
I'm Holly Noel (: I'm 17 years old. Junior: La Costa Canyon High School; Class of 2011. I'm complicated, try and figure me out. I may be a girl but don't ever underestimate me because I WILL surprise you. My favorite flowers are daisies, dandelions(I'm a tad bit allerigc to them though), and sunflowers; pick me any kind of flower&you'll have my heart. If NEVERLAND were real I’d live there. I'm a sucker for a love story. I like photography&I enjoy baking. Friends make the world go round. I've found that I recently have a liking for flamingos and sea horses. My favorite animals are a zebra and a penguin. Oh and I have a thing for Batman<3 I'm at a awkward stage in my life but i'm starting to have awhole new prespective on life. Wanna know more? Come get to know me, don't be shy, even if I am.