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I'm taken and loving it.
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Issues that are important to me;;

AIDS awareness
AIDS;; a disease of the immune system characterized by increased susceptibility to opportunistic infections, as pneumocystis carinii pneumonia and candidiasis, to certain cancers, as Kaposi's sarcoma, and to neurological disorders: caused by a retrovirus and transmitted chiefly through blood or blood products that enter the body's bloodstream, esp. by sexual contact or contaminated hypodermic needles.


My organization is Product(RED). This organization is dedicated to donating money towards preventing AIDS, Malaria, and other fatal diseases to Africa, and other third world countries.
Items that I have that are dedicated to Product(RED);;
Shoes ||Converse||
Shirts ||Two.||
-One shirt is red, and it says (2 Weeks) on the front of it. It is made of 100% African Cotton, and the cost of the shirt is equivalent to the cost of two weeks of AIDS medication, giving two more weeks of hope to one person somewhere in the world.
-The second shirt is gray, and says Product(RED), and (RED) all over it. I've forgotten what this one goes towards.
My iPod
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^Click for more information on Product(RED)^

Gay Marriage
Homosexual;; of, pertaining to, or noting the same sex.

I support gay marriage. This subject is important to me for the mere fact that it's huge in the rest of the world. It's nice to know where I stand on subjects such as this.
Gays, lesbians, and bisexuals are people, just like the straight people in the world. Sexuality makes no difference in my opinion towards people. I'm not prejudice because of what gender your crush is, and I never will be.
If you decide you'd like to get into a deep discussion with me on this subject, then please, feel free to PM me and we can talk. Be warned, though.
I'm not a nice person if you decide to disagree with me.

Racism;; a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.

The color of your skin makes no difference. If we were all purple, then color wouldn't matter. I'm completely against it, but natural instinct tell me not to fully trust some races, including my own. This is not meant to offend, it's just the truth. Everyone should have the same chance as the next, so if you feel the need to do something, don't ever be discouraged by your race. Laugh in someone's face if they try to discriminate against you, because they have absolutely no life.
: DD

Sexism;; discrimination or devaluation based on a person's sex, as in restricted job opportunities; esp., such discrimination directed against women.

Now, this is not just against women. It's against men, too. However, I feel strongly towards this subject purely because I have personally been struck by sexism many times in my life.
For example, in pre-school I was sitting not to far from a group of boys. They started acting like wolves, howling and such, so I joined in. However, they all stopped, and told me that I couldn't howl with them because I was a girl. It was terrible. Though, proving my determination, when they started howling again I returned to my howling as well. They left me alone after a few times.
: D

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Major, important things about me that you should know before you try contacting me;;

My age is seventeen. This will only change on the date of January twenty-first of 2010. Nothing will change before that, so if you have a problem with my age, don't bother speaking to me. In any way, shape, or form.

I am a girl. Going back to the whole sexism s**t, if you've got a problem with the fact that I've got boobs and v****a, then ******** you. Just give me a place and time, and I'll be there.
; D

I curse. I don't have a sailor's mouth, but I will wear occasionally. If this offends someone, then that's fine. It really isn't my problem. However, if you would still like to talk, request that I stay away from cursing. It usually only tends to happen when I lost my temper, but not often other than that.

Speaking of it, I've got a short temper. Also, I'm easily offended. I take things personally. I have this little hormone called estrogen, and this gives me instincts that tell me to take certain things more personally than others. However, don't take this that I don't have a sense of humor.
I do.

I am the youngest of four. One is my whole sister. Her name is Natalie, and she's twenty-something. Can't ever keep track of her age, really. She's the closest to my age out of the four siblings. I don't like her much, but I will tolerate her when needed.
Then there's Jessica, and she's twenty-eight. Or nine. I dunno. She's my favorite person. Ever. She's a tattoo artist in Northern California her art is amazing, and she's got her own CD coming out soon.
Here's a couple of examples of her art!
XxX xXx

Finally, I have a brother. His name is Jeremy, he's thirty-three, married, lives in Vegas, and has two kids. He's pretty cool. He and I connect through our taste in music.
: DD

My favorite animal is a cat. Don't dis cats around me, because I will cut off your puny pixilated head. : DD
I have two cats, currently. There's a rather harsh reality behind my kitties, though.
I used to have four, one at each of my parent's house. Then, my beloved cat K.C. died of cancer. He was fifteen, and I miss him dearly. Then, my favorite kitty Leo ran away. He was oh, so sweet. He was the only cat that would curl up in my hap. E> Finally, Lilly ran away. She was a mommy cat, and when you would put your hand up to her nose she would start licking you. It was so sweet.
Now, all that are left are Emily and Mushu.
I love both of my remaining cats, and miss the ones that are no longer here.





