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970,432 Gold
Based on recent marketplace dataPrice List Code (with avatar):
User Image
Total Value: 970,432 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Vampire's Blood Moon
Vampire Hunter Hat
Vampire Hunter Hat
Kelp o' th' Loch 2nd Gen.
Fremere's Guard
Fremere's Guard
Snowbored Pants Red
novaFlare top
Inari's Beads

Included in Price:
Vampire's Blood Moon
4,383 Gold Vampire Hunter Hat
33,938 Gold Vampire Hunter Hat
33,938 Gold Kelp o' th' Loch 2nd Gen.
67,620 Gold Fremere's Guard
246,619 Gold Fremere's Guard
246,619 Gold Snowbored Pants Red
1,780 Gold novaFlare top
2,332 Gold Inari's Beads
333,203 Gold


v2 Profiles
Edit Gaia Signature

GaiaOnline Pricing
Estimated Value:
123,350 Gold
Based on recent marketplace dataPrice List Code (with avatar):
User Image
Total Value: 123,350 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Brown Single Loop Tied Belt
Black Web Shirt
Black Musketeer Top
Fausto's Bottle 9th gen.
Black Beatnik Sandals
Colonial Pants
Oculus Magica

Included in Price:
Brown Single Loop Tied Belt
800 Gold Black Web Shirt
3,800 Gold Black Musketeer Top
11,000 Gold Fausto's Bottle 9th gen.
23,572 Gold Black Beatnik Sandals
950 Gold Colonial Pants
3,300 Gold Oculus Magica
79,928 Gold

Estimated Value:
166,395 Gold
Based on recent marketplace dataPrice List Code (with avatar):
User Image
Total Value: 166,395 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Mimzy Aura
Blu Water Bands
Orange Rainy Shorts
Dashing Gentleman Sapphire Sash
Orange Vacation Shirt
Sun Daze DarkBlue Shirt
Blue Beatnik Top
Alruna's Rose 8th Gen
Blue Galoshes
Head Case

Included in Price:
Mimzy Aura
727 Gold Blu Water Bands
800 Gold Orange Rainy Shorts
2,400 Gold Dashing Gentleman Sapphire Sash
9,000 Gold Orange Vacation Shirt
350 Gold Sun Daze DarkBlue Shirt
1,100 Gold Blue Beatnik Top
1,000 Gold Alruna's Rose 8th Gen
135,858 Gold Blue Galoshes
1,320 Gold Head Case
13,840 Gold

GaiaOnline Pricing
Estimated Value:
596,148 Gold
Based on recent marketplace dataPrice List Code (with avatar):
User Image
Total Value: 596,148 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Vampire Hunter Hat
Anima Adamantea
Blue Traveller Trousers
Order of Atlantis
Order of Atlantis
Order of Atlantis
Order of Atlantis
Order of Atlantis
Order of Atlantis

Included in Price:
Vampire Hunter Hat
35,017 Gold Nano-C
333,500 Gold Anima Adamantea
97,893 Gold Blue Traveller Trousers
2,160 Gold Order of Atlantis
21,263 Gold Order of Atlantis
21,263 Gold Order of Atlantis
21,263 Gold Order of Atlantis
21,263 Gold Order of Atlantis
21,263 Gold Order of Atlantis
21,263 Gold

GaiaOnline Pricing
Estimated Value:
962,169 Gold
Based on recent marketplace dataPrice List Code (with avatar):
User Image
Total Value: 962,169 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Anima Adamantea 2nd Gen.
Anima Adamantea
Anima Adamantea
Anima Adamantea
Mecha Form
Dark Star
Dark Star

Included in Price:
Anima Adamantea 2nd Gen.
83,667 Gold Nano-C
332,600 Gold Anima Adamantea
98,032 Gold Anima Adamantea
98,032 Gold Anima Adamantea
98,032 Gold Gimpi
194,606 Gold Mecha Form
12,950 Gold Dark Star
22,125 Gold Dark Star
22,125 Gold

Estimated Value:
571,688 Gold
Based on recent marketplace dataPrice List Code (with avatar):
User Image
Total Value: 571,688 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Mecha Form
Grizzly Hoodie
Inari's Beads

Included in Price:
Mecha Form
12,863 Gold Gimpi
194,920 Gold Grizzly Hoodie
30,920 Gold Inari's Beads
332,985 Gold

