Hitomi Shinonome

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Last Login: 06/15/2008 10:05 pm

Registered: 03/29/2006

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Hitomi Shinonome
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Ritsuka's teacher. She is very sweet, naive, and innocent. She is greatly troubled by Ritsuka's mother and the injuries he substains from her, and greatly desires to involve herself in the situation to make a change, despite her fears and her colleagues' dissent.

At twenty-three years old, she is teased and ridiculed for retaining her ears to such an age. She is visibly embarrassed, but as the story progresses, she gains confidence and pride over making her own choices.

Soubi and ShinonomeHer very caring and naive nature clashes spectacularly when confronted with Soubi. He brusquely rejects her and says he doesn't care for older women, despite the fact she never made a romantic move towards him and that she is only three years his senior. One might mention, however, that Hitomi had some feelings for Soubi, due to the fact in volume 2 of the manga (episode 8 of the anime), she burst into tears and brooded over him. His brash actions are mysterious, but understood a bit more when you consider his undiscerning hatred towards teachers as a result of his experiences with Ritsu-sensei.

Although he has rejected her, it can be noted that Soubi enjoys tormenting Shinonome Hitomi to some degree. In their first meeting, he takes pleasure in confronting her uneasily face to face. In episode 6 of the anime, he repeats this routine and manages to hold her unresponsive body rather intimately despite knowing her feelings for him. ( This is interesting to note because there are only two characters he physically interacts with in the entire series, one being Hitomi and the other Ritsuka. )

Reasons for this awkward behavior towards Hitomi may be stemmed from jealousy. It is interesting to note that Soubi refers to Hitomi as childish despite her being three years older than he is. Yet he still respectfully calls her "Shinonome-sensei." The only way he degrades her is by her sexuality, possibly because Hitomi has remained a virgin while he may have lost his 'ears' at a much earlier age, unwillingly. In volume 2 of the manga and episode 6 of the anime, Soubi also 'saves' Hitomi from two male Zero. They threatened to get rid of her ears, despite the Zeroes being very young themselves, and she protested immensely. Although she is grateful for Soubi's protection, it only embarasses her more. Soubi also keeps this in comparison with his extreme dislike of his own teacher figure, Ritsu, but still manages to treat Hitomi as a subordinate, constantly belittling her. Ultimately, their relationship highlights traditional sexual tension, complementing the major same sex pairings and adding interest and variety to the story.


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fallen angel Hiea..... Report | 08/20/2006 10:25 am
Well i'm sorry you feel that way. I have been a great friend to you Kaitie, and i still am and i feel that it's unfair how you've treated me in our relationship. I gave so much of my time and energy and love as a friend to you, and you took it all in and rarley gave back, and you used me. But i still love you and i don't believe your words because deep inside i feel that you miss me just as much as i do you, and i think it's childish the way that you are treating me and acting about the whole thing. I wish you the best of luck in your freshman year in highschool, i know i'm having fun in my new school with Kaz and Kyle and Sam, and i hope that you do well in your academics. I still love you and will always be here for you, so sorry if you thought i'd leave cause i'm not. SO i want to know any thing interesting happening in your life right now?? How're you and Harrison faring?? How's your family?? SAm, Thomas, have grown alot sam's almost THREE INCHES TALLER THAN ME!!! My grandfather has fallen really sick and is on the verge of dying so my mom has been sorta deppressed and emotional. We started school last week and it's so much fun! I hate my alegebra teacher she's such a hag she scares me!! ANy ways thought you might want to know that Sam and Thomas miss your friendship as well but because of your actions towards me not only have you lost me as a friend you've lost them because you've shown sides of you that most people have never/ and don't believe that you have and i think it's sad that it takes one of your once closest friends to tell you what a vicious person you can be. You have alot of growing up to do Kats and i think that once you have you might be able to see this situation in a better light. Now not saying that i never did any thing wrong, i did and i'm sorry for that and i hope you will forgive me as i have you.

Love you always!

Saxon Erdman
Hitomi Shinonome Report | 08/12/2006 11:49 am
That sounds sweet and all but I still don't want to be friends anymore. Thank you and have a nice day.
fallen angel Hiea..... Report | 08/09/2006 6:47 pm
Well i said that i didn't think it was best if we were friends, but i still love you and that doesn't mean i have to cut ties with you. I mean i still want to talk and all, but i certanly did not say i wanted to stop talking to you....
Hitomi Shinonome Report | 08/06/2006 12:11 pm
Thats is cute and true but you said you werent gonna like really talk to me, but now you are.....this is confusing.
fallen angel Hiea..... Report | 07/26/2006 4:23 pm
This post really means something to me so you should feel it to!

1. At least 2 people in this world love you so much they would die for you.

2. At least 15 people in this world love you in some way.

3.The only reason anyone would ever hate you is because they want to be just like you.

4. A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone, even if they don't like you.

5. Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you before they go to sleep.

6. You mean the world to someone.

7. If not for you, someone may not be living.

8. You are special and unique.

9. Someone that you don't even know exists loves you.

10. When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it.

11. When you think the world has turned its back on you, take a look: you most likely turned your back on the world.

12. When you think you have no chance of getting what you want, you probably won't get it, but if you believe in yourself, probably, sooner or later, you will get it.

13. Always remember the compliments you received. Forget about the rude remarks.

14. Always tell someone how you feel about them; you will feel much better when they know.

15. If you have a great friend, take the time to let them know that they are great.
Momma GD Report | 07/21/2006 3:18 pm
Hokage_kiba Report | 07/05/2006 9:06 pm
Thomas stick up for Saxon differently, I mean that was uncalled for!
Unique Flavor Report | 07/05/2006 7:09 am
right on kaitie!!!!!!!!


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Hitomi Shinonome
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Hitomi Shinonome