
Socialist, Asatruar, Dieselpunk, historian, sword buff/collector/sman.... You'll find I'm not as one-dimensional as I let on.

Plus I like to think I can be a decent guy sometimes. I seem like an a*****e to those who encounter me in random debate, but that's just because I'm..... brutally honest. I don't like to candy-coat things. If something sucks, I'll admit it. Give me a chance, and you'll find I'm not all bad.

I'm a historian who believes in Siegmund Neumann's concept of there having been only one world war: The Second Thirty Years' War, 1914-1945. Just in case I reference it. I hate having to explain it.

My German's not very good, but I like working on it, so feel free to sprech me up. A little practise never hurt, eh?

Also, I live in Canada. I think I just gave that away. And yes, we do say eh.


Viewing 12 of 38 friends


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Testament of Death

Report | 04/04/2011 4:07 am

Testament of Death

I rarely see you on anymore.
Sanguina Cruenta

Report | 12/29/2010 8:20 pm

Sanguina Cruenta

I would like that.
Reverend MacManus

Report | 12/29/2010 3:54 pm

Reverend MacManus

I agree about the world of yesteryears. That's for certain. And yes, the pursuit of women... Haha. I'm fortunate in having the girl I do. She's a real blessing.

Weird deal about the guild leadership. Still, things don't seem that bad at the moment in it. Just slightly inactive. I can see on one hand the strength in being idealistic, but let it consume you and you forget many other things of importance; including objectivity.

If anything, you should be applauded for continuing your education and encouraged to pursue higher things. For even if you didn't talk about Communism in your every breath, you could be a better representative of it at a later time in larger circles of influence.

All in all, that attitude of "life goes on" is what plagues the common American. As long as they get theirs, they're okay. So even with jobs being down, they look to some questionable forms of income and entertainment. Living in a small town here in Illinois, I witness that all too well.
Reverend MacManus

Report | 12/28/2010 9:33 pm

Reverend MacManus

Nevermind the "he" and "she" comment. I got usernames mixed up.
Reverend MacManus

Report | 12/28/2010 6:37 pm

Reverend MacManus

Bourgeois education? I assume you just mean going to college? Maybe were in a fraternity? And please, do say more on the subject of being chastised for writing a paper instead of reading Lenin. What other guild experiences do you have? And I thought "he" was a "she." Hm, guess I'm wrong.

Maybe your experiences with the guild turned you off, in addition to a lack of community around you. Maybe morale dropped at the "Communism is Dead" thing that was mentioned in a guild thread somewhere. Could be various things you know. Maybe even apathy towards modern politics in general.
Reverend MacManus

Report | 12/26/2010 11:36 am

Reverend MacManus

If by University you mean higher education, then yes, it trumps Gaia, the guild, all things. That's your livelihood and future at stake. Not much good to any cause or struggle if you simply let yourself fall to the wayside like that. Sorry to hear about the axe by the way. It's always a shame to see a good blade of any sort ruined or damaged. It also seems we have a similar feeling towards the designs and simplicities of maces. Straight and to the point, not too much needed in the way of training, but some club techniques would help.

So if you say you don't believe too much in it at the moment. Might I ask what made you fall out of favor with it? Don't worry, no judging. I joined just to learn about the system in the first place.
Reverend MacManus

Report | 12/23/2010 11:20 pm

Reverend MacManus

On McNallen: Yeah, I would have to agree. We also have David Lane and a myriad of others to thank for a near ruined image. It's a rather large headache.

On the katana: I suppose the quality of steel available makes sense. That's perhaps something that others may overlook when analyzing the efficiency of said weapons in a true historical setting. As per the "katana cult" that you refer to; what with it being popularized in film and a large amount of anime, it's no wonder. The longsword still has it's place though. I'm still fond of war axes and two handed battle axes. They're great for fantasy settings, though in real life unless it's a hand axe as a side weapon I'm not sure it'd be particularly wise to use a weapon that left me that exposed. But hey, who's keeping track, right? I've got a fondness for blunt and bludgeoning weapons too. I love maces and mauls. Easy, simplistic weapons, and perhaps great for denting armor and causing serious internal bleeding and bruising.

Great to see that you replied. It makes me happy seeing that my guild mates aren't exactly inactive or anything. Gives me some hope to see other opinions in the guild.
Reverend MacManus

Report | 12/16/2010 10:31 am

Reverend MacManus

Saw your sig in the MCS guild, so I thought to ask about it and how the longsword is superior to the katana. Bear in mind I'm not a katana supremacist here, so I'm asking sincerely with an "ignorant" mind of the matter so to speak.

Reading your profile, I see you're an Asatruar. Interesting to note. Does this have you at all looking forward to the new Thor movie? It may create a trend or at least uprising in interest in Norse/Germanic mythology you know. Who knows? Maybe the Odinic Rite will actually say something about it, or Stephen McNallen at the AFA. You never know.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Report | 12/01/2010 10:25 pm


Congratulations on your History Genius!
green war slave

Report | 11/06/2010 6:30 pm

green war slave

So now that you know I'm not ******** around here, why don't we just cut the bullshit and make with the friendship?

I'd still love to meet your challenge. As long as you get down here by the 29th because after that I'm moving to Lowell Massachusetts with the missus. Although eventually we plan to move to Vancouver so I can always come to you. Either way I'm happy. I've yet to face a practitioner of western combat to give me even a decent challenge, none have been able to touch me, much less score a point. And I've faced weapons masters from several Renaissance Faires & troupes, stage fighters, etc etc, even masters of axe technique, spinning and flourishing their weapon and such, wasting their economy of motion. So far the only fighters to equal or surpass me in some way have been elder masters of Kenjutsu/Sojutsu/etc Kobudo in general. Even Chinese martial artists and Escrimadore haven't been much of a problem, although more worthy then any western fighter.


It takes a village to raise a child, but it takes a Viking to raze a village.

Deadliest Warrior's doing Zombies versus Vampires. Don't you love it when your favourite shows jump the shark into shittiness?

"Sir, we're surrounded!" "Excellent, now we can attack in any direction!"