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The Adventures of the Lonely Organization

On my quest to find more organization members I will up date my journal on all of my findings.

Great Role Playing Guild


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AxelLeaGotItMemorized8 Report | 02/26/2018 4:59 am
Hi I seen your roleplaying guild forum and hopefully ya still interested in recruiting because your Axel has arrived! Btw love the character!))
iForbiddenTie Report | 08/09/2010 10:30 pm
Or I can Weild a keyblade!Dont see any other keyblade weilders, Sorry about bugginng you though, No one is responding to my guild join request, And please comment back if you are reading this
iForbiddenTie Report | 08/09/2010 10:00 pm
And PS add me into the guild, Dont know if your the owner of it,But either way,Add me, I wanna be in the organization, My outfit looks a little different because....Well just read my about me in profile x3 Well yeah I cant reply in any of the forums,And my element is Kitsune, Everything else good is TAKEN! gonk Well, Yeah I turn into a fox and eat the **** out of you stare
iForbiddenTie Report | 08/09/2010 8:28 pm
I know your real name.... *Waves hand...Er, Paw in the air with the word Hanxtan, The X dissapears and all the letters swirl around, Stopping at the name, "Nathan"
MooMooMilq Report | 08/02/2010 4:35 pm
Hey i love how your profile its layed out and how you give a discription of your avi so well.
Love kingdom hearts! biggrin
digisand Report | 07/21/2010 2:09 pm
hello i am a friend idk i forgot i was wondering if i could join ur guild
XxRoxas_samaxX Report | 09/19/2009 6:00 am
i am roxas
Orre Champion Monty Report | 08/29/2009 8:39 pm
Orre Champion Monty
well thanks
Skullnoise Report | 08/29/2009 5:53 pm
plz join my guild
Skullnoise Report | 08/29/2009 5:27 pm
k thax

Hanxtan, The Logical Tactition

Hanxtan's avatar


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Personal History

"When a person loses their heart, the empty shell they leave behind is called a Nobody. A person with a particularly strong heart's Nobody retains its human form. Organization XIII is a group of such Nobodys that controlls all the lesser Nobodys. They are emotionless, calculating, and extraordinarily strong." Loseing your heart is a tough ordeal. Memories are lost and all the things that make you human are stripped from you. At first being a Nobody felt weird then after a while I had gotten use to it. Once I accepted the fact that I was a nobody I start to think about how lucky I was to still look and think like a human instead of being a mass of darkness that runs around blindly devouring the hearts of the unsuspecting and not truely knowing my purpose. Then that thought brings me to the relization that I don't really know my purpose either, I meen yeah I fight but why do I fight? I guess it is one of those things in which I will never know. I found a group of Nobodies just like me they also seek their purpose in life, they call them selves The Organization. After a few years of working with The Organization I grew sick of doing there dealings and decided to find my higher purpose. "I am tired of the Organization, seriously what is the point of killing this Sora kid? Sure he was chosen by the Keyblade to be it's wielder but what does that matter to me?" Those were my thoughts the day I left the Organization, now I regret ever letting them enter my mind. A group followed me, who also seeked their purpose to live, but we all went our seperate ways. Sure being away from The Organization was great because I had the freedom to truely find the life I was looking for. So a few years passed by and I still had not found my reason to live so I decided it was time to return to The Organization I was sure that the Sora kid was dead already and that they had moved on to much bigger plans. So I return expecting the Organization to be as powerful as it ever was. Well I was wrong to think that, everything had been destroyed. So as I sat at the ruined remains of Castle Oblivion trying to figure out what could have possibly happend, out of nowhere Saix revealed himself. He explained to me the fall of the Organization and how they changed it's name, after I left with my group, to "Organization XIII" this really didn't suprise because Xemnas would do something like that. What did suprise me was the fact that the little boy who I under estimated so long ago wiped out most of "Organization XIII". So me and Saix devised a plan. I would search for the Members that left with me and we would finnally Kill Sora and his freind Riku then ultimately rebuild our Organization. A few months of searching passed by and I returned empty handed. When I returned to Addled Impass, our chosen meeting spot, I had noticed that it seemed to be in worse condition then before so I didn't pay any attention to it and waited for Saix. After an acceptable amount of time passed I assumed that he had been killed and that explained why Addled Impass looked like it did. So now I search alone for old members or new Nobodies. With the main goal of Rebuilding The Organization and finishing Sora and his friends once and for all.

Character Info

Name: Hanxtan

Height: Stands Close to 6 Feet Tall

Weight:220 lbs.

Motto:"There is a perfect weapon for every situation."

Element: Steel/Metal

Weapon: User ImageDark Star

Weapon Info:Dark Star is a tool of destruction formed by the body of Hanxtan. It is as much of a part of him as he is a part of it. It is so much a part of him that he can control it's movements and actions as well as he could his arm. Hanxtan's elemental power of steel allows him to craft the Dark Star into any form he finds suitable. The smaller the form of the Dark Star is, the more powerful it is. The bigger the form of the Dark Star is, the weaker it is due to the distrubution mass. The ability to phase anywhere within 100 feet away from Hanxtan's current position is one of the Dark Star's greatest strengths. It can be call upon at any point in time of Hanxtans choosing and in any hand of Hanxtan's choosing with no delay. When Hanxtan does not have the Dark Star active it is absorbed into his body makeing his skin harder then steel, granting Hanxtan incredible strength, and causing him to have high resistance to many forms of attack. Hanxtan is constantly trying to think of new inventive ways to use his abilities.

Nobody: The Former falls under the same basic idea that Hanxtan himself plays on, the idea of having the right tool for the situation as hand. All though the Former has many strengths, like everything else it also has it's weaknesses but only through first hand experience will they be found. The Former as it's name indicates has many different concepts it plays behind and a few different variations.
Appearance Form
User ImageIn appearance form the Former doesn't have the ability to do alot. This is simply because this form is the preperation stage, in which Hanxtan chooses the next form of the Former.
Build Form
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This stage is when construction takes place. Build Form is simply the time between Appearance Form and Birth Form.
Birth Form 1
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Birth Form 1, refered to as Silver by Hanxtan, the Nobody formed is extremly agile, quick, athletic, with a medium attack power. Most often Hanxtan will use Silver as a scout to scope out areas.
Birth Form 2
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Birth Form 2, refered to as Metal by Hanxtan, the Nobody formed is normal pace with high attack power. The defining characteristic of this form is the saw and sheild that are placed on the hands. Hanxtan uses Metal for pushing back enemies and close range fighting.
Birth Form 3
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Birth Form 3, called Steel, is the basic tank class in Hanxtan's Nobody arsenal. With extremely well defense and the highest attack of all of Former's forms, Steel is extremely slow to move but has fairly high range capabilities with the attached mini gun.
Birth Form 4
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Platinum, the absolute strongest form of Hanxtan's Former Nobody. Platinum is usually only called on as a last desperation effort from Hanxtan. Once Platinum is built Hanxtan steps forward into the shell of Platinum and takes complete control of the creature. Platinum acts basically as the Dark Star it's self would. Using the dark energy from Hanxtan himself, Platinum has the ability to shift into any form that Hanxtan wishes. As mass distribution is a weakness of Dark Star, that does not apply in Platinum form. In this form Hanxtan becomes the items he wishes to form into, Hanxtan takes on every characteristic of Dark Star.

The New Organization Members

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