Harlequin of Chaos

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So, basically, I am 22 years old. I live in Canada and am in school for music. That's all you get to know about me for now. If you want to know more, try messaging me, or hit me up in a roleplay. Yeah, I love to roleplay, so you can usually find me somewhere in the forums. ^_^

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As the title says, this is just whatever. Anything I feel like putting up here, it shall go here.


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Ehrinn Report | 07/21/2010 12:02 am
Queen Rhapsodyof Atlantis Report | 05/04/2010 5:36 pm
Queen Rhapsodyof Atlantis
*glomp* I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!! And I misses you too. Can't wait till June!!!!!!
Fammikins Report | 04/10/2010 2:13 am
You haven't had a comment in awhile.
Clover is Report | 04/01/2009 11:35 pm
Clover is
So problem, so when you get that done, i'll make sure to get around to the images. Don't look forward to something fantastic ^^;; It'l lbe simple but it should be nice =P
Clover is Report | 04/01/2009 4:32 am
Clover is
If that's the case, I can easily do it in a matter of minutes. I don't like those make a banner sites y'see |3;;; Hahaha if you just link all the pictures (and use what you have for the time being), and i'll go in and replace the img tags later cause I'm lazy like that, if you wanted to move things along quicker xD I wouldn't mind, and I have an idea of what I think would look nice.
Clover is Report | 03/31/2009 2:19 pm
Clover is
Haha, yeah,m it doesn't snow in winter over here, but it's still autumn for me. In fact, it doesn't snow much where I am but the city I live in is the only one that DOESN'T SNOW AT ALL. Yeah, just make like a small rectangle template with a black boarder and... do you have photoshop? Well, doesn't matter if you don't, it's not too hard either way. I might do it if I go into holidays and have free time and you haven't yet. But yeah, just shrink each picture so like the entrie head fits in (or some body part! xD) and slide it in behind the black boarder. Not hard not hard, but I dunno if I'm communicating it right or not xD Seems like you've already done stuff anyways but <shrugs> ^^
Clover is Report | 03/31/2009 12:46 am
Clover is
Woop! Nevermind xD You alreayd seem to be on the ball.

Yeah, I have a few opinions of my own but nothing too big or that you havn't already mostly resolved anyways. If I find anything, I'll either let you know or tweak it myself, or both.
Clover is Report | 03/31/2009 12:31 am
Clover is
Yeah, I had a point on the profiles, I was thinking, maybe, rather than shrinking them we have icons for each and then link them to a bigger picture? I mean, if your'e gonna have a "click on and take to original picture" thing anyways, it would look nice. Like, just a 100 x 200 rectangle or something, I have no idea <shrugs> It wouldn't take much effort and it would look nice too if all the pictures were uniform sizes and stuff ^^
Clover is Report | 03/30/2009 3:33 am
Clover is
Lulz, fully sick yo. It's been like that since forever and since i started losing interest in Gaia I just cared less than I used to xD Got your message, I might take my time getting through it thoguh. It's very long and I'm very lazy xD and even after exams are over I'm still very busy <dooms>
Karu Hitoshi Report | 03/29/2009 8:26 pm
Karu Hitoshi
*Eats Heaven's face* Rawrg!


"Music's the only thing that makes sense anymore. Play it loud enough and you might just keep the demons at bay."[/size:ea9013bca1]

xX-Synthetiic Love-Xx
Nicole Laurin
Harlequin of Chaos

Don't listen to her. She's evil.

C'mon, you know you wanna light stuff on fire. Give in to the dark side...we have cookies!

Ahhh, the voices, they're back! Cookies you say? Tempting...