Homemade Pizza

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Last Login: 09/10/2009 7:36 pm

Registered: 01/30/2005

Gender: Female

Location: Little Rock, AR


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Mack was the middle of my older brothers. He passed away June 13, 2007. I will miss him dearly. And I hope he has peace.


One of my friends died today. I've never los tanyone I was this close to before. And I'm just not sure how to react. He was an awesome guy with a quirky since of humor. And if I needed help he was always there. I wish I could have been there for him... They found him like he was sleeping in his bed... It looked like he could wake up any time. Except he was so cold. How do you deal with something like that? 12/11/06


So this is the real me. I like to read, rollerblade and eat pizza. And not necessarily in that order. Oh, I also tend to be a grammar nazi when it comes to typing. So I sincerely apologize for anything I might say or do... =) I can also be slightly schizophrenic and have strange thought processes. So if you need me to explain something let me know. I have a fuzzy cat named Ranger, who is a girl by the way. So no jokes about the name. And I guess that sums me up in a nutshell. Oh and SMILE!!!

RP Character

Arieda Anise

22 years old


Tall with sleek indigo hair falling to her waist, which changes on a regular basis. Her eyes gleam bright green with mischief whenever she is happy and are dull and cloudy when she is sad or upset. She usually wears a skirt unless it is cold then she prefers nice warm pants.

<: razz ersonality::>
Very Mischievious....but also very kind.



The ability to teleport herself, others or objects of her choice from place to place.

Slight of Hand

The ability to make things seemingly appear out of thin air. Also linked to this ability is an adeptness at picking pockets.


The ability to make actual things appear at will as she needs them by snapping her fingers, clapping or tugging on her earlobe.


Arieda grew up with her father who was a magician. She loved to watch him perform and try to figure out the key to each of his tricks. Sometimes the trick was easy to figure out. Other times no matter how hard she thought about it they just didn't make since. Then when she turned sixteen she was looking for her favorite sweater and couldn't find it. She looked and looked. Finally she snapped her fingers and stomped her foot, and suddenly there it was in her hand. She had been frustrated and thinking about the sweater. After this she experimented a little. She found as long as she thought about what it was she wanted to make appear it would. She grinned and went to father and announced that she had figured out the rest of his tricks. She demonstrated and he congratulated her. He began to train her and they became known as the greatest magician duo around. Their mischievious spirits gave them great inspirations to try new and more astonishing tricks. And the beauty of it was no one could duplicate theses more elaborate ones...



View All Comments

Diablo Darkfire Report | 12/06/2006 6:37 pm
Sunday Comics Report | 12/01/2006 7:56 pm
Baby, go to her profile and comment her back, don't comment her back on your profile. XD
Homemade Pizza Report | 11/29/2006 6:02 pm
Thank you Diz!!
TheDizzyKitten Report | 11/29/2006 5:59 pm
<3 Heya lovely!

Leaving you a comment and some loooove.

dreamzcometrue29 Report | 08/07/2006 3:00 pm
Hey thanks for purchasing my item
Sunday Comics Report | 08/01/2006 5:54 am
You've been Sundaied.
rock_star2468406 Report | 04/16/2006 12:53 pm
heyy please add me


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Arieda's Crazy Recipes For Life!

Ok so you know how you have planned out in your head how everything in your life is going to go? And then it seems to backfire well here are a few of my life's "recipes" that have gone horribly wrong or turned out incredibly well depending on how yo