
Hello, friend.

Just like all pessimistic, negative vibe-spreading, 'literate' speaking, doesn't-give-a-s**t-what-other-people-think, anime lovin' consumers, morbid, gothy fellows that have fondness in particularly violent subjects, I'll list off a palmfull of truths about my personality, my interests, and my lifestyle. Although you have absolutely no reason to learn about these things at all whatsoever, I'll be a sweet little gaia citizen and cooperate.

- I'm sixteen. Scared little former freshie. Stuck in the grips of depression's peak. A slave to the corruption of one's mind and the dark gods of doubt and remorse. Victim of life's expected downfall into the enlightenment of blatant despondency. In other words, I'm at that time of my life where I get typically emotional about everything, likewise find myself stupid for doing so. Actually, all of that is bullshit, to be honest. I wrote that when I was still in middle school or something, when I was all angsty and pissy and a whiney wannabe emo b***h. Nowadays, I'm generally a happy and friendly person. Oh, and another thing, despite the huge list of dislikes I thought of below, I'm rarely, if at all, judgmental to anyone or anything. You know what? I might as well edit this whole goddamn profile. Jeez.

- I am an old soul.

- I've been burdened with an obsession of Freddy Krueger and cheap comedy horror.

- I'm considering myself a finalized 'resident' of the CB at this point, glamorizing my posts and acting like a smartass.

- I'm a struggling vegetarian, wannabe vegan. Blame my sister, but I still thank her for the persuasion. Organic food ain't that bad anyway. Although I do think PETA is stupid.

- Not a fan of Gaia. No, I'm not a noob. I had one around 2003ish or whatever, and left a year or so later, then joined again when I was a foolish punk-rocker wannabe loser. Why do I continue to occasionally update my profile/involve myself in CB threads? Why do I continue to dread the fact that gold is definitely not cheap and quick to hustle with? WHY, YOU ASK? ...Cuz I like my avatar theme biggrin

- Music comes first to whatever meets me emotional standards. Yes, that does make sense. If I'm pissed off, I listen to loud and angry music. If I'm sad, I listen to happy music. If I'm happy, I [tend] to listen to love songs. If I'm normal, I listen to anything. EDIT: I listen to nothing but happy music. * If it ain't happy, then I can't do my happy dance, so it doesn't get my admiration or worthyness to be listened to. My current favorite artists are The Vandals, Queen, B-52s, and Lovin Spoonful, and lately I've been enjoying artists such as Frank Sinatra, Bobby Darin, Dean Martin, Otis Redding, The Temptations, and other swagga/motown savs. Oldies. Holla. EDIT: Being the complete dork I am, I love symphony soundtracks and movie scores. My newest likings are Meatloaf and big band swing jazz. And Daft Punk, even though thats not really a 'new' liking.


- I'm opinionated. I'm critical. Not necessarily in a mean way, but it still counts. I can debate about anything with anyone any time anywhere. Actually, it depends on my mood. And you know what, I don't like voicing my opinion because I have a tendency to have my statements said like a b***h-comment. Or I don't know that it is a b***h-comment and I say it anyway. Then I get b***h-commented at, and then I run and hide.

- I am extremely passionate about film. Don't cross me, or I'll dutifully clock you.

- I'm very, very, very forgiving. And, not meaning to sound vain, humble. Bad thing? Mehbeh...

- Just because I have a gaia account doesn't mean I like anime or manga or anything asian. In fact, I flat out dislike anime and manga. I don't even have much asian pride. EDIT: I have respect for the asian culture and I have a lot of asian pride, but I don't exploit my pride smugly and over-proudly. Indeed, I am half korean. I have much respect for my family that survived/lived in the war era. That doesn't mean I have to make peace signs with both of my hands and flash a big smile every two ******** seconds.

- I am a PlayStation girl. I've played the PS and only the PS my entire life. I don't care what you say, I don't care what kind of statistics you shove up my nose, I don't care how many people agree with you; the PlayStation 3 is better then the XBOX 360.

- My mom, dad, sister, uncles, aunts, grandparents, anyone in the family tree has had a lifestyle with art involved. Likewise, the subject quickly struck to me the second I was born. Fine, you can ask me for avi art. Just because I'm offering doesn't mean I defintely will, though. You may not appreciate my style of drawing, for I do not ever draw manga style.