Estimated Value:
2,348,449 Gold
Based on recent marketplace dataPrice List Code (with avatar):
User Image
Total Value: 2,348,449 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Benny the Puppy
Blue Flame Shoes
Steel-plated Ninja Band
Charred Tundra Coat
Tan V Neck Wool Sweater
Brown Wrinkled Pants
Blush Clown Makeup (low)
Blush Clown Makeup (high)
Green Triangles Clown Makeup (low)

Included in Price:
Benny the Puppy
5,895 Gold Blue Flame Shoes
325 Gold Steel-plated Ninja Band
2,339,484 Gold Charred Tundra Coat
1,100 Gold Tan V Neck Wool Sweater
370 Gold Brown Wrinkled Pants
555 Gold Blush Clown Makeup (low)
240 Gold Blush Clown Makeup (high)
240 Gold Green Triangles Clown Makeup (low)
240 Gold

5,423,533 Gold
Based on recent marketplace dataPrice List Code (with avatar):
User Image
Total Value: 5,423,533 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Fox Tail
Fox Ears
Onyx Bolster Sword
Angelic Pendant
Steel-plated Ninja Band
Ancient Katana
Plasma Gear
Superior Form
Wild Things
Samurai Yoroi
Silent Night
Silent Night
Grizzly Hoodie
Grizzly Hoodie
Grizzly Hoodie
Spring Nymph
Grizzly Hoodie

Included in Price:
Fox Tail
8,469 Gold Fox Ears
7,899 Gold Onyx Bolster Sword
9,431 Gold Angelic Pendant
2,237,400 Gold Steel-plated Ninja Band
2,394,000 Gold Ancient Katana
454,875 Gold Plasma Gear
25,117 Gold Superior Form
42,400 Gold Wild Things
16,456 Gold Samurai Yoroi
11,601 Gold Silent Night
36,111 Gold Silent Night
36,111 Gold Grizzly Hoodie
29,505 Gold Grizzly Hoodie
29,505 Gold Grizzly Hoodie
29,505 Gold Spring Nymph
25,643 Gold Grizzly Hoodie
29,505 Gold

GaiaOnline Pricing
Estimated Value:
708,292 Gold
Based on recent marketplace dataPrice List Code (with avatar):
User Image
Total Value: 708,292 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Mythrill Armor
Mythrill Armor
Mythrill Armor
Mythrill Armor
Dark Star
Plasma Gear
Plasma Gear
Plasma Gear
Superior Form
Rock Hard
Holy Gauntlets
Super Powers
Super Powers
Stone Gauntlets
Stone Gauntlets
Stone Gauntlets
Silent Night
Grizzly Hoodie
Grizzly Hoodie
Wild Armor
Wild Things
Spring Nymph
Grizzly Hoodie
Fox Tail
Fox Ears

Included in Price:
Mythrill Armor
20,858 Gold Mythrill Armor
20,858 Gold Mythrill Armor
20,858 Gold Mythrill Armor
20,858 Gold Dark Star
20,250 Gold Plasma Gear
24,875 Gold Plasma Gear
24,875 Gold Plasma Gear
24,875 Gold Superior Form
40,148 Gold Rock Hard
13,175 Gold Holy Gauntlets
14,464 Gold Super Powers
16,825 Gold Super Powers
16,825 Gold Stone Gauntlets
8,917 Gold Stone Gauntlets
8,917 Gold Stone Gauntlets
8,917 Gold Silent Night
35,271 Gold Grizzly Hoodie
31,907 Gold Grizzly Hoodie
31,907 Gold Wild Armor
3,445 Gold Wild Things
15,667 Gold Spring Nymph
27,500 Gold Grizzly Hoodie
31,907 Gold Fox Tail
9,742 Gold Fox Ears
7,826 Gold Gimpi
206,625 gold

Estimated Value:
147,924 Gold
Based on recent marketplace dataPrice List Code (with avatar):
User Image
Total Value: 147,924 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Wild Armor
Wild Things
Grizzly Hoodie
Grizzly Hoodie
Grizzly Hoodie
Grizzly Hoodie

Included in Price:
Wild Armor
3,639 Gold Wild Things
16,209 Gold Grizzly Hoodie
32,019 Gold Grizzly Hoodie
32,019 Gold Grizzly Hoodie
32,019 Gold Grizzly Hoodie
32,019 Gold

Estimated Value:
24,379 Gold, 12,500 Tickets
Based on recent marketplace dataPrice List Code (with avatar):
User Image
Total Value: 24,379 Gold, 12,500 Tickets
[Item Information]

