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[ -Edward Elric- ]'s avatar

Report | 10/21/2006 1:29 pm

[ -Edward Elric- ]

*makes a noise that sounds almost like a whimper from both his physical and emotional pain* I just find out I'm a father of another boy... and now I'm going to lose all three of them... damn it... why... why does it have to be this way...? B-Be safe... Tricks... J-just... be safe. You... you have to... let me know... where... you are... you... you have to... let me... see all of you... again... I... I'm not... just going... to let it end... like this... I won't... *tries to get up, his body shaking uncontrollably* No... I won't... a-abandon y-you... *tears fall from his closed eyes* I w-won't l-let y-you- *falls back to the ground, finally losing consciousness outside Roy's home, blood from his lips and mouth seeping into his mouth*
[ -Edward Elric- ]'s avatar

Report | 10/21/2006 1:15 pm

[ -Edward Elric- ]

She...? *repeats incredulously, wondering if the foe really is a female or if Tricks is just confusing genders again* Just... who... is it...? And Blasphemy... and... Deceit...? You... mean... Tamar... and... Inari... don't you...? *body falls limper* I-I can't... Roy... and I... our marriage... it's only... a week... away... I've been... waiting... forever... for the... day to come... and it's... it's finally... *coughs violently and winces* finally... here... and I'm... too sick... to go... anywhere. The pregnancy... *gasps and brings a hand to his stomach, the fearful feeling that the child was either killed or badly injured from Envy's hard kick to his stomach returning* Tricks... I... want to... be there... for you... and them... I'm your father... and... I should be... *trembles and coughs dangerously again*
[ -Edward Elric- ]'s avatar

Report | 10/21/2006 12:48 pm

[ -Edward Elric- ]

Tricks... *tries to move a hand towards the child, but only ends up dropping it at his side, feeling too weak to move much at all* I wouldn't... let... anything hurt... you either... especially... not a b*****d... who... wants to experiment... It's not right... But... why the hell... didn't they tell me...? I... could've done... something... anything... *inhales deeply, his chest shaking violently with his breath* Where would... you go...? I just... don't want... to lose... my children... *coughs and winces*
[ -Edward Elric- ]'s avatar

Report | 10/21/2006 12:26 pm

[ -Edward Elric- ]

How... am I... supposed to... trust you...? Believe... you...? *the sounds that reach his ears begin to become more distant and faint* They're... my kids... I'd... do anything... to protect them... My family... I can't just... let... them go... Damn it... nothing... makes sense... anymore... *whispers* nothing... *body falls over from the wall and he lands on the ground on his side* Don't... hurt... them... ******** it... I'm so... confused... *winces, not bothering to wipe away the blood anymore* Just who... who else... wants them... who...?
[ -Edward Elric- ]'s avatar

Report | 10/21/2006 12:09 pm

[ -Edward Elric- ]

That's... not... possible. It doesn't... make... any sense... *eyelids slip closed and his breathing is raspy* And don't... give me... s**t... about how... I've seen the impossible... dealt with it... Everyone always uses that... as an excuse... to explain things. I don't... have another... son. *opens his eyes just a crack* You know... what you are... don't... you...? Heh... would make sense... if you... were confused... Look... at your... mother... She's a he... well... usually... *closes his eyes again and coughs, a hand bringing itself to his face to wipe off some of the blood*

So you... were... you the one... that... did all this...? The real... one... that... attacked me... tried... to kill... my child...?
[ -Edward Elric- ]'s avatar

Report | 10/21/2006 11:50 am

[ -Edward Elric- ]

Edward: *stares at Trix, his face turning paler by the minute* What... the hell... do you mean... three fathers...? I had... nothing... to do... with this you... b*****d... *coughs, his entire body shaking with the force at which the air is expelled from his lungs* Why're... you doing... this...? What... do you want... with my kids...? They're... perfectly... safe with me... You... on the other hand... *weakly growls, hitting away the hand extended towards him with his automail hand*

Damn it... my vision's fading... I don't know how much longer I can fight it... Get the hell... outta... my face...
[ -Edward Elric- ]'s avatar

Report | 10/21/2006 10:40 am

[ -Edward Elric- ]

