Wtf? Lexie!

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i'm an individual.

I have the right to make my own decisions. I don't need anyone's help. I'm not a young child anymore. If I want to have sex, I'll do it. [Which I won't. Wait until you're married.] If I want to go to a party, I'll go. I don't need anyone to tell me what to do.

i'm mature.

I know when I can act silly, but I know when I have to be mature. Some times call for craziness. But most require matureness to lead a social and wonderful life. But still, I can be very silly. Ask any of my friends.

i'm Lexie.

Last but not least, I'm Lexie. That shy girl that sits in the corner at a party, drawing the things around her. But if you get to know me, I am a very energetic and cool person. I am fifteen, turning sixteen on December seventeeth. I made a horrible mistake before, very recently to be honest.

A small story, written by me.

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Lexie. She was a very happy girl, fun loving and laughing all the time. And one day, she met a boy, his name was Benny. He was very kind to Lexie, and he loved her so much. Lexie loved that boy too, and wanted to spend all her time with him. But suddenly, Lexie's life went downhill. Her dad died in a terrible accident. Her mother now only finding a release of pain from the liquor bottle. Lexie was sad all of the time, she spent a great deal of her time cutting and crying. And she didn't know it, but she was pushing Benny away from her. Until one day, she pushed him out of her life completely. She found a new guy, who she thought was great, but he ended up cheating on her and leaving her by herself. That was when she realized, she needed Benny, the boy who had always been there for her, the one who had been the first to comfort her in her time of need. The one who really did love her. And as she was going to come back to say sorry, and beg him for forgiveness... He was gone. Off with a new princess.. one he really loved. Lexie knew she deserved it, because of the way she had treated him. So now Lexie spends her time crying... wishing, hoping.. he would come back to her.
The End.

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Music.. YES! :D

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Paullychu Report | 10/13/2007 10:31 am
I've been good, you?
Paullychu Report | 10/11/2007 4:03 pm
Hello durr.
l p o k e m a n z l Report | 10/09/2007 1:31 am
l p o k e m a n z l

    Heyyy~ User Image

    Not muuuch. o=

AstonL Report | 10/07/2007 10:14 am
Goodluck in life Lexie.
Druggo in Wonderland Report | 10/06/2007 12:20 am
Druggo in Wonderland
It's not rape when the victim is willing.

I r a Muffin Report | 10/05/2007 3:36 pm
I r a Muffin



Druggo in Wonderland Report | 10/04/2007 6:02 pm
Druggo in Wonderland
I do!

Druggo in Wonderland Report | 10/04/2007 5:09 am
Druggo in Wonderland
Loike I commented.

<3 :]
l p o k e m a n z l Report | 09/23/2007 7:02 pm
l p o k e m a n z l

    oh... night night. D;

l p o k e m a n z l Report | 09/23/2007 6:50 pm
l p o k e m a n z l

    lolol, I shall, I shall. c< After I read it. o=

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