
Himitsu Shoukanshi's avatar

Last Login: 05/29/2023 8:35 am

Registered: 07/08/2007

Gender: Male

Location: Virginia, US

Birthday: 01/30

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Clickables ^_^

The Method To The Madness

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Total Posts: 248

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My Contributors <3

My List of Faithful Contributors:
(a.k.a: People Who I Love; People Who are Making My Dream Avi(s) Happen)

~Kugi Shottogan--gold/items

Thank you guys SO much.
I Love You and if there's
anything you need from me,
if I can get it for you,
I will <3

Things I Lust After More Than Dani Filth. Okay, Maybe Not THAT much. But close.

Interested Folks


What Makes Himit.Shou. Tick

- anime/manga
- alt Subcultures
- Japanese culture
- gaming (console and PC)
- car culture
- foreign languages

-everything that cannot be lumped into ANY of the topics on the first list

Name: Xavi
Age: shh.
Nationality: American
Preferred Music Type: Industrial/Metal/Techno
Hobbies: video games, reading, drawing
Status: Doesn't matter.

Wanna talk? Just do it. =)

What? Your still here? Why aren't you talking to me? HUH?!

Gaians I Love

These guys are more than just my friends...

They are my f a m i l y...

HevnLovesBites: She’s just an amazing chicka. We’ve been best buds since 7th grade and
“married” since 10th. I love her with all my heart, and I pray she finds true love one day, in
someone who will truly care about her, and ONLY her.

Wrath of the Norseman: I don't even have to explain why I love him. He already knows. heart

Jago1125: He was my first ever Gaia friend, and now he’s my best. He’s given me so
much, and he’s hella fun, and if I were to have a Gaia husband, it’d be him. (No offence to his gf
or anything >_>) He’s the most awesome random ninja from the Smackahoe clan, and Im SO glad
I met him <3

Batsu666: My buddy all the way in Japan! He’s so calm and patient and he always makes
me feel better about myself =) He helps me with my lousy french (Sorry M.. Bremmerzouk! ^^; )
and always has something nice and comforting to say. Another one of my best Gaia friends <3

Kugi Shottogan: My IRL Best Gaia buddy! Ohemgee, where to begin?! He’s given me SO
MUCH! Half of the nice accessories I have came from him! He’s spent so much on me and I owe
him my Gaia life! He’s my Marshtomp, and my Sugerdaddy, and I love him so much! (Remember
that High Score! ;D)

Itazura Shinigami: Another IRL Gaia Buddy! My Charmander, a fun little perv and pal.
Always there for me to hump...(LMAO!) He’s always the butt of Kugi’s gay jokes (no pun
intended xD) but he’s a good sport, so thats why everyone loves him so. Especially me. ^_^

Machoman91: My apprentice of DOOM! Together we will reek havoc on the world
of Gaia! Durem will first fall to the might of our carnivorous army of mutated Summoning Tome
Black Dragons! Hang with my, my dear, to tonight, we dine in HELL!

Senri01: My dear Senri-kun! Another faithful contributor to my avi ^^ He’s so awesome
and I love talking to him. He always makes me smile, and I don’t know what I’d do without him!
Another of my best Gaia Friends!

~Crimson.Metal.Head~:One of my randomly acquired friends! (I randomly commented his pro, and we became friends! xD) He's HILARIOUS, and a really nice person. Don't let his name fool you. He's not a jerk. =) He is the BUMP champion in my favorite thread, and is just a fun person to chat with <3 (And he has a Chyaku Norisu scarf! LMAO)

If I missed anyone, PLEASE let me know, b/c chances are, if I have anything to do with you on a
regular basis (day-to-day) you deserve to be on this list. <3

My Gaia Star Sign

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Those gaiaborn under the Vulpus constellation can be very shrewd customers. They tend to be Intelligent and sharp witted, but often cold and self serving. Vulpi find it easy to meet and get along with new people, but often find it difficult to make good friends they deem worth keeping. They can see most problems coming a mile away, which is usually a good thing, but can sometimes spend too long weighing the pros and cons of a situation that all opportunity to act passes them by. Generally they're approachable people, but when pressured or pushed into a corner they can lash out and be quite unpredictable.

Potter Puppet Pals: "The Mysterious Ticking Noise"

What Folks Think Of Me

View All Comments

HevnLovesBites Report | 09/27/2015 10:25 pm
heart heart heart
Its so nice to be back baby!!!
Jago1125 Report | 12/23/2008 9:44 pm
Sooooooo.....it's like our 1 year annivesary, lol.
Jago1125 Report | 09/09/2008 6:30 pm
Where ish me Freya-chan?
Clouds Panties Report | 07/07/2008 11:54 am
Y hulo thar.
MrTodd-of-FleetStreet Report | 07/03/2008 2:38 pm
Join "The Hillywood Show" fan guild!

http://www. gaiaonline. com/guilds/index. php?guild_id=83187
Jago1125 Report | 06/24/2008 7:55 pm
♫Just keep swimming, Just keep swimming, Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming. What do you do, you, just, keep, swimming.♫
Idranil the Great Report | 06/24/2008 2:15 pm
Addra is your favorite?

Psh, Zodiark would tear him a new one any day.

Your myspace URL.
Idranil the Great Report | 06/03/2008 8:40 pm
Well, duh. xDDD

What's your url?
Idranil the Great Report | 06/02/2008 5:57 pm
Where ya been, Freya-chan?

MrTodd-of-FleetStreet Report | 05/30/2008 8:14 am
Ashes, are you coming tonight??? Jacob'll be there too!
Darth Batsu
Itazzu Mori
Kugi Shottogan
Wrath Of The Norsemen
Darth Batsu
Himitsu Shoukanshi
Idranil the Great

<--My "Wife", Hevn.
Respect her.
Or Ill tie your neck
in a knot.

My best
Gaia Buddy-->

It can't rain all the time...

Awesome Buddy
in Japan!)

(My sugerdaddy)


But it can storm just
the same...

<--Involuntary Pwnage

^Dream Avi
# 2

My Apprentice
of DOOM!-->

<--My Senri-kun

Ani-kun! ^x^
He's so eviliy huggable!

A Mega-awesome
person! Visit her
charity here!-->

Meh =

<--Crim-kun! What a
funny guy...xD

Me and teh Batsu-kun!
The duo of mischief >D

<--Teh sexxxy
pyrite ;D

Batsu and Freya Buddy Art <3
This belongs to Batsu666.
Steal it, and you DIE.

Penguin l0rd-->