- I've roleplayed before, and miserably failed. Although I greatly enjoy creative writing, and plan to be a part time writer/illustrator (comic book-er), I've decided that my interest in roleplaying has almost completely died.

I'll occasionally add here and there. Just to keep my good folks entertained, of course!


- Don't give me a bunch of crap if you think I posted anything offensive in your thread. If I did, I'll apologize if you're that hurt to care about it. My intentions for posts probably won't change. BY THE WAY, sometimes, just sometimes, I let my friends go onto my account, and recently one of them has been a real snooty troller (YEAH, I SAID IT) and made some people mad, so if you ever see an inappropriate post in your thread that you wanna yell at me for, then...uh...I guess go ahead, but I'll tell you afterward that it wasn't my post.

- Alright, if you greatly despise America for obvious reasons, please, just...just save it for the forums. I advise you not to bother me about being American. I don't agree with most of America's casualties, nor do I care to preach about how screwed up this country/world is, as well as other countries hatred towards it. I'll shout it on the rooftops: Yes, I am American, suck my Californian c**k.

- I am single. I do have a webcam. I do have the power to love. With that said and done, you cyber girlfriend-seekers have your questions answered from me. To put the cherry on top, I don't have any consideration at all whatsoever being anyone's girlfriend or using my webcame, so don't ask me about that either. Besides, the webcam I have only works for people with macs, and practically no one has a mac. Your loss ;D


Art, in all of it's manifestations
Comic books
Humor, intelligent and childish
Dancing like a retard at rock music
Dancing like a metalhead to non-metal music
Dancing like a hip hop star to non-hip hop music
Dancing to anything bouncy and upbeat and...dancey
Good* music
Psychological convictions
Ballsy moves
Oldies/classical music
Making fun of bad music, books, and movies (Well, mostly the Twilight book/movie)
Taking funny pictures
The word "opalescence"
Laughing realllllly hard
New England
Mah peeeeeeps
Making up false satanic band names (War Kittens, Teddy Bear Terror In Hell, Demonic Cupcakes, Satan's Goobers, Fuzzy Slippers On Fire, Death Bunnies, etc. And yes, these are amongst the many my friends and I have came up with, and considered to use for a joke band)
Cutting my own hair
Really bad funny horror movies (80s stuff)
Kicking a** at a video game (against others or solo)

(take note that I can't dance to save my life)


Wrong/stupid assumptions
People who proudly exploit their stereotype as if it were a race
Culture/race pride
Sexual orientation pride
Gender pride
Religion pride
Excessive pride in something
Young people who associate themselves to older and more mature people.
Any other fictional creature people portray as dominant or lusty characters (Especially vampires)
People who actually believe in that s**t (Though respectfully omitting religious adherents)
People who try to recreate themselves as the lusty/dominant characters listed above
Punk rock music, besides Dead Kennedys...and a few other bands.
Punk rockers/emos/goths (the mean ones)
People who aren't ever happy. Ever.
Realizing that my amusements make me look like a fool and embarrassment
When really bad songs get stuck in my head for days at a time
Everything about the Disney Channel...and all the other channels
Teen "rebels." Just do your damn homework.
Making a total a** of myself, namely in front of someone significant
My Chemical Romance
Addictive pharmesudicals (sp)
When people find depraved, morally wrong, disgusting and brutal things hilarious and entertaining
Hipsters and their godforsaken, probably cheapass Ray Bans.
Guitar Hero, and people who express their godliness to everyone by scoring 980k on Through Fire and Flames expert
Fast food corporations and the s**t they provide
Market, industries, and capitalism in general
Corporate greedy businessmen
People who try to "negotiate" any offer they're given for whatever product because they're d-bags
Hipsters. Again.
Unfair/unnecessary competition
Infatuated teen girls who believe that Edward will be their boyfriend one day
People who dislike and throw s**t at someone who does good in class
Hackers, and people who plant viruses in computers "because they can"
Serious improper grammar
People who don't take education to their benefit
The imbeciles in Hollywood that are destroying the earth
People who dutifully execute those who were/are not 'for' Obama
People who don't appreciate all types of film
Extremely close-minded people
People who look down on low-budget B-movies and the filmmakers/actors
Being cynical
People who are overly cynical
The fact that my dislike list is pretty damn long, and still adding


