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Automotive Technician.
New York.
My alignment is Neutral Good, and my personality type is INTJ-A. My astrological sign is Capricorn, if you believe in that.
You'll find my Interests to the left. See something you like, message me. I would also like to add that I'm just a generally drug free smoke free guy who takes care of himself and likes a lot of weird stuff. Get to know me if you want. Or don't.


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crypt0s Report | 01/21/2020 8:42 pm
on jah found ur acc bc we both like 1984 smile
Covet Venus Report | 07/24/2019 8:43 am
Covet Venus
Hey, sorry for the delay again, but I'm glad it's not a problem. Things are getting busy here too. Yeah, the drop prizes were pretty good, I like to collect them since I'm afraid they'll retire the Aquarium feature soon as flash dies :< Yeah, the inflation really sucks, it's so out of order it's ridiculous! Excellent, it's nice to find someone who appreciates South Park for the issues they tackle unabashedly! Most people I hear about just like the cussing and the memes and to get "lit" and sit there dumbly laughing at it without understanding it. Aww biggrin That's the first time anyone's said overachiever to me! It's actually really nice! I feel with some relatives that I won't be good enough until I have the Master's. But this is for my kids. No pain no gain is right comrade! Hey an automotive degree is very useful, I wish I had one. I'm going to try to learn all I can so I don't get ripped off at mechanics. What does it mean to "bleed the brakes?" I've been taking your advice and taking it easy. Only 33 more days until uni starts again and I'm in a bit of a panic. Slow down, time! Yeah, I understand about my ex not wanting to leave his home country. But I don't understand that even though it's been years and we've been just friends for so long even when we were dating others, he will no longer be my friend since he's married with kids. It's definitely hurtful, losing friendship that strong. You play D&D? Cool, I've tried to get into it but I think I was spoiled by online MMORPGs, though I grew up with board games, hmm. I don't think our parents offered it to us as an option. "Too scary" they said! Well how've you been? Is the weather too hot or not hot enough or just right? Seems okay here.
Covet Venus Report | 07/12/2019 6:37 am
Covet Venus
Since I can't edit the last comment, when I mentioned "can't find the right girl/guy" I figured that might be confusing since I mentioned only liking girls. Well, on rare occasions I've been attracted to or dated men (regretted it mostly). I'm what they call "lesbian with rare hetero tendencies." My neighbor said I shouldn't "limit" myself, I should choose partners by their "energy." . . . But if there isn't physical chemistry, it won't be much of a well-rounded relationship. So much for know-it-all neighbors, lol. He is no comrade of mine, I say. But the first time I fell in love was with an Irish man. He set the bar VERY high. He was very well groomed, gorgeous, fit, but even if he wasn't I'd still have loved him. His soul, mind, intellect, talent and way he treated me.. amazing! We almost married but he didn't want to move out here after all :< Anyway, I'm glad you found someone, being in love is like nothing else! smile
Covet Venus Report | 07/12/2019 6:17 am
Covet Venus
hi! So sorry for the delay! Been preparing for family yardsale then vacation biggrin Anyway, no problem, you sound really interesting! I kept track of what I got out of those 17 drops, it's so cool to know the story behind them. I got: Gray Slick Cargo Pants, Cuttlephones, Pants, Keytar, Gray Torque Top, Grey Tabi, Cuttlefish Skull Mask, Mask, Mask, Pants, Grey Foam Hand, Hand, Pants, Tabi, Black Torque Top, Heart Charm, Top. I like South Park too; I basically caught up on every single season via Hulu and I love how they tackle sensitive political issues, not always to my taste at times, but they aren't afraid to talk about the elephant in the room! I know what you mean about getting put together. I went through a lot of hardships too, but with persistence we thrive, eh? I've gotten two associate's degrees this May and am entering a 4-year University as a Jr. I'll get my third AA at the end of this semester, then I'm going for a BA then an MA. Ultimately I want to be a therapist for all ages, the title is MFACC (Marriage -or relationship-, Family, Adult, Child Counselor). People like you who work hard to succeed are really inspirational to me smile Thanks for your compliments! I've never known what it's like to not be a single parent, though my parents have been a lot of help with childcare so I could enjoy my youth and work. I now work at home, write, study, take care of my two kids and keep house. I'm happier than I've been in a long time. Sometimes I feel like being lazy, but I just know that if I give in I will feel frustrated at the end of the day, instead of satisfied and uplifted as I do when I get things done. I'd really like to learn how my car runs so I can fix it myself and identify problems. My Dad is going to teach me sometime. I love the MP and Aquariums too, and zOMG. I'm hoping they'll find an HTML5 alternative to those things by the end of the year. That's cool that you met your wife on OKcupid <3 I've tried looking there before but I never meet the right girl/guy. Sure, I'd love to keep in touch! I'll send you a request smile
Covet Venus Report | 06/20/2019 11:32 pm
Covet Venus
heyyy I just bought all the drops from your store comrade and I checked out your profile. Sounds like youre a good guy who has his s**t together and doing well in life and that's good to see smile I also care well for myself and my wonderful children (single lesbian mother) and enjoy a good day's work (writer and 3rd year University student for Psychology). I like a clean house and to swim, read (Nabokov and Burroughs are two favorites) and more. Been on gaia since '08. I checked out your interests list and I love all the movies you mentioned in the Miyazaki/Ghibli group, also Trainspotting was a really affecting movie, hits hard, you know? The thing about the baby.. man.. that really gutted me! crying So does your marriage partner engage with gaia as well? What's your favorite thing to do on here? I guess I like the MP the best.
Country Biscuit Report | 08/20/2018 7:58 pm
Country Biscuit
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Waifu Ogazumu Report | 04/30/2017 10:41 pm
Waifu Ogazumu
Why thank you fuzzy smile
Waifu Ogazumu Report | 04/30/2017 10:36 pm
Waifu Ogazumu
I like your chest hair.
PrincessRinneKeiju Report | 05/19/2016 12:36 am
Hey good looking emotion_dealwithit
PrincessRinneKeiju Report | 04/17/2016 12:12 am
heart look at what you did to mah comment section, you filled it all up... just like my heart, i still feel like a baby holding a soft warm blanket when your around you & Us whenever we find something cool lol