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NOT A N00B! I Was `Painful Bliss` But Got Hacked! Thats Why The Avi Looks So Crappy

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Im The One & Only, Hardcore Party Princess!
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Welcome To My.
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I Dont Deal With Haters I Wont Deal Wtith Them or There Shiiit!

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I Love Love Loveeeeee Disneyyyyy!

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Im Bi, And Im Proud! And If You Have A Problem With It...Turn Around And Get Off My Page!

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I Hate War Crime And Anything Like It. Dont Do It!! Just Go Make A ******** Cup Cake!

How would you like to be killed for your skin?
Have your balls ripped out without pain meds.
Hang upsidedown with your throat slit bleeding to death.
Oh, So you wouldn't like that?
What makes you think that animals would?
Is it because they cant talk like we do?
They still have feelings, they hurt, they scream!
What justifies our tourturing of our own kind?
If you have a heart you will do something about animal abuse.
If you havent seen what some animals go through to get to your stomach go and watch at least one vid from peda.
They are horrid and gory, so be prepared.
Im not telling you to go vegitarian or vegan.
But do what you can to help stop animal cruelty.

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Im Goin To Make A Long About Meh, So You Better Read It All!
The Names Madison Paige Killian
Im not A Simple Girl. never have been, never will be
Im a Nice person
Dont Walk In To my Life, if Your Just Goin To Walk Right Back Out
Southern Hospitality.
Ever Heard Of It?
It Means That
I Have Manners,
I'm Polite,
I Appriciate Manners!
I Dont Put Pics Of Me On My Pro. Cause ppl could ******** stalk me or take them! You want to see them you will have to PM me.
Im not very bright
Im shy, it takes me a while to open up to ppl
Im sad alot, but i try to be as happy as possible
Love my friendz, they are better then yours!
Its Ok Really, No Need To Be Jealous
I like the color black, but still like bright color, such as Orange And Lime Green
I like anime,Cartoons
I like to read, But im not a book worm or anything like that
I guess im pretty smart
I hate school
I Go To Arndt, 8th Grade
Ill be a Freshman At St.Stephens Next Year. Dramas Gayyy I Try No To Get In It, But it always seems to find me.
Call Me What You Want, i really dont care
Love Meh?? Thanks! Hate Meh??I Bet You Do!
I like love to meet new ppl
I love music, Its most of my life
My Moocher [Amanda} Means The World To Me, Mess with her one word DEAD
I Dont Like To Be Single, But im not a whore
I dont keep Bf's long, i Cant Find One To Stick I Love To Jump On The Trampoline!!! So Muchhh Funnn
I Love Kittys
Comments Are Better Then messages
I Have To Wear A Head Band All The Time
The Big Head Bands
I Love Boys <33
But They Are So Weird
Lots Of Ppl Say Im Weird And Odd And Strange
And I Know I Am, And im proud of it
If Your Over The Age Of 18, I WONT Add You, so dont bother
If i dont reply to a message or comment you sent me. its cause i dont have time for you crap. And sorry.
I Will Be Your Friend [Maybe]
Im On Myspace Alot, Its Like An Addction
I Have A Life, If your Not In my Life, You Should Be
OMG I Love Hate The Color Pink With A Burning Passion
I Might Be One Of The Only Girls In The World To Not Like That Color.
I Hate Hugs And Kisses And Things Like That, I Only Hugs My Friends.
Im Not Real Loveing
I Hate, But Love My Ex Bf...
I Love Me Girl Katie!!! Shes Da Bomb!
No One Has My Heart Has My ♥
I Have A Stuffed Bunny I Sleep With, And Im Not Ashamed To Say It. His Names Thumper, Like from the movie Bambi
Im A Fast Typer
I Hate When ppl Dont Reply To A Mesg Fast.
I Love Computer Talk, OMG LOL LMAO, Like yeahhhh
The Color Blue Is Fun, Tarheel Blue, Go Tarheels!!
I Love The Boom Boom Boom Song, And The Doom Song
I Sing All The Time Anytime, Anywere And Everywere, And if you dont like it. Dont listen
I Randomly Burst Out In Song, Or Dance :]
I hate my comp, its slower then a freaking turtle
I Listen When ppl Talk, And I Talk Alot
Got A Problem?? Come To Me I Will Be Glad To Help You Out
Most Of The Time Im Not 2 Faced, But If Honey You Want To Be 2 Faced Lets Make One Of Them Pretty [mine]
Nothing Can Shock Me, And I Mean Nothing
