
Happyplushie's avatar

Registered: 08/26/2006

Gender: Female

Location: Somewhere Everywhere


im one happy plushie


msg- -add- -comment- -trade.

O M G ! Plushie?! <---clicky here

My life story;;

Ello! Since you're here at my profile you must want to know about me, right? Well, i am random and weird at times. But hey, what the hell I like being weird it makes me different from everyone else. My favorite color? Hmm...I like a lot of colors. But the color that I like the most is white. White is prettiful! And it goes with every color! So does black but I like white much better xP. I'm Asian, ASIAN PRIDE! And I'm viet. VIET PRIDE! xD I blow candles on April twenty-first. I used to be Christina_xox, S T A R L I T E S L U V, iDevilcookie, HALO PANDAxLUV, and fruitychews. IKR! lots of name changing lol. Now, I am just Happyplushie, my friend told me to use this name because I have way to much plushies! xD I love singing...but I don't sing in front of people I'm not comfortable with and when I sing in front of other people and they notice I get really embarrassed because I think that i am not good. I've been on gaia since 2k6 so yea...a long time. Since I go to art class, I must love drawing right? Yes, of course I do!!!! But the thing is... I can't draw people good. So that's why I got to art class..TO BECOME BETTER! xD My weakness? Uhh I can't come up with beautiful designs like my friends such as clothing, avi's, etc. (if I copy you a bit or a lot it means plushie luvs you!) But sometimes, I do come up with my own designs and sometimes it comes out beautiful and sometimes crappy xD Since I talked about ALL of this you must want to know my age right? Uhh hmm what can I say some people know and some people don't and for the people that don't...Age is but a number. Well, this is a lot so you must have a LOT of time and i am just wasting it so, BAII x3

My dream ☆
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Stuff that are left-HELP ME PLEASE!
White Body Dye
Pale Marionette
Demonic Pendant
Nice Style For Work
Panda Slippers


questing people's kindness >-<

Hi! Check out plushie's distant dreams thread okay?
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plushie's stalkers >-<
