
This is me. Do not steal me please. Of course I am the boi!

Hi. This is just a mule account. My main account is EmoUkeCupcake. You may know me as Cameron, Cammy, CamCam, or Cammyboo. Only certain people are allowed to call me Cammyboo though. You better ask before you call me that. I like boiz and pretty pink flowers. xB Not really I like blue, silver,a nd gold. Oh and pink, just not pretty pink flowers... I like anime and pocky. Both come from Japan. I like candy and sweets, perfume and cologne. I also like my freinds. ILY all! My closest friends here on gaia I will name below just for preference. I will make them links to their profile so you can se them and their pretty avies! I like being a man whore, not really but I am one. I hate dating abusive people so I stopped dating, don't ask to be mine or if I'll be yours because I'll turn you down. I like vintage jeans and clothing. I don't like Goodwill crap though. I like going to Goodwill to buy CDs and Tapes though, they have a good selection there. I'm 17 and too young for most I talk to, unless they're actually younger than I am. I love my monkeys, meaning my stuffed animals. I hate my family, although I adore my little sister. She's just so cute! I'll list her below as my #1 friend. Comments are loved and if I enter the arena I expect you to vote for me. That's all you're going to get out of me now, so baibai!

Bestest friends in the universe ~

1. MY little sister! <333
2. Dommy or [C]andy[W]rapper[C]ondoms
3. Projectile Ejaculation or Jai
4. Nicky Sarian
5. Jakey or Cartoon Hero`
6. Dementedfellow or Michael
7. Pregnant Condom
8. Moti-chan!
9. Kycin
10. Dameon Grey
11. XxNobodyxX
12. Cartoon Hero``
13. `Sky
14. . M a r l u x i a or Keviiboo
15. My Main Account. Count it Betches!
16. The beautiful jzvisit!

Edited on February 12th ~
I'm not single anymore!
Don't ask to be mine, but you can always ask to be my Valentine!




Viewing 4 of 4 comments.

Dameon Grey

Report | 02/21/2007 1:14 am

Dameon Grey

i'm on your friends list >w< ~feels special~
Girl Anachronisms

Report | 02/16/2007 7:33 pm

Girl Anachronisms

-rocks out to media- "I am the candy man. COMING FROM BOUNTY LAND!" xD "Oh my love I know you are my candy man and oh my love your word is my command." Lmfao. I'm having fun with this.
`h o n e y - b u n.

Report | 02/14/2007 2:13 pm

`h o n e y - b u n.

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Show Sleeping Co the LOVE~!

And Candy-kun as well please! >w<

... Adores profile comments! <333

Report | 02/07/2007 10:14 am


You're no longer a comment virgin.


