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I'm Haley Jones. A junior at Olive Branch High School. I'm in band [french horn] and choir [alto 2]. Being random makes up my character, but i'm pretty sure it's caused by a mild case of ADD. smile I have one pretty amazing boyfriend, and a beautiful bestfriend. And tons of other close friends. I have a relationship with God that's growing stronger everyday. I plan to go to college after I graduate, preferably somewhere were I don't have to see the same people I see everyday nowadays. I'm ready to spread my wings and move on to a better life. I'm tired of alot the things that go around these days. People making things up, other girls taking things too seriously. I'm happy for once and other people just can't seem to except that. I'm not sure what I want to do with my life but I've summed it down to either a nurse for st. jude, a music therapist for children, or a physical therapist for athelets. And if none of those work out I guess I'll just be a mom smile lol smile kthanks.