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hehehe_07's avatar

Last Login: 08/04/2008 8:09 am

Registered: 05/23/2007

Gender: Female


A Question Fun Survey

Full Name ?:Alice [real name? ask me.]
Birthday ?:febuary 6
Birthplace ?:sandiego
Eye Color ?:brown-red-dark xD
Hair Color:: ?:black and penutbuttery blond
Height ?:5"2
Weight ?:98
Right handed or Left handed ?:right
My Worst Habit ?:bitting my nails
Zodiac Sign ?:aquarius
Shoe Size ?:5 1/2--6
Pants Size ?:0,1/2,1
Bra Size ?:32...A...or a small B....>_>
Innie or Outie ?:innie!
Parents Still Together ?:step dad
The Shoes You Wore Today ?:none
Your Weakness ?:him..
Your Fears ?:too many things
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year ?:to /not/ shoot my biology teacher in the head xD
Your Most Overused Phrase On An Instant Messenge r?:lol,oh my,omg,yea,w/e,just curious.
Thoughts First Waking Up ?:Why am I smiling?
Your Best Physical Feature ?:nothing. Im icky xD
Your Bedtime ?:when I get sleepy..
Your Most Missed Memory ?:talking to him.

Favorite color?:scarlet
Fave fruit ?:anything juicy ^^ unless its grape fruit O_O
Sport ?:eh...none of them interest me but wrestling is fun to watch xD haha
Animal ?:black panthers,dogs,hedge hogs,piggies,cats,sheep,ferrets,snakes,giraffs,tigers,humming birds,people...i like animals. ^^;
Ice Cream ?:strawberry short cake!
Candy ?:chocolate,sugary goodness,cider-ramune flavor,you know,the good stuff
Store ?:Hot Topic,Spencers,Sanrio,Daiso!,Yoshida,Chinese Good's store,Shoe box,Hollywood mirror, yea...
Letter ?:T,M,C,L,B,A
Number ?:2,7,27,72,32,16,101...i like teh numbers hehe
Gum ?:double mint or winterfresh! yumm....
Holiday ?: O_O my birthday,halloween and christmas
Season ?:Spring and Winter
Toothpaste Flavor ?:Is this really nessacary? if so Cinnamon.
Radio Station ?:meh.
Perfume ?:Body spritz...that smell like fruits and flowers. I hate perfume >_>
Scent besides perfume ?:Black berry-vanilla,Mango&&madrid,Cucumber Melon,Sweet pea,White Cherry blossom...
Body part on the opposite sex ?:Chest! oh my...ooh chin! chins are cute ^^, Eyes! oh yes. Tushy most definatly,lips....hands...arms...Im getting carried away xD

What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up ?:Somone Loved,Somone Known And somone Special.
How Do You Want To Die ?:Peacfully.
Turn ons ?:TOO MANY THINGS xD If you Love me You know How to turn me on
Turn offs ?:stupidity,Not Knowing the Difference between Making Love,Sex and ********.
Which One Of Your Friends Acts The Most Like You ?:No one xD Im too sam to be cloned
Who's The Loudest ?:Aly. O_O
Who Makes You Laugh The Most ?:Mike&& Krishaun
Who Have You Known The Longest ?:Tommy
Who's The Shyist ?:Sean [My Kats meow]
When Have You Cried The Most ?:too many times to count
What Is The Best Feeling In The World ?:Love,and Happiness.
Worst Feeling ?:Deppression,Worry and rejection
Where Do You Want To Live When You Grow Up ?:Europe,mabey asia small mabey,possibly in the States
If You Could Change One Thing About You What Would It Be?:Living in Japan O____O
How Long Do You Think You'll Live ?:I dunno...

Let's walk on the:Beach together.
Let's look at the:Sunset
What a nice:day
Where did all the:Bunnies go D= ?
Why can't we:Be together Right now.?
Silly:Goose! with a dirty mind ^^
Isn't it weird that:you can read my mind but I cant read yours?
Never under any circumstance:Will we stay together If you break my heart once
I wish:I were with you to make you happy
Everyone has a:soul-mate
I am:Bored.

Been In Love:I think I have..
Been To Jail:nope
Mooned Someone:Yea....if you call bending over mooning xD
Been Rejected:Yes.
Ran Away From Home:Wanted to
Pictured Your Crush Naked:Mabey O_O
Thought About Suicide:Yes.
Laughed So Hard You Cried:Hell ******** Yea!
Cried In School:Unfortunatly
Thrown Up In A Store:outside of a store.
Wanted To Be a Model:when I was in teh 6th grade I thought about designing clothes I still do :3
Cheated On Someone:nah
Done Something Really Stupid That You Still Laugh At Today:Yep!
Seen A Dead Body:No but My mum pointed one out one time...
Been Bitched Out:Yea but I Counter Bitched Back! D<
Drank Alcohol:nah
Been On Drugs:NO
Gone Skinny Dipping:no...

