story of my life

im Ali, 14 years of age and already scared of growing old. I live in Ohio but don't expect me to stay for long, im constantly moving. I'm worth getting to know. I dont know were im going in life but im bound to see. I go through life with my head in the clouds. Id choose fantasy over reality any day.I want to make an impact in someones life, i want to make a difference. There isnt a thing id change about myself other then being scared of the dark at the age of 14. Im my own person, always will be. "in order to be irreplaceable one must always be different"- coco chanel. I think things happen for a reason. People change so you learn to let go... Things go wrong so you appreciate them when they're right You believe lies to trust no one but yourself. Good things fall apart so better things can fall together. Live life to the fullest, there's no getting a second chance. .. ....

my friends mean the world to me, (:

