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Few creatures of the night have captured our imaginations like vampires. What explains our enduring fascination with vampires? What is it about the vampire "myth" that explains our interest. Is it the sexual overtones of lust, power, control? Or is it a fascination with the immortality of the undead... and what dark-seeded part of our psyche is aroused by the beings of the undead... or the legends of the

Avi Art



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The S.S. Grammar Nazi!!!


He stepped into the growing puddle of ruby wine, turning to face the camera, "Gentlemen... I love var. Gentlemen... I love var. Gentlemen... I so love var."

He spoke with an aura that seemed... unhuman in it's calmness, "I love Holocaust. I love Blitzkrieg. I love Onslaught. I love Defensive. I love Besiegement. I love Breakthrough. I love Retreat. I love Mop-up. I love Vithdrawl."

The Major looked back upon the feasting vampires. How they delighted him. "On the Plains, in the Streets, in the Trenches, on the Prairies, on the Tundra, in the Desert, on the Sea, in the Sky, in the Mud, in the Svamp.", the camera zoomed on to his eyes, the glare from the artificial light blocking it's view slightly.

"I cherish each und every vay var can be vaged on this Earth." "I love the thunderous roar of all artillery arrayed at the battle line firing all at once, as it blows avay the enemy line. My heart dances ven the bodies of enemy troops are hurled into the air in peices from a direct hit.", his smile grew back to a smirk.

"I love it ven a Tiger Tank smashes un enemy tank vith it's 88mm Cannon. It left a varm feeling in my chest vhen the enemy soldiers vould jump screaming from the blazing tank only to be mowed down by machine gun fire.", a deranged grin now took its palce on his face while his pubils redialated to tiny pinpoints.

"I love it ven the infantry ranks owervun the enemy line, bayonets first. It move me ven I remember the sight of a new recruit in a state of panic, stabbing un already dead enemy soldier over und over.", his arms were raised to the heavens now, as if daring them to strike him down. His boots now had a nice fine line of blood ringed around them.

"I can hardly contain myself, thinking of hanging the defeatist deserters from streetlights. Und it ist superb ven the enemy prisoner screams in time vith the shierk escaping from the Schmeisser I hold as I mow him down.", the vampires had stopped gnawing on the bones now choosing to listen to their Major.

"I even remember distinctly the 4.8 ton sharpnel shell from the Dora, pulveriszing whole city blocks. Vhere the pitiful Resistance Fighters heroically stood up against us vith thier assorted small arms."

"I love the Russkie Armored Divisions thrown into disorder. It ist a very very sad thing ven the villages they should haf protected to the death are owervun und the vomen und children are wiolated und killed.", while still human, he seemed as if the devil himself was nothing compared to this man.

"I love the Englsih und American var machines being crushed un annihilated. Their creeping about on the ground like vermin, chased by the Jago, ist the height of humiliation."

"Gentlemen... I vish to see a var vorthy of one in Hell itself.", he recomposed himself, slicking back his bangs from his eyes.

"Gentlemen, my Battalion of comrades who follow me pray to tell... vat do you vish for?", his men began to cheer his rank.

"Do you vish for var as a matter of course? Do you vish for a merciless, shitlike var? Do you vish for a stormlike conflict vish runs the gamut of blowing stell und striking flame, killing ewery crow in the entire vorld?", all eyes were on him.

The men raised their hands into salutes, "Krieg!! Krieg!! KRIEG!!", they shouted.

He grew hysterical laughter, "Very vell... THEN LET IT BE KRIEG."

"All our strength ist held in a clenched fist, poised to strike. But for ve who haff continued to endure a whole half a centruy in the depths of these dark shadows... a simple var is no longer enough!!"

"A GREAT VAR!! One born of our signle-hearted devotion!!", the soldiers howled in response! What an uproar they caused.
Autistic Lolita
Sir Integra Helsing