Item List:
Fox Tail
Fox Ears
Black Single Loop Tied Belt
Courted Ruff
Orange Rainy Shorts
Blue Flame Shoes
Ribbon Luv Sleeves Gold
Missy Sapphire Mini Jacket
sunFlare top

Included in Price:
Fox Tail
8,812 Gold Fox Ears
7,285 Gold Black Single Loop Tied Belt
800 Gold Courted Ruff
12,500 Tickets Orange Rainy Shorts
2,400 Gold Blue Flame Shoes
325 Gold Ribbon Luv Sleeves Gold
1,200 Gold Missy Sapphire Mini Jacket
1,225 Gold sunFlare top



  • Goof Course[221]

Dreams Avis rock check out mine

Estimated Value:
970,432 Gold
Based on recent marketplace dataPrice List Code (with avatar):
User Image
Total Value: 970,432 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Vampire's Blood Moon
Vampire Hunter Hat
Vampire Hunter Hat
Kelp o' th' Loch 2nd Gen.
Fremere's Guard
Fremere's Guard
Snowbored Pants Red
novaFlare top
Inari's Beads

Included in Price:
Vampire's Blood Moon
4,383 Gold Vampire Hunter Hat
33,938 Gold Vampire Hunter Hat
33,938 Gold Kelp o' th' Loch 2nd Gen.
67,620 Gold Fremere's Guard
246,619 Gold Fremere's Guard
246,619 Gold Snowbored Pants Red
1,780 Gold novaFlare top
2,332 Gold Inari's Beads
333,203 Gold


v2 Profiles
Edit Gaia Signature

GaiaOnline Pricing
Estimated Value:
123,350 Gold
Based on recent marketplace dataPrice List Code (with avatar):
User Image
Total Value: 123,350 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Brown Single Loop Tied Belt
Black Web Shirt
Black Musketeer Top
Fausto's Bottle 9th gen.
Black Beatnik Sandals
Colonial Pants
Oculus Magica

Included in Price:
Brown Single Loop Tied Belt
800 Gold Black Web Shirt
3,800 Gold Black Musketeer Top
11,000 Gold Fausto's Bottle 9th gen.
23,572 Gold Black Beatnik Sandals
950 Gold Colonial Pants
3,300 Gold Oculus Magica
79,928 Gold

Estimated Value:
166,395 Gold
Based on recent marketplace dataPrice List Code (with avatar):
User Image
Total Value: 166,395 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Mimzy Aura
Blu Water Bands
Orange Rainy Shorts
Dashing Gentleman Sapphire Sash
Orange Vacation Shirt
Sun Daze DarkBlue Shirt
Blue Beatnik Top
Alruna's Rose 8th Gen
Blue Galoshes
Head Case

Included in Price:
Mimzy Aura
727 Gold Blu Water Bands
800 Gold Orange Rainy Shorts
2,400 Gold Dashing Gentleman Sapphire Sash
9,000 Gold Orange Vacation Shirt
350 Gold Sun Daze DarkBlue Shirt
1,100 Gold Blue Beatnik Top
1,000 Gold Alruna's Rose 8th Gen
135,858 Gold Blue Galoshes
1,320 Gold Head Case
13,840 Gold

GaiaOnline Pricing
Estimated Value:
596,148 Gold
Based on recent marketplace dataPrice List Code (with avatar):
User Image
Total Value: 596,148 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Vampire Hunter Hat
Anima Adamantea
Blue Traveller Trousers
Order of Atlantis
Order of Atlantis
Order of Atlantis
Order of Atlantis
Order of Atlantis
Order of Atlantis

Included in Price:
Vampire Hunter Hat
35,017 Gold Nano-C
333,500 Gold Anima Adamantea
97,893 Gold Blue Traveller Trousers
2,160 Gold Order of Atlantis
21,263 Gold Order of Atlantis
21,263 Gold Order of Atlantis
21,263 Gold Order of Atlantis
21,263 Gold Order of Atlantis
21,263 Gold Order of Atlantis
21,263 Gold

GaiaOnline Pricing
Estimated Value:
962,169 Gold
Based on recent marketplace dataPrice List Code (with avatar):
User Image
Total Value: 962,169 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Anima Adamantea 2nd Gen.
Anima Adamantea
Anima Adamantea
Anima Adamantea
Mecha Form
Dark Star
Dark Star

