
Hello, Im Sarah, your insane for reading this, just to let you know. I live in a house full of lunatics who think I have problems....heh shows what they know.

A quote from my fellow friend Frankie....Im stealing it from his profile, sorry Frankie

"When life gives you lemons, you squirt them in your enimies eyes"

*Falls over laughing*


And suddenly, as he noted the fine shades of manner by which she harmonized herself with her surroundings, it flashed on him that to need such adroit handling, the situation must indeed be desperate.

-Edith Whaton.

It was like sawdust, the unhappiness: it infiltrated everything, everything was a problem, everything made her cry-school, homework, boyfriends, the future, the lack of future, the uncertainty of future, fear of future, fear in general-but it was so hard to say exactly what the problem was in the first place.

-Melanie Thernstrom.

If you take someones thoughts and feelings away, bit by bit, consistently, then they have nothing left, except some gritty, gnawing, shitty little instinct, down there, somewhere, worming round the gut, but so far down, so hidden, its impossible to find. Imagine, if you will, a worldwide conspiracy to deny the existence of the colour yellow. And whenever you saw yellow, they told you, no, thats isn't yellow, what the ******** yellow? Eventually, whenever you saw yellow, you would say: that isn't yellow, course it isn't blue or green or purple, or.....You'd say it, yes it is yellow, and become hysterical, and then go quite berserk.

-David Edgar


Viewing 12 of 19 friends


Sarah's World

Buck teeth

This is stuff about me and such.... ^^ heave fun reading my thoughts


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 05/24/2008 10:56 am


Heyy, anyone who finds this profile, this girl owns my comment virginity XD

Report | 01/13/2008 5:12 pm


;_; ~<3

Report | 06/16/2007 2:21 pm


I miss you.

Report | 01/03/2007 5:43 pm


Comment for you.
Enjoy it.
Or else.
Darkissed Synn

Report | 10/01/2006 1:15 pm

Darkissed Synn

nice profile!

Report | 09/26/2006 12:30 am


"How am I amazing?"

Report | 09/24/2006 7:10 pm



Report | 09/24/2006 3:51 pm


That sounds...disgusting.
And yet, I have a sudden earge to drink a gallon o that s**t in my friend's basement. <3

Report | 09/19/2006 4:51 am


Puts an Aplle on the ground and wonders if you'll be 'Where the food is'
Nezumi Uchiha

Report | 06/24/2006 11:00 am

Nezumi Uchiha

Um... do I know you? Pm me if you really want to be my friend....


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