
holyrath's avatar

Last Login: 11/09/2014 11:39 am

Registered: 11/04/2006

Gender: Female

Location: my field of paper flowers

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raths last requests

quotes holyrath liked

"It gets so lonley being evil
What I'd do to see a smile
Even for a little while
And no one loves you when you're evil
I'm lying though my teeth!
Your tears are all the company I need"

The 23rd psalm
"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.
Yah, though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, I will fear no evil:
For thou art with me;
Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me."

my copy of the last quote.
The Devil is my mafia boss, I shall forever want
He maketh me to lie down in cold blood: he leadeth me beside deadly destruction.
He destroyeth my heart: he leadeth me in the paths of evil for his pleasures sake.
Yah, though I walk through the Heaven of Godly Souls, I will fear no righteousness:
For thou art fighting with me;
Thy fire and thy stench, they scare me.

rath's last words

I cried because I am nobody’s goal
No one will fight to have me
because nobody needs my voice
In order for their day to be happy
because it’s over now
and I right from the beginning
because even though I was right
It wasn’t worth the winning
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I may not have lived long, to some people, but I've come up with some conclusions about life. Take them or leave them, but i believe i can be very perceptive at times, even though i cant spell right, and at least some of these conclusions mean something.

life is short....its a fact of life that we all have to deal with. And life can be beautiful and fun and filled with adventure if you let it. It goes in its own direction, but you can push or pull it whatever way you want. If you wallow in your misery, for whatever reason, each moment as it passes takes forever, but combined you waist your life away in a flash. Do something every once in a while to give yourself a new start and a new point of view. Change your hair style, let your hair down, wear something different, try some new foods with friends, or do an activity you normally dont do. Enjoy it and relish the time you have, because you dont it slips through your fingers, and before you know it, your not who you planed or want to be.

The objects, people and relationships in your life shouldn't be your soul form of happiness. Objects lose value over time, people change, and relationships move on, but even when these things move on you can still gain happiness for dealing with them as best you could, and being who you are, want to be, and acting the best you knew how to. Happiness comes from inside you, you create it or tear it down.

When things are going bad, and they seem to be getting worse, they realy aren't. Its just your point of view. your already in a down and sour mood because of what just happened, that the nest thing seems worse, when it probably isn't. In fact, in all probably the second thing that happened was way less worse then the first thing.

People judge age by height and wrinkles, and judge intelligence by age. Both presumptions can be, and usually are, very wrong. People are short, deal with it. Wrinkles come from sun and ether lots of happiness or anger. There are also some very smart people in this world, and some very stupid people. Age doesn't make intelligences and ability to perceive the world. Experience may help, but its not everything ether. Gauge people's intelligence by talking to them, and learning about them. Gauge people's age by what they tell you. Its just simple gathering data. Not that hard people.

I may be young, but i can be very intelligent when my blondness doesn't get in the way (usually it doesn't interfere). So lets get out with what I'm like now, might as well, although i probably should have done this before i bore you with my perceptions of life....oh well, your lose ;D

I'm very sarcastic and cynical. I do it without even meaning it, but its how i function in this world, and its become a big part of my personality.

I'm dyslexic. It takes me time to read things, and i cant spell to save my life. I try not to use that as an excuse, but if i had to double check everything i type multiple times and still make mistakes, then my internet/chat experience would not go well, and you would very well lose me. So please learn to stand the spelling.

I'm an Asian/manga/anime freak even though I'm purely white on the outside. Like an egg, and prouder than i should be about it.

I'm Christian and proud of it. I love my faith and i love my God, though i will not push him or his ways on anyone. All i want to do is be openly Christian, and be able to answer any questions people may have about it, and my faith. That's enough for me, and enough to plant a seed.

I'm a good artist, at leas i think so....i know i can still improve, and I'm still trying. On all my work i always love constructive criticism. All i want is to improve and become truly great.

I know things, but i'm purely innocent to my core. Usually i try and avoid most perverted types of situations, and i like it that way.

I love math, Calculus being my favorite. I know it so well i correct the teacher sometimes, and i can, when my classmates dont understand a concept i can teach it to them in a different way from the teacher so they can understand it better. I just find it easy, and easy to convey.

I want to become an architect in the near future. Designing buildings is fun, and i like to be able to show both my artistic and mathematics abilities together.

I'm not good at coming up with things about myself, because i believe truly I'm not that interesting of a person. I'm shy and timid when i meet people, but when i open up i can be very weird and different. not so much crazy as some girls can be, but out there. So i guess I'll end with that.

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Unlikely Ninja Report | 11/23/2015 10:22 pm
Unlikely Ninja
ninja ninja ninja Hope you're doing well! whee
Vivia Ravenheart Report | 09/30/2012 12:36 pm
Vivia Ravenheart
Vivia Ravenheart Report | 09/29/2012 8:26 am
Vivia Ravenheart
Sounds like fun. Just last night I camped out by the river. They have this big sheltered area with camping grills and I used one to make hot dogs and smores as while as to keep warm.
Vivia Ravenheart Report | 09/28/2012 8:21 am
Vivia Ravenheart
Pretty good. I'm thinking about going to my grandpa's after I get done on the computer. How are you doing?
Vivia Ravenheart Report | 09/28/2012 8:09 am
Vivia Ravenheart
That's cool. It looks really nice.
Vivia Ravenheart Report | 09/28/2012 8:05 am
Vivia Ravenheart
You're most welcome.
Vivia Ravenheart Report | 09/28/2012 8:03 am
Vivia Ravenheart
You have a cool avatar and your profile is really sweet.
Adimiss the Cheshire Report | 09/09/2012 12:59 pm
Adimiss the Cheshire
I know its not far but it would take a lot of planning
and i already plan to move to Cali with a few friends in like a year or so
But never the less it will happen. just not within a year at least.

I'm not gonna give up my dream for anything
just might take a while
Adimiss the Cheshire Report | 09/09/2012 12:33 pm
Adimiss the Cheshire
Steady pay
Solid job
Working with the dead.
What's not to love?

Well the college course is up in phoenix
I live in tucson thats 2 hours away.
I dont have anyone dependable up there to help me out
So i would need a job which i could probably get might take some time
A place to stay: don't have
Not really a fan of the area
Adimiss the Cheshire Report | 09/09/2012 12:24 pm
Adimiss the Cheshire
It's nothing high end
I just work at walmart
I'm also searching for someplace new
Cause i hate walmart

The only place i can learn what i wan too learn
I cant get to
I wanna be a mortician.