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The little things;;

My absolute favorite color is red. No particular reason, I just enjoy the feeling that it gives me inside.
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My favorite candy is Warheads. I LOVE sour. It's my thing. ; D I've always loved warheads, and the most that I've ever put in my mouth is five. I got a few blisters. =/ My favorite flavor is lemon or apple. The blue tastes funny, and I hate Black Cherry. Eeewie.
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I am a dancer. See?
X x X x X x

Now, I've been at this whole dance thing for nearly twelve years, and I love it.
It doesn't take up all my time, however. I'm also in theatre. Though, this section is about dance. I've taken part in many styles, such as Ballet, tap, jazz, Irish step, Ceili, Hip-Hop, Modern, Tango, Salsa, Waltz, Westcoast Swing, and Cha-Cha. I enjoy it to the fullest capacity. I have also had my pointe shoes for about five years now.

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I am a fairly dark person, though I do enjoy the silver lining of life. I love being happy, but I'm not constantly smiling. This does not mean that something is wrong with me, it just means that I'm not happy.
Not being happy doesn't make me unhappy, it just makes me a cold, emotionless person until someone comes along to cheer me up.
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The first thing that I notice on a guy are his eyes. The second is his personality. The third how he treats the people around him.

I wear make-up, and a lot of it. My favorite make-up to do is my eyes.
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I am spontaneous and random. You can never predict what I'm going to do next.
Wanna know how I know?
Because half the time I don't even know what I'm going to do next.
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I hate feet. But I love shoes. EE>
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My favorite flower is the lilly.
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I'm anti-bush. I think that the reason we're at war is his fault. On that note, I'm a ******** democrat.
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Coffeee is heaven. Starbucks is the seventh level of heaven.
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I'm a creative person, and I think that the mind is what can make you or break you.
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Sex lives within us all. Get over it.
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Everyone has fetishes. I have many. Most of them I don't even know. Won't you help me find them? ; D
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I'm done for now. E>
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Viewing 12 of 13 friends


Harlequin Genocide's Journal


At the moment: Being used for a role play profile hub.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 02/07/2010 3:04 am


can i buy ur angelic manner for 267k?
Drei Harte

Report | 01/21/2010 5:26 am

Drei Harte

Happy Birfleday!
I go sleeps and then do class and the interviews.
Drei Harte

Report | 01/05/2010 2:09 am

Drei Harte

Glad I made you smile. And the tattoo will be awesome. Just been thinking a lot, and I realized, yeah, I've gotten progressively shallow, so that's just a fair heads up. I'm not that different except for the fact that I more readily admit that I'm a teenager. sweatdrop But other than that, I'm still the same old Jono.

Yes, neck will hurt, but the tree sounds awesome!
Drei Harte

Report | 01/05/2010 2:03 am

Drei Harte

Class started today. Full schedule is on Facebook for now.

Things are ok. My mom is flipping out as Per-Status Quo. Hate the roomie.

Nothins changed though. Been gambling a bit.

How are things with you.

And as for summer, it's more than a 50/50 possibility, pending on how the year goes.
Drei Harte

Report | 01/05/2010 1:57 am

Drei Harte

Just dropping by for a quick, how-di-do.

Report | 11/26/2009 2:37 pm


i see what your talking about, but not to sound like a christmas scroug or anything but if i do a bet for 250k and i win then i expext 250k not 225k? same as i would expect other people to do for me, but if people really want small gift back then i woulbd ne happy too

Report | 11/26/2009 2:29 pm


well, how much would propose i GB on a 5k bet?

Report | 11/26/2009 2:27 pm


um, ok.....i only GB on bets over 10k though?

Report | 11/26/2009 2:24 pm



Report | 11/26/2009 2:21 pm


hey, if you dont mind me asking, who made you that banner that you used in the casino?


'When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will see peace.'

Russian Love is one of the most beautiful pieces of art I have ever seen.

Currently;; Suffering from a massive headache.