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My artwork:

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Join me and together we shall create a new world
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Age: 23
Race:I'm half Mexican American bitches!!
Body piercings: Both my ears are pierced twice
taken or not: Single
Info of me: I'm an awesome out going person. I wear all black and get along really well with my family and other people's family.I can be shy and quiet at times but once I get to know you I'll gladly like to talk to you.I'm not the brightest person in the world sometimes I have my moments one time I tripped in mid air..Yeah I know your probably saying "How is that even possible?" Well I jumped up in the air to land in the snow but some how when I jumped I also tripped over air XD I have brown eyes and brownish black hair.
Languages I speak:French,Spanish,and a bit of German.
Likes:Monty python,Space balls,G4, Boy's,drawing,yaoi,making new friends,dog's,wolves,neko's, David Bowie,and Role playing.
Dislikes: Unloyal people,people who talk alot,clingy people,country,rap,and people who judge.
Favorite music/group: My chemical romance,Hinder,Marilyn mansion,Rasmus,Shiny toy guns,Linkin park,Toy box,Asagi D,Miyavi,Steven conte and many more..
Favorite anime/shows: Gravatation,Wolf's rain,Mirage of blaze,Gokusen,Naruto,Bleach,Death Note,Rebirth,Hitman reborn,Kikader,Jackass,Ninja warrior,The incretable banzuke,I survived a Japanese game show,and lots more.

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My poem
he said softly,
is overrated.

I closed my eyes,
smiled in submission,
and instead,
I listen to his
fingertips upon my
vibrant throat
as he revealed to me
pleasure, it was here,
and now -

and time a rose
as myth became

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{ Avi art done by my best friend Betty heart }

{Aww..my old avi's outfit's...}
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{Old avi art work..with my Ex..}

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I'm a psycho!!

New characters:

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My Name is: Brian

I am a: Abomination

I was born into this world: 21 yrs ago

I am a: Male

I am Bisexual

My Story: Coming from a family who take orders from the Military, Brian like his father joined. Leaning the basics and even the advance combat skills as well as weapon mastery Brian is one you shouldn't cross paths with. Especially since after what has become of our world, Brian had snapped and became a ruthless cannibal. Slowly losing what he once was Brian has fallen into madness.

I never leave home with out my: Desert eagle 50 Barrett 50cal. Heavy Sniper-rifle and his Combat knife

The soundtrack to my life is: Blow me away

Old favorite/famous characters that people loved
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Name: Demonic
Age: 3453
Height: 7,4
Weight: 200
Sexuality: Bi
Race: Vampire
Weapon/s: User Image
Power/s: When slashed at by his sword it can rather poison or damage your soul but sucking up some of your life which increases his attacks X 3.
Pet: N/A
Personality: Cruel,very seductive,can be kind heart ed person at times.
Crush: N/A
Appearance: User Image
History: Demonic came from a cruel and sorrow family.The day he was born he was quickly took en away from his mother and was raised by his dad Victor.His whole life he was raised to battle and kill those who question him.His father forbidden Demonic from contacting his mother back home.Breaking his fathers rule he secretly wrote his mother letter letting her know that even thought he hasn't seen her in 18 years he still thought of her.She wrote him back a week later saying she missed him as well and wishes to see him again.Hector found out about the letters and came up with an idea to help Demonic forget about his mother.He told Demonic that there was this woman who was seen as a threat and she will be attending a mascaraed party in London. Demonic took off and appeared at the party wearing a long black robe and wearing a phantom mask.As the music was played and the strange woman stands outside on the balcony wearing a long crimson colored dress and a butterfly mask Demonic quickly made his move then stabs through her chest.As the woman fell to the ground she looked up into his eyes then flashed a weak smile as she slowly reached out her arms towards him."I knew...he'd send you to kill me....take care of yourself....my son"Her arms fell limp as she died from her own son's blade.Feeling outraged Demonic went back to Germany where his father waited for him.He pulled out his sword then yelled."You bastered! How could you make me kill my own mother?!"Hector looked deep into Demonic's eyes then laughs."She's just a weakness for you...so what better way to make that problem go away by having you..handle that weakness of yours.""Demonic slashed his sword at his father but failed to do any damage as his father dissapered."How weak...I would put you in your place but I have some things to tend to."The sound of his fathers voice faded as Demonic stood there looking at the floor.He know spends his whole life training and waiting for his father to return.

Character Name- Slade Aka:Lord D
Age- 700
Race- Dragon
Weapons- The soul edge sword
Powers- Dragon's breath, Hand of Fate, Dragon dance.
Bio- When I was 6 my village was attacked by an army of undead. My father whom was a knight fought along others to protect our village but there were to many and they were defeated. They destroyed my village and killed everyone including my mother. The man who was behind the attack was a Vampire named Lutheus. After the attack I had no one so I left to get my revenge on the murderer of my parents. 5 years later I found him but wasnt prepared for him yet and I tried to defend my self the best I could. Finally I couldnt defend myself any longer and collapsed from wounds and exaustion and as he was about to finish me a black dragon flew out of the sky and scorched him to his death. I was at the brink of death when the dragon revived me by using its blood to heal the wounds but it also gave me the power of dragons as well as the life span. The dragon brought me to his clan where I was taken care of by the dragons themselves. I lived 689 years with the dragons and learned their draconic language and much about the earth, animals, the elements and much more. Zeek the black dragon whom saved me the day i fought the vampire was my only friend. After the 689 years of learning and training with the dragons I decided to leave because there was much to be done. The world had changed alot since my time and much evil was to be punished. I was 700 years old but hadn't aged any since i was 17 and knew that I had to do something about the evil in the world so I left. Before I left the dragons entrusted me with the sword and shield Soul Edge. I was now ready and I left to rid the world of evil with my friend Zieg the black dragon by my side and a new friend I met on journey as soon as I left. He is a werewolf whom is very powerful but knows from right to wrong even though he a werewolf and he is called Haku. The most painful thought I had as I left that day was that I was forgotten by all and that was worse than death itself. Around the same time in my journey I acquired the brother sword of Soul Edge which was Soul Caliber and when these two swords are combined they create the unbelievably powerful sword Soul Requiem. The journey would be a long enduring quest.
Pic- User Image

Character- Lutheus
Sex- Male
Age- Unknown
Race- Vampire
Weapon- A copy of the soul caliber sword
App- User Image
Bio- A powerful vampire and a nightmare of an enemy for Slade the dragon lord. He can control undead better and can control more undead at a time than normal vampires. He simply wants death to appease his mood. He doesn't remember to well of what happened before he was killed but he likes to toy with Slade as many evil vampires like to do.

Name: Lord Bern, Duke of the Lone Islands
Age: 1000
Species: Dragon
Related to: Slade
Powers: Hand of Fate,Kiss of death,Dragon call, and dragon breath
Weapon/s: He carries two claymore swords with his name printed on them.
Home: Avra, the Lone Islands
App: User Image
First dragon form: User Image
Second dragon form: User Image
Bio: In the company of the other six lords Lord Bern sails to the Lone Islands. Bern continues to live and farm on He works meanwhile to convince Governor Kyo to abolish the slave trade, but to no avail. One day he is walking the island and he encounters the slaver Guy who has just captured a small party. Bern takes a particular interest in one young boy and buys him from Guy. As Bern leads the boy away, he tells him that he bought him because of his face; he reminded Bern of someone. At that point the boy tells Bern that he is Caspian the Tenth of Dragon lords and that he had venture within six weeks, for Caspian has come looking for him.The following day, Bern, and Caspian ride through the streets of Narrowhaven to confront Kyo. When Kyo refuses to cooperate, Caspian relieves him of his position and makes Bern the new Duke of the Lone Islands. As his first official act, Bern abolishes the slave trade. They then ride to the marketplace to declare every slave there free and rescue Caspian's friends. Bern remains on the Lone Islands as Duke and oversees the Islands' renewed ties with Dragon island and the aftermath of the abolished slave trade.
About him: Bern is a man of integrity who does everything in his power to stop the injustice of the slave trade on the Lone Islands. Though his efforts are futile until Caspian arrives, Bern still makes his convictions clear and is not afraid of either Guy or Kyo. He has made a good life for himself on the Islands, but Bern has some regrets that he did not sail on with the other six lords. Bern is an intelligent planner; he knows the character of Kyo and it is his idea to work by a show of more force than Caspian actually has. Bern's friends are ready at his call when Caspian rides into Narrowhaven. Later Bern looks ahead and foresees war with vampire lord Lutheus over the end of the slave trade — but as this war never materializes, we can assume that Bern's adroit leadership helps to avert it. It is evident that Bern is a good leader and will serve Caspian the Tenth dragon lord faithfully in his new post as Duke of the Lone Islands.


Viewing 12 of 59 friends


raina's journal

my journal has all the stuff i wrote,im nice helpful and love wolves,i like to write abou my friends and my dreams i had.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Atimus aramaki

Report | 02/12/2012 2:48 am

Atimus aramaki

your profial is all epic and bad a** makes me all pumped up when i enter ........ get some

Report | 01/23/2012 4:48 pm


happy birthday!!!!!!!! xd

Report | 11/22/2011 12:50 pm


hey wats up with u

Report | 07/10/2011 8:24 pm


I have been alright if not tired and in pain half the time. You? Sorry I don't get on here very often but I will reply to people when I get a chance.

Report | 06/25/2011 6:28 pm


Hello. Long time no talk. How have you been?
panda harmony

Report | 06/23/2011 4:22 pm

panda harmony

hey i didnt know you were back
x3 and im glad x3

Report | 05/04/2011 7:03 pm


hey b***h give me a call cuz i want to know when your coming back down over here my number is 9562193676
panda harmony

Report | 04/27/2011 2:24 pm

panda harmony

all right i finished another one last night while watching conan <3
panda harmony

Report | 04/26/2011 1:28 pm

panda harmony

crying i cant decide which one to post theres one of a wolf i drew.... then one of your avi!!! i have lots but...i dont know gonk
Kane the fallen angel

Report | 04/04/2011 7:01 pm

Kane the fallen angel



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