Jennaaa x]

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my friends are sofa king awesome <33

Its Jenna here and I really wanna give my five most amazing friends from school some credit for being the awesomest peoplezz alive
Kelci;; [aka my besties r cool101] haha you are probably the most retarded person i know, but thats a good thing. whenever we are with eachother we are super crazy and dorky and one day the police will probably be involved with us. i'll always have your back and i know youll always have mine. you're my bestie, girll. <3
Lexa;; [aka 101Dalmations_Girl]hmm what can i say about you. you are super sweet and funny. sometimes i dont get you, but thats to be expected cuz im blonde. ew. NSYNC. lol. stay amazing, girll.
Rachel;; [aka iexplode-crayons] you're a really sweet and caring girl, and you're also really random and funny. out of no where you'll just be like "pudding!" and everyone will start cracking up. love you (:
Tatianna;; [aka etfluvr5]wow tatianna. a lot of people think that you are some kind of heartless person, but that is exactly the opposite of what you are. dont deny it, you have a really big heart. you're soo caring and you're always there for me. i'll always have your back. biggrin
Ana;; [aka II iRandom II] welll where do i start about you? you are really sweet and caring and loving and ughh everything! you're really funny and always can cheer me up. it was great having you in mr smet's class, those were some goood times. dont ever change =]
Yup. Those are my frikin awesome franzz Mess with them you die. Now uh... it most likely wont be me killing you cuz i am short but i have a 7 foot brother-in-law that will gladly squish anyone who messes with me or my friends >:K Be afraid. lol

<33 Jenna

jenna's jabberrrr

yeah, this is the place where i talk about random stuff thats going on in my head (: i'll clear it every month sooo enjoy i guess. lol.

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welll. school is doing good. pretty easy. math teacher is annoying. she like sings the word "um" like shes meditating or something. its sooo annoying. i swear.
ive met some pretty amazing people. and i mean AMAZING. =D
soo yeah. im really happy and hyperr, even thoough i got yelled at like a billion times today. lol.
hmm well i just got back from my franz house. it was funn (: pretty bored right now.
i updated my playlist thing. i added prolly 10 songs and organized it better.
im obsessed with the song "im on a boat" lonely island ft. tpain.
its probably only because im in love with tpain.
last night involved a lot of hyperventilating.
i liked it. but then i didnt like it. and now i dont know if i liked it or not.
what am i talking about? of course i liked it x] i was texting the most amazing person in the whole entire planet ♥ (no, it wasnt orlando bloom. ppsh, i wish)
cant wait til tomorrow. well, tuesday will be better.. but tomorrow works too. <3333
ew. i have math tomorrow. okay, tomorrow is officially ruined.
gonna go to the most magical place on earth later;;
ttyl (:

thanks lexa and rachel, you da besttt!


My tunezzz =D

Unable to identify Vimeo video URL.

quote of the week (:

"yeah, never thought i'd be on a boat. its a big blue watery road. poseidon, look at me. oh, all hands on deck. never thought i'd see the day, when a big boat comin' my way. believe me when i say, i ******** a mermaid"
"im on a boat"


ok, im just saying. i have nothing against twilight or edward cullen. i mean, i lovee twilight. its amazing. but i just thought this was really funny =p

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About Meee :o

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heyy im jenna (: it doesnt really matter how old i am, but i will say that i live in florida. generally im sort of shy, but when im with my friends im really crazy. i take life as it comes, and i enjoy every second of it. i dont plan things out, i just kinda do whatever seems right. my friends are my life, i'd die with out them, literally. i would prolly fall off of a cliff or get hit by a bus or something if they weren't there to keep me safe. no one ever messes with my friends, and i mean ever. i may be small, but i do have a mouth, and if you piss me off, nothing nice comes out of it. not to mention i know many, many people that wouldnt mind pounding someones face in. frankly, i dont care what your excuse are. mess with my friends, you'll regret it later on. end of story.
on a lighter note... x] if you dont already hate me then comment me or message me, im actually pretty nice. cya (:

talk to me, people (:

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x__ Kawaii - K o k o r o Report | 10/06/2009 2:54 pm
x__ Kawaii - K o k o r o
hey jenna its me alana! add me
aakuo Report | 09/16/2009 10:34 am

i PROMISE THIS IS NOT A HACK,There giving shots to kids at school and all..ITS ALL POISON!
101Dalmations_Girl Report | 09/07/2009 4:40 pm
No. I'll look it up on playlist and listen to it.
aakuo Report | 09/07/2009 10:23 am

o w o 8k. xD I had more. But, im keeping this one.
xDDD You look like a gangster person!!
101Dalmations_Girl Report | 09/06/2009 5:57 pm
Yeah! My dad thinks I'm on drugs. He says he wants to get me tested. Oh that Urban Dictionary survey was cool. But my name does not match my personality at all. Oh and my dog Kizzy her name is slang for cocaine! I found that hilarious. Because shes so hyper all the time.
aakuo Report | 09/06/2009 3:49 pm
Lol ~

xD LOL! Wow, jenna! XD

Nah. Driving back. Im in orlando. And i rode ROCKIT and im SICK! TT u TT
101Dalmations_Girl Report | 09/05/2009 1:29 pm
I love your backround. It's really cool! and that 107 year old virgin thing is hilarious!
aakuo Report | 09/03/2009 3:39 pm

I bet you loooooved it. ;D
aakuo Report | 09/02/2009 4:32 pm
xD LoL! Aw. :<
Mr. Miller was passing out workbooks and he gave my whole row one and he just passed me and was like, 'did i not give any to anyone?' so, i raise my hand and he goes over to his desk. im like, DGENKUD!!! So, i have to walk up to his desk and he FINALLY gives me a work book! xD
aakuo Report | 09/02/2009 3:21 pm
He's my math teacher. = w =
He teaches Pre - Algebra