*stares at the creature with his half-lidded eyes, trying to come to the conclusion that everything that recently happened was only a figment of his imagination, an illusion caused by his exhaustion, but the sight and smell of Envy and the homunculus's blood and organs causes his nausea to return and he painfully vomits to his side, lacking the strength and energy to force his body to walk the few steps it took to enter the home and tread to the bathroom* What the... hell... are you...? *gags and vomits again, sliding down the wall once he finishes and pants, still trying to make up for lost breath and stay conscious* How... did.. you... Where did you... come... from...? *voice becomes weaker and oscillates between audible and not with each new crack*

And... En... En-vy... *breathes quickly* What... happened...? *knows he shouldn't have any feelings for the homunculus, but he can't help but worry despite all that had happened*
[ -Edward Elric- ]'s avatar

Report | 10/21/2006 9:53 am

[ -Edward Elric- ]

*body rests limply against the wall, shaking with his struggle to breathe, let alone stay conscious; blood trickles from his lip and his nose and his eyes become half-lidded* ... *entire body aches, but he only snakes an arm over his bump of a stomach, wanting to protect the unborn child from whatever else may try to come and attack it* En-vy... *voice cracks* You... better not... enter that house... or else... I'll... *finds it difficult to just move his mouth to speak* You'll... be... *coughs* sorry...
[ -Edward Elric- ]'s avatar

Report | 10/21/2006 9:33 am

[ -Edward Elric- ]

I'll never... NEVER... let you have Inari... and Tamar... *pants, feeling exhausted and in pain from the previous kick to his neck and the way Envy grabbed his face* Not with how you are now... not after you changed... I'm not gonna just... sit back and... watch you take them... *brings his automail hand to Envy's blade and grabs tightly onto it, moving it as far away from his stomach as he could, his face pale both from his fear and the pregnancy; being held in the way he was did not calm his nerves at all* Keep the baby... and Roy... out of this... *swings his body in a desperate attempt to be freed, tightening the fist his free hand had formed* They have nothing... to do with this... *sends his fist for Envy's face; despite his disadvantage and fatigue he's still apparently very feisty*
[ -Edward Elric- ]'s avatar

Report | 10/20/2006 10:10 pm

[ -Edward Elric- ]

*gasps and coughs, a paranoid feeling taking over his already adrenaline pumped body* D-Don't... Envy... don't you dare!! It's only seven and a half weeks into the pregnancy... the baby... the baby should be fine after that... it's small enough, right? There's a lot of skin and space separating it from the surface of my skin. It better be alright! *grasps onto Envy's foot tightly with both hands and yanks his foot upwards, though feeling as weak as he does, he finds it difficult* Leave it alone... you won't... you wont hurt our unborn child! *throws the foot roughly to the side, trying to throw Envy off balance, and his automail arm flies back to his stomach in order to protect it*

You'll pay for that... *does everything he can to get away from Envy, acting more in desperation than logic, throwing his feet and knees at the slender body of his foe as well, but finds it difficult to predict where his automail will hit*
[ -Edward Elric- ]'s avatar

Report | 10/20/2006 9:49 pm

[ -Edward Elric- ]

*winces and falls hard to the ground but is careful to fall to his side and partially on his back in order to protect his stomach, the fact that even without Envy's foot he already felt off-balance not helping matters* You b*****d... you think... it even matters anymore? Maybe you didn't hear me... I said he has his body back... *smirks a little* Things aren't always as they appear... and there's always more than one way to go about something. You really don't know me well... do you...?

*the tears have all dissipated, but his troubling thoughts continue to block out any of his logic* This isn't true. Heh... he... he did love me, right? No... he couldn't have... not with the way that he's acting now...

*guards his stomach and part of his chest with his automail chest while smashing his left foot towards Envy, using his other hand to quickly get back onto his feet, but once he manages to stand, he sways* Sure, alchemy helps, but I don't need it to fight him. I'll be fine... *a small amount of blood rises up from the scratches on his neck, but is barely noticeable due to the small amount* Stop being such an arrogant b*****d... *sends his foot for Envy again*
[ -Edward Elric- ]'s avatar

Report | 10/20/2006 9:28 pm

[ -Edward Elric- ]

Damn it!! *moves quickly to get out of the way, stumbling a little on his feet from the overwhelming weakness his body felt ever since first becoming pregnant and the exhaustion coursing through his body* Heh... that's all I needed to see. Come and get me then now that you have a chance Envy; I dare you! I have my ways of finding hidden items, Al and I have been searching for the stone all this time or something to get his body back and we succeeded in the end!

*keeps moving, eyes fixed on the nimble homunculus's movements* AND I AM NOT LITTLE! *claps his hands, preparing to transmute his arm into a blade, but only a flash of light fills the air and nothing else happens* ... *claps again, but the light is even dimmer and his eyes widen* Sh-s**t...