Included in Price:
Anima Adamantea 2nd Gen.
83,667 Gold Nano-C
332,600 Gold Anima Adamantea
98,032 Gold Anima Adamantea
98,032 Gold Anima Adamantea
98,032 Gold Gimpi
194,606 Gold Mecha Form
12,950 Gold Dark Star
22,125 Gold Dark Star
22,125 Gold

Estimated Value:
571,688 Gold
Based on recent marketplace dataPrice List Code (with avatar):
User Image
Total Value: 571,688 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Mecha Form
Grizzly Hoodie
Inari's Beads

Included in Price:
Mecha Form
12,863 Gold Gimpi
194,920 Gold Grizzly Hoodie
30,920 Gold Inari's Beads
332,985 Gold

Estimated Value:
2,348,449 Gold
Based on recent marketplace dataPrice List Code (with avatar):
User Image
Total Value: 2,348,449 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Benny the Puppy
Blue Flame Shoes
Steel-plated Ninja Band
Charred Tundra Coat
Tan V Neck Wool Sweater
Brown Wrinkled Pants
Blush Clown Makeup (low)
Blush Clown Makeup (high)
Green Triangles Clown Makeup (low)

Included in Price:
Benny the Puppy
5,895 Gold Blue Flame Shoes
325 Gold Steel-plated Ninja Band
2,339,484 Gold Charred Tundra Coat
1,100 Gold Tan V Neck Wool Sweater
370 Gold Brown Wrinkled Pants
555 Gold Blush Clown Makeup (low)
240 Gold Blush Clown Makeup (high)
240 Gold Green Triangles Clown Makeup (low)
240 Gold

5,423,533 Gold
Based on recent marketplace dataPrice List Code (with avatar):
User Image
Total Value: 5,423,533 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Fox Tail
Fox Ears
Onyx Bolster Sword
Angelic Pendant
Steel-plated Ninja Band
Ancient Katana
Plasma Gear
Superior Form
Wild Things
Samurai Yoroi
Silent Night
Silent Night
Grizzly Hoodie
Grizzly Hoodie
Grizzly Hoodie
Spring Nymph
Grizzly Hoodie

Included in Price:
Fox Tail
8,469 Gold Fox Ears
7,899 Gold Onyx Bolster Sword
9,431 Gold Angelic Pendant
2,237,400 Gold Steel-plated Ninja Band
2,394,000 Gold Ancient Katana
454,875 Gold Plasma Gear
25,117 Gold Superior Form
42,400 Gold Wild Things
16,456 Gold Samurai Yoroi
11,601 Gold Silent Night
36,111 Gold Silent Night
36,111 Gold Grizzly Hoodie
29,505 Gold Grizzly Hoodie
29,505 Gold Grizzly Hoodie
29,505 Gold Spring Nymph
25,643 Gold Grizzly Hoodie
29,505 Gold

GaiaOnline Pricing
Estimated Value:
708,292 Gold
Based on recent marketplace dataPrice List Code (with avatar):
User Image
Total Value: 708,292 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Mythrill Armor
Mythrill Armor
Mythrill Armor
Mythrill Armor
Dark Star
Plasma Gear
Plasma Gear
Plasma Gear
Superior Form
Rock Hard
Holy Gauntlets
Super Powers
Super Powers
Stone Gauntlets
Stone Gauntlets
Stone Gauntlets
Silent Night
Grizzly Hoodie
Grizzly Hoodie
Wild Armor
Wild Things
Spring Nymph
Grizzly Hoodie
Fox Tail
Fox Ears

Included in Price:
Mythrill Armor
20,858 Gold Mythrill Armor
20,858 Gold Mythrill Armor
20,858 Gold Mythrill Armor
20,858 Gold Dark Star
20,250 Gold Plasma Gear
24,875 Gold Plasma Gear
24,875 Gold Plasma Gear
24,875 Gold Superior Form
40,148 Gold Rock Hard
13,175 Gold Holy Gauntlets
14,464 Gold Super Powers
16,825 Gold Super Powers
16,825 Gold Stone Gauntlets
8,917 Gold Stone Gauntlets
8,917 Gold Stone Gauntlets
8,917 Gold Silent Night
35,271 Gold Grizzly Hoodie
31,907 Gold Grizzly Hoodie
31,907 Gold Wild Armor
3,445 Gold Wild Things
15,667 Gold Spring Nymph
27,500 Gold Grizzly Hoodie
31,907 Gold Fox Tail
9,742 Gold Fox Ears
7,826 Gold Gimpi
206,625 gold

