
**** you guys I'm Hidan. Ehh, I'm a member of Akatsuki but if you ask me I think they're all just a bunch damn fruit loops. That's right Deidara I'm looking at you. The worst part is they paired me with a f***ing zombie, Kakuzu. The damn pricks the greediest old b*****d the world's ever seen. I bet the bastards been using his abilities to steal peoples organs and sell them on the black market. But enough about him, more about me. I am extremely religious, yeah that's right. Laugh all you ****ing want, one day Jashin-sama will smite your sorry a**'s. If you don't know about Jashin, well what can I say you're an idiot. Boo-ho go look it up, you're all on the damn internet anyway. Damn heathens. . . Guess the only thing left to say is I'm a crazy sadomasochist who isn't afraid to sacrifice you damn p***ies so don't **** me off got it? Wanna be my friend? Go buy me some ribs.

Birthday: April 2

Age: 22

Blood Type: B

Name Meaning: Rook

Classification: S-rank/ Missing Nin

Affiliation: Akatsuki

Favorite Food: Ribs

Least Favorite Food: Veggies >p