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Well about me,
Name: Brooklyn
And I dont play on this account alot.
If yOu want to be my friend then go to my other account.
User ImageHey_Brook
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This iCon RoCkS!!!User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
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I'm User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. years old
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i live in Utah heart it>
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Ethnicity: im White what'd u expect??
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My eye colors green,
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but sometimes they look really blueUser Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
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Height: im 5"7 (and wish to be taller)
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Im a (single) female,
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and the only thing i hate when it comes to guys.
is guys who are complete JERKS to other ppl,
guys like that SUCK!!
an example:
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Thats Rude!!!! If yOuR like that then, yOu Suck!!
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I have 2 really anoying little Brothers, and a Dorky little Sister.
But she's my Dork!!
You've probally seen her on gaia.
Her gaia name is
User ImageSavannah11-10
I'm the oldest in my family.
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My favorite Holiday is
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.Halloween,
not because yOu get candy. But its the only holiday where you can dress up as a freak.
And nobody can really make fun of yOu.
And because its A spooky holiday.
Where you can scare people, User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
or get scared. And yOu can be up late at night walking around outside!! And nobody can tell yOu to go home and get to bed!!
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I like the winter, some people think its so dead. But theres more than yOu realize. Theres no insects in the winter, and most of all the animals Hibernate. yOu can have snowball fights in the winter. Cristmas is in the winter. And when its not BLIZZARDING OUTSIDE. If you just stand there in the snow, its so peaceful. yOu dont really hear alot of noise.
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My favorite movie??
can't tell, i have alot of favorites.
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What music do I like??
IUser ImageMusic User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
I like Every type of music. Ecept Jazzy music. it sucks.
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am i into sports??
I love sports. All kinds.
My favorite would have to be
Oh Ya check out my stick figure moves!!
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and basketball and Ultimate Frisbee and Flag Football.
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What tv shows do I watch??
I watch Spongebob, Drake and Josh, Zoe101, iCarly, Ive heard of the Family Guy alot I just dont watch it.
But i saw this clip or something on Tv, and he was standing there with some lady, and they were both looking in the mirror. And the lady say's "look at my handsome boy" And he looks at the mirror and punches it while saying "u son of a ****" I thought it was so funny!!
I also watch a really cool TV show called H2O, and basically Everything on Nicalodian.
I used to watch a show call Charmed, it was really good. But my mom did this thing to the TV, and now i cant watch it anymore. "DARN!!"
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~What I absolutly Hate~
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-yOu! (nO im kIdDiNg)
-Annoying ppl
-Ppl who treet me like crap!!
and people who treet other people like crap!!
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-Ppl who hate skaater's
-Stuck up ppl, and I hate people who R Suck ups!!
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I also hate Preps!
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(unless I know them personally)
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and cops, i meen wats their problem these day's!!
Once i saw a cop turn on his lights,
just so he could go through a red light!!
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And I hate their Stupid uNiFoRmS!! They look so rediculous!!
Seriously!! Their basically Stuck Ups!!
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What is my naturall hair color?
My natural Hair color is Blonde, but I hate it.
I wish my hair color was a Dark Auburn. Or RED!! that works to
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whats my favorite thing to do During anytime a day.
I love to play
Video games, User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Watch Tv, User ImageUser Image
Guitar Hero 3, User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
and play
Dance Dance Revolution. User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
My sis says I'm a maniac on that game. But I dont think so.
I'm on light mode when I play.
Thats the highest ive made it to.
At least I'm not on beginner!!
I dont own the game,