GaiaOnline Pricing
Estimated Value:
114,606 Gold
Based on recent marketplace dataPrice List Code (with avatar):
User Image
Total Value: 114,606 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Superior Form
Super Powers
Devil Imp Potion
Celebrity Snare Snoop Dogg's Dobermans
Stompin' Black Work Boots
Dark Jean Bandana Print Cap
Tsunami KO Classic Jacket
Wingding (phase one)
Black Saggy Jeans

Included in Price:
Superior Form
38,113 Gold Super Powers
17,465 Gold Devil Imp Potion
24,000 Gold Celebrity Snare Snoop Dogg's Dobermans
13,000 Gold Cuttlephones
474 Gold Stompin' Black Work Boots
1,680 Gold Dark Jean Bandana Print Cap
2,820 Gold Tsunami KO Classic Jacket
3,600 Gold Wingding (phase one)
10,334 Gold Black Saggy Jeans
3,120 Gold

Estimated Value:
147,924 Gold
Based on recent marketplace dataPrice List Code (with avatar):
User Image
Total Value: 147,924 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Wild Armor
Wild Things
Grizzly Hoodie
Grizzly Hoodie
Grizzly Hoodie
Grizzly Hoodie

Included in Price:
Wild Armor
3,639 Gold Wild Things
16,209 Gold Grizzly Hoodie
32,019 Gold Grizzly Hoodie
32,019 Gold Grizzly Hoodie

Estimated Value:
24,379 Gold, 12,500 Tickets
Based on recent marketplace dataPrice List Code (with avatar):
User Image
Total Value: 24,379 Gold, 12,500 Tickets
[Item Information]

Item List:
Fox Tail
Fox Ears
Black Single Loop Tied Belt
Courted Ruff
Orange Rainy Shorts
Blue Flame Shoes
Ribbon Luv Sleeves Gold
Missy Sapphire Mini Jacket
sunFlare top

Included in Price:
Fox Tail
8,812 Gold Fox Ears
7,285 Gold Black Single Loop Tied Belt
800 Gold Courted Ruff
12,500 Tickets Orange Rainy Shorts
2,400 Gold Blue Flame Shoes
325 Gold Ribbon Luv Sleeves Gold
1,200 Gold Missy Sapphire Mini Jacket
1,225 Gold sunFlare top

32,019 Gold Grizzly Hoodie
32,019 Gold


View All Comments

BooYeah- kun Report | 03/30/2010 7:01 am
BooYeah- kun

Advance HAPPY B-DAY meh fryend...
Taylor_Lady Report | 06/09/2009 6:42 am
thanks for buying
Fancy Crystal snowangel Report | 06/08/2009 3:51 pm
Fancy Crystal snowangel
Fancy Crystal snowangel Report | 06/08/2009 3:50 pm
Fancy Crystal snowangel
ok got them
Fancy Crystal snowangel Report | 06/08/2009 3:47 pm
Fancy Crystal snowangel
lol its ok i really dont want that much anymore
Fancy Crystal snowangel Report | 06/08/2009 3:42 pm
Fancy Crystal snowangel
o lol u didnt it was my choice to buy the stuff
wyrker Report | 06/07/2009 12:38 pm
sure m8 add me
wyrker Report | 06/07/2009 12:20 pm
np m8 =)
atrix heartless Report | 06/06/2009 7:03 am
atrix heartless
shoes yes black goth shoes male
atrix heartless Report | 06/05/2009 5:46 pm
atrix heartless
black goth mabey


halo200003's avatar

Birthday: 03/30


i am Gara dont mess with me

we r all stars

Estimated Value:
24,379 Gold, 12,500 Tickets
Based on recent marketplace dataPrice List Code (with avatar):
User Image
Total Value: 24,379 Gold, 12,500 Tickets
[Item Information]

Item List:
Fox Tail
Fox Ears
Black Single Loop Tied Belt
Courted Ruff
Orange Rainy Shorts
Blue Flame Shoes
Ribbon Luv Sleeves Gold
Missy Sapphire Mini Jacket
sunFlare top

Included in Price:
Fox Tail
8,812 Gold Fox Ears
7,285 Gold Black Single Loop Tied Belt
800 Gold Courted Ruff
12,500 Tickets Orange Rainy Shorts
2,400 Gold Blue Flame Shoes
325 Gold Ribbon Luv Sleeves Gold
1,200 Gold Missy Sapphire Mini Jacket
1,225 Gold sunFlare top