
For those who don't know I'm Alex. But I love the winter the best. Haha Anyways I was born in Dec,14 of 1995 So i'm 14 for the people that don't know math biggrin . But I love mostly rock and screamo(: and sometimes rap. I'm not emo tho. I can't stand liars it pisses me off. I hate fakes. And people who pretend to be people their not. I love sweets(Cupcakes,Candy,Icecream ect.) I'm an understanding person. I only give out two chances so don't use them up that's all I can tell you. So anyways My best friends are Brittany and Kandice(: I love them so ******** with them it will be the last time you ******** with me. I support Gays/Bis. I can't say i'm worth alot cause i'm not. But anything I get I work for it. I do play video games like Halo2,Halo3 ect. I'm mostly a kind person. I love cats/frogs the best xD. I love to play with bugs(:. I hate pizza unless its made right(:. Hmm... I love to draw but i'm not good at it xD. I love to play with fire. I fall on my face almost everyday. I sleep with a stuffed froggy. I scared of alot of things lol... Haha I'm getting bored I don't know what else to write. So I guess that's it