
"Save a drum, bang a drummer." *_*

So, My name's Sabrina. . My fave colors are: green, black, purple, and orange. I read like way too much to be considered normal, but oh well. I'm sorta smart, I have like a 4.0, and I'm in andvanced classes. If you didn't know me, and talked to me I probably come off as a dumb blonde. I don't know why...but I do. lol.
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♥You say pink, i say black♥ ♥You say Hannah Montana, I say Kill Hannah♥ ♥You say Soulja Boy, I say Pete Wentz♥ ♥You say I'm emo, I say f*** you!♥ ♥You say OMG, I say WTF!!!♥ ♥You say Aeropostile, I say Hot Topic♥ ♥You say magazines, I say books

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i can count to SHFIFTY FIVE
i has some wicked awesome shorts.
"Get down with yo' bad self"
i enjoys the humor of Chowder and Flapjack(: