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Anybody who knows me knows enough. Yet there are those who do not. I suppose I'll fill you in.

My name is Aaron and I live in Jacksonville, FL on Kernan. It's an odd location because everything I know is just out of reach.

There's the Westside, particularly Riverside, 103rd and Cecil Field where I spent the majority of my upbringing. My closest allies and worst enemies reside there and my less than civil activities were trained on the streets.

Then there's the beach. I know few people there, but I've always loved going to stand in the waves while watching the sunset and thinking about my trivial life thus far and how there must be more.

It's interesting how life has it's beautiful ironies. I was once a child doing childish things, all the while wanting more. Now, just as I am symbolically on the line between my past and future in where I live, I am now really on the line between the same life I've always known and a new fresh start in a new direction. Hopefully I'll keep looking towards the east, towards the Dawn of each New Day.

Oh, and college and career and all that stuff... yeah... wooo.

: razz olitical::

My political views are closely entwined with my spiritual views. I can get into a whole lot of detail about it, but basically I'll leave that to conversation.

For a brief explaination, I believe that the United States as well as most western countries are hurling themselves headlong into a World Government. I believe that the United States is spearheading the advancement of said government via the so-called "War on Terror." The United States was not founded to be a country of absolute government control and we need to wake up and realize that our freedoms are being confiscated by our government in the name of security and if you look back on even recent history, Nazi Germany started off the same way only it was the communists that were the boogymen of the time.

Because we are so brainwashed by what we see and hear on TV, we really don't know what's going on in the world and the American people don't even realise that our country is changing from a free Republic to a tyrannical Police State.


I believe in a sovereign Creator and I believe that we the creation have a purpose beyond just eating, sleeping, entertaining our brains and procreating only to sustain the human race.

I believe that Creator is the Christian God, however I am convinced that the christian religion has become too diluted with materialism and people pleasing so much so that we have lost sight of who God is. God is good, God is awesome... but He is not a piggy-bank. He is not an excuse.

We as the creation need to stop leaning on God like a crutch and start walking with Him and learning what our true destiny is. We've been stuck in "The System" for far too long. It's time to open our minds and realise that the life we have known thus far is not enough. We can't be satisfied with it anymore. It's too monotonous. It's too pointless! If we all were trying to attain our destiny together there wouldn't be any pointless fighting or despair.

Obviously the next question from the cynical reader is, "Do you believe what you say is possible?" My answer is, "Absolutely." I absolutely believe that it's possible. I just need to open enough eyes and gain enough followers. No, not followers. Fellow soldiers of an unstoppable army of the truth.

:Other Info:
Watch my videos! They're amazing and you'll head bang or cry by the 5th video I swear!

I love anime. I watch it. I pirate it. I buy it when I love it. I draw it. I listen to the soundtracks for it. Yet I'm extremely picky about it. I hate anything that resembles Naruto, Pokemon, Yugioh!, etc. So far my top favorites are Eureka SeveN, Death Note, and Samurai Champloo.

Music is my passion. Without it I would be dead. It's like an IV that I need constant transfusions from. I like Rock, Metal, Acoustic Rock, Techno, J-Rock, J-Pop, Instrumental/New Age, Classical, however my prejudices against other genres are sometimes breached by a few choice gems.

:My Threads:
[Heavenknight's Bump Thread] - This is the Way!
[Heavenknight's Shop] - Featured Item - Marble Pedestal
[HK] - Net Neutrality = Win
Executive Orders and You


Viewing 12 of 13 friends


My Ramblings

A collection of thought-provoking gibberish.

These are my varied ramblings about life, dreams, emotions, art, politics and on occasion, entertainment. Feel free to read them as I hope my writings may help somebody along the way whether it be major life changing help, or maybe just for laughs.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 06/17/2008 5:11 pm


Hadn't talked to you for a while, thought I'd drop by and see how you are doing. How's the paranoia coming along? Hope everything is ok.
Sweet Angel Eureka

Report | 05/25/2008 10:27 pm

Sweet Angel Eureka

Hey Havnt seen you around, thought id pop in and say hello and see if your doing alright? Leme know as you are always welcome to stop by my page to chity chat! Take care hun

Report | 05/22/2008 6:40 pm


Nothing new here, just going to work and coming home. sounds like you are doing all right. keep me posted.

Report | 05/16/2008 7:27 am


Hi, just stopped by to see how the house/cat/dog sitting went. Hope all is well with you.
Sweet Angel Eureka

Report | 05/11/2008 1:20 am

Sweet Angel Eureka


How was your weekend? I hope all is well with you!

Eureka User Image
Sweet Angel Eureka

Report | 05/05/2008 3:24 pm

Sweet Angel Eureka


hope ur having a good day today, I know I am

Its my b-day and Im going out to dinner with some friends

Well take it easy and talk to you laterz

Report | 05/05/2008 6:13 am


lmao xD

i only use my phone for like... 3 or 4x a week! lmao xD and sometimes i dont use it coz i kinda misplace it xD
x I L A R I A x

Report | 05/04/2008 11:55 pm

x I L A R I A x

OH NOEZ. User Image

Report | 05/04/2008 6:10 pm


w00t! Thanks for the comment.

Report | 05/04/2008 3:57 am


hey, just dropping by, as promised


Renton and Eureka
..If only I could find a love like that..[/size:1ab32f96db]