[******** That! xD
Sing Well:meh Im alright
Want To Go To College:Ofcoarse
Want To Get Married:Yes please
Believe In Yourself:Under certain Circumstances
Get Motion Sickness:On too many rollercoasters haha
Think You Are Attractive:my a** Is cute but thats about it.
Get Along With Your Parents:my mom.
Like Thunderstorms:Only to be afraid and cuddle with that special somone.
Play An Instrument:I wish i could
Pray:Every night
Go To Church:I stopped after somone ******** me over in the nose a** hole.
Keep A Journal/Diary:Oh yes....
Dance In The ******** YEA! but I havent since 7th grade
Sing In The Shower:Havent since 8th grade haha

Pepsi or Coke:Pepsi
McDonald's or Burger King:Mickey D'z
Single or Group Dates:I havent been on one so i wouldnt know.
Chocolate or Vanilla:chocolate is yummy vanilla is funner to lick wink
Strawberries or Blueberries:strawberries bluberries taste funny.
Meat or Veggies:meaty
TV or Movie:movie
Guitar or Drums:guitar
Adidas or Nike:neither
Chinese or Mexican:Mexican
Cheerios or Corn Flakes:cheerios!
Cake or Pie:cake ^^;
Blind or Deaf:Deaf
Boxers or Briefs:Boxers

Do The Splits:I used to wink
Write With Both Hands:I try
Blow A Bubble:Yes. oh yes.
Roll Your Tongue In A Circle:yea
Cross Your Eyes:somtimes i cant haha
Walk With Your Toes Curled:yea
Touch Your Tongue to Your Nose:nah

You Touched:i dont remember D= I havent been huged in weeks.
You Talked To On The Phone:Tommy
You Instant Messaged:Tommy
You Hugged:Havent been hugged in weeks! D=
You Yelled At:no one lately.
You Played A Sport With:Ren haha or we Pretend haha

Time You Laughed:today
Time You Cried:today
Movie You Watched:spiderman 1
Song You've Sung:dunremember

Where Are You:in a chair,thinking about somone special...
What Can You See Out Your Window:darkness and night
Are You Listening To Music:marching band xD a tribute to WW2
What Are You Wearing:a shirt-dress and robe...
What's On Your Mousepad:a word

Do you believe there is life on other planets:there could be
Do you believe in miracles:Yes
Love at first sight:no...
Satan:I believe there is a satan but i do not believe in he

Fav Eye Color:Blue,Brown...Grey,Green,White,Purple
Dark:dark?nah i dont prefer anyone darker then my penutbutter >_<
Short or Long Hair:Short,Medium Long it doesnt matter..
Height:taller then me is nice =)
Weight:more then 97 [my weight] is Grrreat!
Best Clothing Style:w/e anything /But/ gangster O_O oh my gahd.

What Country Would You Most Like To Visit:The States hahaha
Number Of CD's I Own:20...>_>
Your Good Luck Charm:I dont think i have one yet...=C
How many pillows do you sleep with:3 =)
Do you drink milk:Chocolate n_n
Person You Hate Most:I cant Hate somone THAT much but if you must know;Tricia,Adrianne,Tathjiana,Liezell...
Most Outdated Phrase:Spiffy...Cats Meow,Picture Show,Dolled up...I like these phrases...^-^
Do you think God has a gender:Nope haha
Where do you think we go when we die:our own Personal Heaven...
How many rings until you answer the phone:1-2 If it hits 3 I leave it alone
What is something scientists need to invent:A cure for the common cold,dammit my nose itches! D<
Are you a health freak:nah
Are you a virgin:yea
If you could travel into space, where would you go:Moon
What is the worst weather:Monsoon
Did you play with Barbies as a child:Yea
How many grades have you failed:none.

Equipped List


View All Comments

iimolovemafiaii Report | 11/04/2008 5:19 pm
waz up homez
The Side Of Death Report | 07/25/2008 10:52 am
Well it is my account just not my main...
The Side Of Death Report | 07/25/2008 10:51 am
Hey..This isn't my Account...I'm a new one..If you want Add NewBlood Assassin Cuase that's my main.
LvlyRedLion Report | 07/17/2008 7:59 am
Costina Duran Report | 07/16/2008 1:49 pm
hey there User Image

how are you? i'm alright ^_^
Loyal-Wolf-Pup Report | 03/12/2008 5:30 pm
filipino jockz Report | 02/18/2008 8:41 pm
Costina Duran Report | 11/27/2007 8:28 pm
hey there. how have you een?
DIRTEH L A U N D R Y Report | 11/23/2007 8:05 pm
Hi User Image
Sigma Blu Report | 11/15/2007 1:00 pm
yeah the top fisher in bassken is a bot...


OMG. Please Click this and join! Pleaseeeee we need people Badlyyyyyy D=
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