Hitler the Platypus

Hitler the Platypus's avatar

Last Login: 11/02/2012 9:24 pm

Registered: 10/30/2005

Gender: Male

Location: happy place


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Tryna Lia Report | 11/04/2012 9:34 pm
Tryna Lia
I didn't really do anything. xD; I guess it was okay.
Tryna Lia Report | 11/01/2012 10:14 pm
Tryna Lia
Happy Halloweeeen~ A day late~
Tryna Lia Report | 09/20/2012 7:29 am
Tryna Lia
Not bad. ;o I have a lab today. We're going to look at jelly fish and dissect sea anemones.
Tryna Lia Report | 09/02/2012 6:51 pm
Tryna Lia

I moved back on campus today yay~

Tryna Lia Report | 08/22/2012 9:49 pm
Tryna Lia
I still have four years... At worst. Probably going to be that, though. x.x
Tryna Lia Report | 08/05/2012 7:37 pm
Tryna Lia
I'm going to be in school foreverrrrrr.
Tryna Lia Report | 07/31/2012 8:03 pm
Tryna Lia
Luuuucky. I don't start until September.
Tryna Lia Report | 07/27/2012 2:03 pm
Tryna Lia
Awww, that sucks. :c
Tryna Lia Report | 07/25/2012 1:34 pm
Tryna Lia
Aw, that's too bad. :c You should go throw rocks at her window in the middle of the night and sneak off!
Tryna Lia Report | 07/24/2012 10:55 pm
Tryna Lia
Why are you in bed so much? .-.