pokemon 1)If you were a Pokemon, I'D CHOOSE YOU! 2) If I were a Miltank, I'd use ATTRACT on you. 3) If I were a Nidoking, you would be my Nidoqueen. 4) Do you wanna battle, cuz my balls are at the ready? 5) Do you want to go to the Day Care Center with me? 6) Is that a Sudowoodo in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me? 7) Looking at your a** makes my bulba soar. 8) I think I need a Paralyze Heal, because your stunning. 9) When I look at you, my Metapod can't get any harder. 10) You remind me of Pokemon, I just want to Pikachu. 11) Do you wanna play my Poke Flute? 12) Do you wanna play with my Poke Balls? 13) I'd like to Slowpoke your Cloyster. 14) When I'm around you, I am like a Geodude, as hard as a rock! 15) I wish you and I were Weedles, so you and I could make a Kakuna and evolve together. 16) Hey, I've got some legendary pokemon, do you want to touch my pokeballs to see just how legendary they are? 17) It's a good thing that I'm a pokemon trainer and can handle your Jigglypuffs! 18) I wish you were the ground and I was a Diglett so I could be inside of you. 19) I've got an Onix, and if you come over to my place I'll show you his move Earthquake (TM 26). 20) If you were a pokemon, you'd be a Squirtle, cause you make me wet! 21) I wish I was a Magikarp, so I could use SPLASH on you! 22) My Magikarp knows a little more than SPLASH if you know what I mean. 23) Want to register your number in my PokeNav? 24) Let's go make a Mewtwo of our own. 25) My Exeggcute are pretty weak. Let's battle so they can get some experience. 26) You put the "cool" in Tentacool. 27) I think I'm going to need a Burn Heal because you're hot. 28) I like to compare myself with Smeargle...I'm pretty handy with a paintbrush. 29) My love for you burns like a Charizard's tail. 30)Are you from Team Rocket because you just stole my heart? 31) If I could rearrange the Unown Alphabet, I would put U and I together. 32) Do you have a Ditto in your pocket because I can see myself in your pants. 33) You just gave me a Cubone. 34) If I were a Clefairy, I"d DOUBLE-SLAP dat a**. 35) If I were a Pidgeotto, I'd GUST your pants off. 36) I wish I was an Abra, so I could TELEPORT to your bedroom. 37) Will you use ROCK POLISH on my Pokeballs? 38) Do you wanna see what's in my ball bag? 39) Do you wanna see my BELL-SPROUT? 40) Is that a TANGELA down there? 41) Do you wanna see my POLI-WAG? 42) My Pokeballs are SWIFT in your mouth. 43) I've got Masterballs baby. 44) I'll eat your RARE CANDY. 45) I'd like to ride you like a HORSEA. 46) Are you a RARE CANDY?, cuz I feel a level-up. 47) If I were a Hitmonchan, I'd Thunderpunch dat a**. 48) You give my Gengar that smile. 49) If I were a Ghastly, I'd seep right through your pants. 50) I wanna spread HONEY on your Forretress. 51) You make my Gyrados HYDROPUMP! 52) Wanna watch my EKANS evolve? 53) I made you some MOO-MOO MILK, but I forgot to use my Miltank. 54) I can make your Miltanks moo. 55) I can make your Jigglypuffs sing. 56) Do you wanna LICKILICKY my icky sticky? 57) My Donphan won't ROLLOUT for you much longer. 58) You set my Chimchar on fire. 59) My Bulbasaur knows TICKLE. 60) You put the "BONE" in Cubone. 61) Cubone me please? 62) Your gonna need a HYPERPOTION by the time i'm done with you. 63) Did you use CONFUSE RAY?, cuz your making me dizzy. 64) Did you just FLASH(HM05/TM70) me? 65) I'd POUND you with my Piplup. 66) You make me RY-HORNY! 67) My Diglett's attracted to your SWEET SCENT. 68) I'll use ROCK CLIMB in your Fortress. 69) I'd like to Leech my Seeds into you. 70) Do you wanna see my NUGGETS? 71) Have you been taking lessons from a Lickitung? 72) I heard Meowth's not the only mischievious p***y in town. 73) You put the "Double-D" in Dodou. 74) You put the "Wiggle" in Wigglytuff. 75) My Typhlosion knows EXPLOSION!! 76) How about you use REST, so i can sleep with you. 77) How would you like me to use my Onix to BIND you to my bed? 78) Hey baby, wanna SPOINK? 79) I'm a real Machamp, if you know what I mean. 80) Aipom's pretty good with his hands, and so am I. 81) I wanna Munchlax your Cloyster. 82) You'll be WEEZING after I'm done with you. 83) I wish I was a Seaking, so I could HORN DRILL you. 84) What's your favorite move? Mine is LICK. 85) Like an Umbreon, I also evolve at night. 86) Your more beautiful than a Beautifly. 87) I wanna see your Squirtle squirt. 88) Want to Link your cable onto me? 89) Can I fertilize you with my sunkern? 90) My Gyarados is BIG enough for you to ride it ALL day and night. 91) Let's make RegiLove! 92) I'm going to Hoppip into your pants. 93) My Shellder wants to clamp onto your Slowpoke's tail! 94) Are you from the Hoenn Region? 'Cuz you're the only HO I see. 95) You've got the lips of a Jynx! 96) Can I get into YOUR Secret Base? 97) Squirtle isn't the ONLY one that can use water gun. - wink - 98) Don't make me use Water Gun all over you! 99) My Lickitung can reach deeper than you can imagine! 100) Want my Caterpie to use String Shot on you? 101) Let's have a Togepi of our own! 102) How would you like to see my viridian forest, well it's not really viridian. 103) I'd like to get in your rock tunnel. 104) How about you come and see my safari zone. 105) You make me errupt like the Cinnabar Island volcano. 106) You make me feel like an Electrode, you give me an EXPLOSION in my pants. 107) You make my Darkrai rise. 108) You remind me of Deoxys, you're out of this world. 109) I think we're going to need Defog (HM05) before the night is done. 110) If you were in a Pokemon Contest, you'd win first place in the Beauty/Cuteness category. 111) Are you a Hitmonlee cause your body is kickin'. 112) My Typhlosion knows Eruption. 113) Baby, I'm a Mismagius. I'll make all of your wildest dreams come true. 114) Those are some nice HOOTHOOTS you got there. 115) I just want to stick it in your wooper. 116) The name's c**k..i mean brock..wait, i said that right. 117) Are you a pikachu?, because you are shockingly beautiful. 118) Lets make like the pages of this guide book and get under the covers. 119) Do you like Pokeballs because you're about to get really close to one of mine. 120) You must be a Charmander because you're getting me hot. 121) My Kadabra just used Future Sight, and it looks like we've got a future together. 122) If I was a Pokemon right now, I'd be an Erectabuzz 123) Let's make like a Super Rod and hook up. 124) You're such a good catch, i think i'll use my only MASTER BALL on you. 125) Want to ride my emPOLEon? 126) We need to breed together because all your stats are flawless. 127) You're worth more than a thousand nuggets. 128) You don't need a Card Key to get through my doors. 129) Chansey's not the only one who is going to have her egg ovulated. 130) I'm going to make your Team Rocket blast off again. 131) Make like a Munchlax and eat me. 132) Let's trade...If you know what I mean. 133) "So How Much Of My STRING SHOT Do You Feel Like GULPIN?" 134) I heard you like to SWALLOT. 135) If you were a Miltank, I would suck your utters. 136) It's okay baby, i don't have Krabbys anymore. 137) There's a monster in my pocket, and its no Pokemon. 138) Make like a Magikarp and start sucking. 139) You're Absol-utely stunning 140) If we were Teddiursas, I'd lick more than just your paws 141) I'd like to SHUPPET up your a**. 142) Wynaut go out with me? 142) Hello, I'm from Team Rocket, and I'm here to steal your heart. 143) Hi, will you help me find my lost Farfetch'd? I think he went into this cheap motel room across the street. 144) I don't mean to sound oddish but you seem a bit Gloom-y, would it help if I showed you my mankey? 145) Why does it smell like Magikarp? 146) I'm glad I brought my pokedex today cause I'M CHECKING YOU OUT 147) Hey ladies.... can I Film-ewtwo naked? 148) Take my hand girl and I'll take you on a magikarp-et ride 149) Hey, are you ten years old yet? because i want you to meet my professor oak.

Um i guess people dont like takin to meh lol