
HeartRabbit's avatar

Gender: Female

Location: USA

Birthday: 09/22

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LIF needs more men



Hello, I am usually called GP. :3

Personality wise, I guess I am nice. But, I am not much for bragging. I am however warmer to those close to me. As a rule closer someone is to me the warmer and more protective I become. I would help anyone.. but not at the expense of those closest to me. And, to be honest I am not as um gentle either. I may be caring to most , but feel for a very few. Right now I don't even love anyone. :[ Well, I love my friends as friends ,but you know what I mean.
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A dream lover to me would be someone who has somewhat the same personality I have, many of the same beliefs, and interests. I find superficiality rather silly. Beauty is just skin deep. That's is a important one of mine. People are like presents: it is not the wrapping which counts it is what is inside. ^-'

I am sorta religious. I believe in a God. But, I don't follow any organized religion of sorts. I pray at night. That is about it. <.< I believe in evolution and all. And, I know it is silly to support Religion by saying 'where did the universe come from so it must be a God!' because it can be argued 'where does God come from' as well. I understand both sides rather well.

I don't think the meaning of life is worshiping a God or happiness(some people like misery). I think it's to figure how things work(the 'How?') or to find meaning(the 'Why?'). People from the dawn of time have always had a fear of the unknown and must explain and giver everything meaning.

I don't enjoy gossip or celebrities at all. I am sorry but I never have and never will. I find it cruel to talk about someone behind their backs. Not for me. :/ And for celebrities I don't really know much ; care much about them .

I believe everyone should be kind and polite to all ,but feel for a few. I understand if you disagree with that. It takes a lot of people to make a world, and that is a good thing. ^-' My favorite quote is 'I don't want to be everything to everyone. I just want to be something to someone'. And survival proverb : April Showers Make May Flowers.

In a dream future I would like to be a Artist and/or writer. In a nice area with a smaller home. And, I hope I am with someone at that time (but you cannot plan love). Although, I would like to get married.. I would not want to live together.. I like independence. Not saying not spending days together. Just not all the time. People when they are around each other too much they grind.
I would like a pet or two. I have always had animals.. I live on a mini farm. xD
Ok, now some photo's of me. xD
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