
heyczarinax3's avatar

Gender: Female

Birthday: 07/21


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Hollllla ;]

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my hacks!!!!

hakk'd!! BYKy.

Groove, let the madness in the music get to you...

heeeeeeeeeyy there!!<3333333
this is ky, hacking zee's profile[[oh qualm!]]
im bored as......heckXDaaaannywayzz,,
zee's super duper, oh so totally, epically
awesometasterific[[thats my word, no one biteXD]]
she's sooooo nice and stuffs and.....yeah haha she has two parakeets named.....idk haha
and.....oh yeah she's such a gossip girl!! except
she doesnt spread rumors, and she's not
mean.....or like...yeah hahahah idk where this
is goin lmao!!!!!! yes sad my my life umm....
oh she's my twin, even though we have like...
a triplet and a quadruplet lmfao!! i dont get it
either;D yes, we had some retarded times at sts
but we gotta move on, i mean....HIGH SCHOOL!!!
its time to have even MORE retarded times WOOOOO!!!
lolz well, zee's kinda girly-ish....or IIISSSS
she o: lmaoXDoh and btw, treat her nicely on

JULY 21[[lolz]] and get her
a pair of either
Nikes or converse;D
jk jk!! but that would be dope, huh!!!!!XD

well, i best get goin thenXD

BY Ky.(:(:(:(:(:(:

...Life ain't so bad at all, if you live it off the wall.
xUnknown and Unmentionedx

My best friends<3

Isabelle ;]

Jessica ;]

Kylie ;]