Mess With My Family?? Your DEAD
Monkeys are cool, and so are frogs and turtles
I Like To Draw And Color :]
Im A Kid At Heart
I Love Kids, Cant Wait To Be A Mommy
But Will Wait
I can be a b***h. but only when you make me! So please loves dont make me.
Ill call you bby hun sweetie and love. but that dont mean i like you or anything. its just who i am!
I Have My Own opinion on life. and so do you
If oyu dont like mine then Deal
Im Christian, I Dont Go To Church As Much As I Should, But Im Still A Strong Christian
I Dont lie To My Friends, Maybe To My Parents
I Love To Make ppl Laugh!!!!!!
ill Laugh At Anything, When I Laugh I Squeak, its kinda cool
I Love Skater Shoes, Cant Skate, Wish I Could
Van's ♥♥♥
My friends always always always come first!
I love to use quotes to tell ppl about myself.
or songs.
Be in highschool next year
[woot woot]
i rock big sun glasses and riped jeans!
but also rock sweats and a hoodie.
Soo my style is really all my own.
and it changes alot.
just like i change alot.
i love ppl with bright colored hair!
I can be a princess i have my girly girl moments.
But im also i tomboy too.
Makeup is fakeup but i still wear it.
It makes me more pretty then i already am.
We Are The Youth Of The Nation.
Lets Start Trying To Make This A World Worth Living For.
--Message for all you upperclassmen who treat freshmen like s**t: Get The ******** Over Yourselves! I Mean JESUS CHRIST! How Did Being Degraded When You Were A Freshman Feel? Yeah, Thats What I Thought. Stop ******** Beating Up On Us. Thank You
I want my nose and lip periced but my parents wont let me!
I loveeeee the 90's and the 80's
♥Guts Gore and Glamour♥
I believe in Karma, it will always come back to bite you in the a**!
Im affectionate.
I Dont Hold Grudges, unless you like totally ******** up my life
I hate to be at home!! If i am at home. Im in my room looking outside. I love nature
I'm standing on the edge,
and you're about to make me fall.
Whether Im pushed or I jump.
You'll be blamed for my death.
You pushed me too far,
and I hate you for that.
like raindow hair :]
I live for the moment.
I dont take thing one step at a time.
I take it one big jump.
And if i fall i fall.
Ill get back up and make the same mistake all over again.
Im always on gaia.
But that dont mean that im at my comp or that i have the time to talk to you.
I like lollipops and glowsticks.
When i'm bored I like to sit on my window ledge and look at the stars,hoping that you might be looking at them too.
People hurt me everyday, So i wouldn't give a ******** if you do, I'm used to it.
Life sucks, No s**t!! Get over it and stop complaining.
I always want what i cant have, but try to get it anyway.
you can read all of my About me. or read the first few lines and stop. i dont care. but if you do read it YAY someone cares
Dont like fakes, i like ppl who beleive in themseves and in others
My problems make up my Perfection
And ill warn you i have alot of problems
I hate people who make fun of people, they just need to get a life.
DoNt tYPe lIkE a ******** rEtArD!
i HaTe PeOplE WhO TyPe lIkE tHIs i ALreaDy kNoW I'Ll hAtE YoU So PE@cE OUT~!
You dont want to be me, you cant be me so dont try!
Dont think im just a sweet lil girl
Cause im not.
I can be a evil lil b***h a** perv!
So get over it.
Don't call me a f** because being gay isnt an insult to me.
And i hate it when ppl call me a f** hag. Cause its nothing to me.
So dont ******** bother.
I cuss alot.
I'm Nosy, I have to know everything.
And if i dont ill stick my nose where it dont belong to find it all.
Please Dont Ask Me To Holla At Your Boi. I Will Most Likley Not Holler At You, inless i like you.
I bet im you worst ******** nightmare! Or Ultimate WetDream...
I Fall Off My Bed Alot, Im clumsy
I Tell ppl Things They Dont Need To Know, And Dont Want To Hear
I Put Alot Of Time Into My Myspace
I Work Really Hard On It, So If You Dont Like It, Keep That To Yourself Please
If Your A Loser, Your A Winner
If Your A Winner, Your A Winner
I Smile Even When Im Sad
I Love My Teeth
This World Got Better On 8-20-93 :]
When I Talk I Start Rambling. And You Just Need To Tell Me To Shut Up
Most Of The Time I Stay Locked Up In My Room, Unless Its The Weekend, Then Its partyyyyy
My Fav Day Is Monday
Halloween Is Like The Best Holiday Ever
Bojangles Fries, mmmmmm Yummmy
When I Sneeze I Scare ppl
I Have Glasses, Dont Wear Them
Im A Total Dork, And Proud Of It
I Have Anger Problems
