
HelloGoodByeLover's avatar

Birthday: 01/01



this is no longer bad chick alert12 this is samantha and i have tookin over so go fk yourself =D

God make us out, love us all his hearts. He died for us, help us, and give us a better life. Why people always lies, because that the reason why God died for us. Why people jealous, mad, fight, and more bad things. Because evil around us make us become a different person. You can't see evil or God, they're everywhere. Why some people ugly and some is pretty? Because God make everyone have a different faces, but evil make more ugly, some people inside is mean but outside is kind. If you want to know more about Jesus? Chat with me

FWD: biggrin ONT TRUST BOYSZ!Boys are stupid immatrue and just plain dumb!!!!!! If they break your heart once don't trust them with it again! I've learned my lesson the HARD way Don't be stupid and let a guy ruin your friendship with your friends...... Boys once again are Idiots (not sometimes) ALL the time! I mean they can be sweet and nice once in awhile but just wait you'll see what I mean. >.< It's not very fun to have your heart Broken...... Put this on your profile if someone has ever broken your heart::FWD::IT TRU3...SUMTiM3S heart

uh i hate it when people start arguments online its so dumb like really GET A LIFE !!! im sure you have better things to do than argue online, and if you don't then you really need a life !!!

u came all the way down here just to see me here in a bikini.Nice!! now r a p e me

ooh, i think i dropped something, maybe i should bend down.

oh s**t i think my bf dumped me now what can i do now?

look at my boobies