When did... why can't I use alchemy like this?! Is it because of the red water changing my body?! I'm at a serious disadvantage now... but... I can still take him down or at least tire him out. He is pregnant after all! Damn it... so am I... *lips curl a little when he growls again, trying to think of a quick way to attack. I'll just have to fight by hand...
[ -Edward Elric- ]'s avatar

Report | 10/20/2006 9:04 pm

[ -Edward Elric- ]

Oh, so Roy can't be near Tamar and Inari, but Kimbley can?! We're both their parents damn it and you can't dictate their lives! *tries not to let the words about his own pregnancy get to him, but Envy spoke the fear he had ever since he discovered that a child was growing within him on his birthday* Don't try to turn this around to be about my own pregnancy! You know better than anyone else that I don't go down that easily. *snarls* The child and I will both be fine! You sick sadistic b*****d...

So it turns out that Kimbley was right about you. You can't ever have real feelings. To think I actually fell for it. What the hell happened to you?! And don't even begin judging me! I can take you down easily and there won't be any feeling lingering from my conscience. You won't even be able to get into that room. I'll stop you and take you down no matter what. *hisses* Remember, I know a homunculi's weakness. The only way you're getting those kids is if you manage to kill me first.

Damn it... why does it have to be this way? I thought... I really thought he had changed. He had emotions... I saw them... I witnessed them. When he was hurt, the rare times he was happy, when he was angry... that couldn't have all been a lie. How can I be so stupid? He was an enemy from the start, it would make sense that he would stay that way... But I still can't... I still can't believe it...

*tears stream down his face, but he ignores them, his entire attention focused on Envy* If there was a god I'd swear to him that I'd kill you. Too bad. You'll just have to take my word for it.
Seron Uchiha's avatar

Report | 10/20/2006 5:14 pm

Seron Uchiha

hi envy cool pro
[ -Edward Elric- ]'s avatar

Report | 10/20/2006 3:21 pm

[ -Edward Elric- ]

I've been looking out for them even before they were born!! And I've fought Nith and his gang of bastards right along side you and everyone else! You have NO RIGHT to tell me otherwise! Is this just to get back at me for not loving you?! Is that it?! And I do too spend time with them! Roy and I both do so don't even THINK about telling me otherwise. I don't know why the hell Jade would even say something like that. *snarls, his eyes tearful* It's a goddamn lie! They’re my kids and I love them, I'm not just going to let them be taken from me!

And since when was I scary?! I just... damn it! You know that I was confused as hell on my birthday! That's the first time I EVER raised my voice towards them like that! Envy, I swear, in order for you to take those kids that far away you'll have to go through me. I'm willing to fight for them. *eyes still tearing*

I risked my life for those kids and you too many times to count. Do you realize how many times I was in that ********' hospital bed seconds away from death?! I'm not going to let you take those kids away from me and even if I have to put my life on the line again then so be it. *glares*
[ -Edward Elric- ]'s avatar

Report | 10/20/2006 6:41 am

[ -Edward Elric- ]

Envy... I had a very interesting talk with Kimbley the other day about a certain homunculus and two children. *growls* You were really thinking of taking Inari and Tamar away without talking to me first?! Maybe you've forgotten, but they're my kids too and I'm not just gonna give them up. I WON'T! I have every right to be with them as you do. Whose house is it that they've been staying at? Who's the one that's been spending time with them alongside Jade? I love those kids and they're my own. I'm not going to abandon them, give them away, or steer them wrong. You... I can't believe you... *makes fists at his sides, nails digging into his skin causing it to whiten and his arms shake a bit from the pressure*

It's not gonna happen. *snarls at the thought of a few other words Kimbley said* I won't let it happen.
blood_lust_tenchi's avatar

Report | 10/15/2006 5:18 pm


ya i know! did you ever see BBI? edward was wearing the same thing as envy! he doesnt look as good though wink 3nodding
[Lt.Havoc]'s avatar

Report | 10/15/2006 6:26 am


O.O intresting...I always wanted to knoe! ..thank you oh great one :3
xVampire Envyx's avatar

Report | 10/15/2006 12:11 am

xVampire Envyx

Have fun with your next pregnancy. *snickers*
[Lt.Havoc]'s avatar

Report | 10/14/2006 10:42 pm


. . . are you a gurl or a guy???
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