I Cry Way To Much, so be gentle
My Mood Changes Alot
I Love Black And White Movies
I Love PopCorn
You Can Get Me To Try Anything Almost Once
I Have To Have Everything On my Pro Centered
I Like To Talk About Myself, And Talk About Others
But I Hate Rumers, Think There All Bull
My Life Is Always Up And Down
I Will Tell You My Problems, Even if you Dont Listen
Never Call Me Madison
Room Is A Mess, Always
I Want A Duck, Do They Have Blue Ducks?
Have No Clue What BALLIN Is But Say It All The Time
Know What Ballin Means?? Tell Me
Blonde, Enough Said!
Very Hyper, Over Hyper, Okay wayyyy to hyperrr
Love To Look At The Stars,And The Moon
Please Keep my Name Out Of Your Dirty Mouth
I Sound Country, Im A Country Type Of Girl
I Love Dirt, Dont Care TO Get Dirty
I Hate To Be Bored
I Cry My Eyes Out At The Movies
Or A Laugh My @$$ Off At The Movies
Give Me A Good Country Love Song, Im A Happy Girl
Love At First Site?? Helll Yeahhh
Im VERY Random, I Like To Say Wanka Wanka
Broke?? Chyeahhhhh I Am To, Go Ask Someone Else
Boyys Are STUPID, But You Got To Love Them
I Have Had A Broken Heart Before
I Know That It Really Hurts
I Dont Have A Nic Name
Maddie Is What Most ppl Call Me
There Is This thing Called Respect, I Demand It
Listen To The Song Missin You, By First Lady
Im So NOT Normal, Not At All
The Past Sucks, The Present Is Ok, The Future Who Knows
I Live Life Day By Day, And Take Things Fast
Sweets??, Not My Thing
I Like To Go To The Mall And Be Crazy, And Scare ppl
Beer?, No Thankz
I Say Lalalalala Alot, i know its weird.
I send Random friends request/comments/Pm's
if you dont like that then deal.
I can be a b***h and i know i can. but i try not to.
I have my emo and gangsterrr moments. I think we all do.
Some call me a prep or some call me a emo.
But if you love me then you will just call me maddie!
im not mean im just honest.
I love to tease, and sometimes to please.
I always speak my mind.
I dont eat meat. No Fish No Chicken No Cows Or Poor lil pigs
i dance. Wayyy better then you!
i like animals
i loveeee to sleep in and stay up late
I Hate It When ppl Say Something Then Say, Just Kidding
I Love Animals, But Allergic To Anything With Fur
When I Say Im Going To Do Something I Do It
I Think Hate Is A Strong Word, But Use It Alot
I Think Love Is A Strong Word, Use It Like Never, So If I Say I Love You, Be Lucky
Scared Of Elevators, Omg I Hate Them
Im Always cold
Im Freezing At 70, And Burn Up At 75
But Love The Winter, And The Pretty White Snow
I Hate Paris Hilton But Cant Stop Listening To Her Songs
Parents Are A Draggg, I Dont Know What There Problem Is
I Hide Things Alot
Lifes Freaking Hard And I Know It!
Im Always Myself
Am I Talking To Much?? Tell Me
Cell Phone?? Always With Me, Want The Number??, I [Might] Give It To You
Ipod?? Yeahh Has Like 400 Songs On It
Make-up?? Yeahh Love Eye Liner, Have To Have It
Wanna Talk Trash??, I Can Talk Trash
Wanna Fight??, Yeahhhh I Can Fight
My music is not noise, Its music
I love my family, Just feel like my family forgets me
Im A Grammer freak.
Judge Me! i'll Provee You Wrong
Tell me What to do! i'll Tell You Off.
Say im Not Worth it! Watch Where i End Up.
Call me a b***h. i'll Show You One.
******** me over. i'll do it to You Twice As Bad.
Call me Crazyy. but You Really have no Idea!
Send me A message If u must!!


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 01/19/2008 2:35 am


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Report | 09/05/2007 10:54 pm


Um yeah i DONT do gaia anymore.

only myspace

Report | 09/01/2007 7:16 pm


hey nice pg!

Report | 07/13/2007 10:14 am


Hey, you haven't had any any comments in almost a month, so here's a comment. User Image

Report | 06/19/2007 8:14 am


hey you it's me dale from myspace =3

Report | 06/15/2007 8:55 am


just odnt hate hackers cuz i hack people onr unescape all the time

*stabbed* mwahahahahahahahah is tabed a kitty

wtf am i tlaking aobut?
Twisted Panda

Report | 06/14/2007 12:35 pm

Twisted Panda

I'm sorry to hear that you got hacked, s**t that's an awful things too hapeen, hopefully you didnt lose alot of s**t becuz of this bull s**t
TeH cRaZy CoOkIe

Report | 06/11/2007 12:39 am

TeH cRaZy CoOkIe

Wow you have NO comments
Pillage n Plunder

Report | 06/10/2007 10:49 am

Pillage n Plunder

Zach4u or whatever the hell your name is, learn to type.

Report | 06/06/2007 7:30 am


hello ^_^


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