but i love going to classic sk8ting and playing it there.
Its the only game I ever play there.
I never really do anything else.
Sometimes I will go it the bounce zone but thats it.
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I also absolutly love going on long walks by myself.
It gives yOu time to just think,
or enjoy all the perty things around yOu.User Image
Some people think I'm crazy, but I'm an early riser, like 4 or 5am early riser. Thats when I mostly go on walks by myself. I also love to sing while I'm on my walk.
I think I'm good at singing, but I dont know.
Ive heard some people say I'm awesome,
and some say I'm HORRIBLE. but I Dont Know.
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What am i really good at, Talent wize.
I guess I'm kind a good at drawing, But I'm really good at telling Story's. I am really good at that.
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If I could go anywhere in the world it would be?
A beautiful undiscovered island, or a world I created
or this place in Bloomfield NewYork.
There was a house there, that my dad took us to.
And we stayed their.
And there backyard was like the coolest in the world!!
They had a playset, but right out behind the playset to the left was this HUGE FEILD!!!
I called it the meddow. But it was still HUGE!!
And of to the right their was a whole bunch of tall trees
and these Paths,
And all the paths connected back to each other.
Except this one path. It was darker and scaryer than all the other paths. I never had enough courage to go down there.
And I'm pretty sure none of yOu would ither.
And they had an ATV!! or some poeple call it forwhellers.
And I got to drive it around!! It was so much FUN!!!
I also liked this one BeachUser ImageIt was so cool!! My sister and I found this big sand hill, and we climbed up it.
And we found that you would be on this really cool little ledge thing that over looked the beach,
it was so cool.
And on the beach far from the water.
We found this really big hole.
And my sister and I worked on it few days,
when ever we went to the beach.
And we made the whole so big that you could stand in it.
And if someone looked at you from a little ways.
They'd only see your head.
And me and my sis were only 6 or 7 years old
when we dug this hole.
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Pet wize, I have one dog, his names Biff.
Because on his right eye has brown furr all around it.
So it looked like he got biffed in a fight.
It was funnyer when he was a puppy.
It made him look really tough,
even though he was just this really tiny pupy.
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lets C, oh!! I also dont drink coffie anymore, cause of this little
insedent i had User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
but its all good now, trust me. Plus Ive gotten into really
GREAT shape from quitting coffie smile
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I am the type of person who heart 's getting hugs
And I also love giving hugs!! User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
So if you need a hug, just give me a hollar!!
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I love jumping on my trampoline.
Its so much fun doing tricks on it.
Here's a pic of me at my friends house doing a backflip!!
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Isn't it SO COOL!!!!
Ive always wanted to learn how to do a backflip.
So i tested one at my friends house. And she caught a pic of it.
Oh in the pic, thats not my real hair color, i dyed it black
for a short while. Thats why my hairs black.
I'm thinking of dyeing it black again.
My hairs back to blonde right now so... ya
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Most people love the rain.
But the only thing i love about it is the lighting!!
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Well i like the rain to. But the lightnings the best!!
I think its so cool when it lights up the sky!!
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LOL i heart this pic!! I think its so hilarious!!
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Oh and my favorite girl singer for ROCK music is
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.Avril Lavigne!!
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smile ya Avril Lavigne ROCKS!!!
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Wow this guys a Jerk!!
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Viewing 12 of 19 friends


Hey ppl check out my journal


Hey yall wats up?



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Miss Skunkie

Report | 07/04/2024 12:08 am

Miss Skunkie

Thank you for your purchase! heart

Report | 12/22/2008 12:04 pm


happy b-day

Report | 10/13/2008 8:33 pm


hey buy something 4m ma store plz......

if u dnt want 2 well tell ur friends-

still tell ur friends if u do want something

Report | 09/21/2008 12:21 pm


A little late, but thanks
OMG Sooo Not Me

Report | 08/06/2008 9:30 am

OMG Sooo Not Me

i got my hair style from salon durem for 4800 gold.

Report | 07/11/2008 7:35 pm


yea i rember and i dont know

Report | 07/11/2008 4:04 pm



User Image Thanx for all your help!!!

Report | 07/10/2008 10:27 am


go on to forgot login and try somethig there

Report | 07/08/2008 3:29 pm


no prob
boxed milk

Report | 07/08/2008 3:15 pm

boxed milk

err well if you got band you cant do anything