying to overcome that.
Some say I'm quite a find.
I am a human.
Sometimes I am emotional,
Other times i seem emotionless.
I can even be numb.
I am pale; I burn easily O_O
I take interests in photography, music and art.
I do not fight, but I will if it's for something I love.
I am becoming intellectual.
I will be young forever.
I am original, and genuine.
I don't share much with many people,
Therefore, I am a secret keeper.
If you tell me a secret, I will take it to the grave.
I love my friends, my God, and my music.
I hate annoyances, fakers and posers.
You will never know my whole story if you don't an effort.
Every once in a while, I become surprised that I am alive.
I keep my emotions to myself and bottled up,
I let them out either when everyone is asleep, or when I'm with him.
I do tend to stay in the crowd, going unnoticed.
But I do dream of being in the spotlight.
My dreams just might be to big for this small town I live in.
I am trying to plan on moving to California after college.
I am always will be a singer, whether or not I become famous.
Music is my passion.
To me, piano music is mesmerizing.
Especially if it's by Yiruma,.
Maker of Bella's Lullaby.
If you tell me who I can and can't be friends with, I'll never listen.
I might just might think about life too much;
Yet my thoughts and opinions are almost never voiced.
To me, it seems like I'm better at helping people with their problems than I am at solving my own.
I'm not really close to my family.
I wish to be closer, but I am just too different.
And, unfortunately, my differences wouldn't be accepted.
My home life is....nice.
But I don't talk to my parents that much.
And they don't talk to me unless it's about school or chores.
I blame myself for so much..
My problems and everyone else's.
I feel like I have the weight of the world on my shoulder.s
I am shy at first, but I will get more outgoing the more we hang out.
I am usually quiet, but if it's needed, I'll make my voice heard.
If you don't like who I am when you get to know me, then Leave me alone.
I may be young, but I am smarter than you think.
I've been through a lot for my years.
I try to think before I do.
I'm more mature than most kids my age,
But I know when and how to have fun.
I'm not afraid to grow up or falling in love.
For now, I'm going to be young, yet wise.
I can forgive but I won't forget.
When I forgive, that doesn't mean everything is okay again.
I can be insecure, but I get over it.
Don't screw me over.
I've had enough.
If I had powers, I'd like to be able to fly and read minds or control emotions.
Sounds like fun eh?
I'm learning that life isn't a fairytale.
In the words of my brother Eric James,
"s**t happens. I'm learning to deal with it so I can take my finger off pause, and press play."


View All Comments

Marxeus Report | 01/29/2011 2:20 pm
Oh god you found me! D:>
Valnerai Report | 12/13/2010 4:09 pm
Hello Colleen (:
Toxic_Rose918 Report | 02/15/2010 11:40 pm
Gaurdian of an Angel Report | 01/16/2010 1:50 pm
Gaurdian of an Angel
Gaurdian of an Angel Report | 10/10/2009 1:28 pm
Gaurdian of an Angel
Gaurdian of an Angel Report | 08/21/2009 4:20 pm
Gaurdian of an Angel
lil_azn_cutie_me Report | 03/30/2009 7:49 pm
thank's for the buy
Cherry-Deikiku Report | 10/04/2007 6:54 pm
I was being stupid i'm cherrydeikiku the sunasandnin is from quizzilla oops sorry

Cherry-Deikiku Report | 09/29/2007 11:17 am
Hey its Sunasandnin!!!plz accept the friends request of cherrylover71 its me!!!



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