The man who invented the double-baked potato
Good grades
Clouds, especially in the desert
Bruce Campbell
Sam Raimi
Bruce Campbell
Ted Raimi
Sam Raimi
Bruce Campbell
Roasted chestnuts [on an open fire]
Monty Python



Both likes and dislikes
Being a pervert and filming my friends act weird while everyone laughs hysterically
Being a complete city kid
Blowing off steam by hating on a person I greatly dislike
Expressing dark emotion, specifically through artsy stuff

Guilty Pleasures
Green Day
Happily, childishly dancing to death metal
Satan music
Xena: Warrior Princess
Taking funny pictures

- I met the drummer of System of a Down twice, got his autographzorz, and struck up a conversation about his new band and touring status. I KNOW THINGS YOU DO NOT 8D
- I attend WonderCon every year, which thus boosts my nerd character 150 notches higher every year.
- I know what I want to do with my life/what I want to be/where I want to go
- For Halloween, I was a gay drag queen transvestite zombie that voted no on Prop 8
- Bruce Campbell is coming to San Francisco on December 17 and I'm going to pass out from excitement EDIT: Bruce CAME to SF and I'm still jittery about it.
- I'm a damn bigass stupid noob at Soul Calibur 4 on PlaystationNetwork. Jeez. Seriously. I SUCK. I think I need to get COD4 to compensate for my terribleness and excessive lagging. Or get better at Metal Gear, which I'm not bad at. Oh, right, I'm a "gamer." Actually...I have more knowledge in games than I do in skill. Plus, I'm poor as s**t so I can't buy the games I want. You know what, go ahead and just entitle me as a noob. Or an ignorant, conceited p***k.
- The first film I'm going to make (which will be made while I'm still in high school) is going to be horror or slapstick comedy. EDIT: The first little, low-budget, probably for school or when I'm young, potentially short film I'm going to make will be either a film noir, horror slapstick comedy, general slapstick comedy MAYBE silent, or experimental.

Stuff I need to do someday...
- Go to Romania, run up to random people on the street and thrillingly ask, "Are YOU a vampire??"
- Dance my a** off at a huge Flaming Lips concert (or Daft Punk)
- Go to a creepy ancient location somewhere in Europe, walk up to a bigass ancient castle, throw my fists in the air and scream, "I'M LOITERING!! HAAAAA!!!"
- See the Spice Girls live in concert
- Go to a gay male strip club for my 18th/21st birthday
- Meet Sam Raimi somehow and make him be my mentor
- Get off this freakin website.

Friends who made me mention their name on my profile

Favorite actors:
Richard Widmark
Toshiro Mifune
Bruce Campbell
-------- (past this mark, my preference on actors isn't very strong, or they're not my FAVORITE, rather, actors I admire in certain movies)
Frances McDormand
Ted Raimi
Anthony Perkins
Clint Eastwood
John Cleese
Jack Nicholson
Peter Sellars
George C. Scott
Graham Chapman
Jim Carrey
Eli Wallach
John Cusack
Brad Dourif
Simon Pegg
Jimmy Stewart

Favorite Directors/Filmmakers
Alfred Hitchcock
Sam Raimi
Akira Kurosawa
Stanely Kubrick
The Coen Brothers
Fredrico Felini
Mel Brooks
Roman Polanski

Wishlist (in real life)
- Super-8 film camera or 16mm Bolex, and 8 or 16mm film, which costs roughly around 10,000,000,000 dollars
- Arriflex BL
- Other cameras
- These glasses
- This car

With that done, my profile feels completed. I've listen off some stuff about me, I listen off some stuff I don't like people to do, I've listed off some of my likes and dislikes. Mission accomplished, I guess. I'm officially a worthy gaia whore...besides the fact that I don't associate with any relative stereotypes that categorize the majority of this website's users 8O

But I do use emotes 8D


Viewing 12 of 29 friends


The Horrific Secrets of Jenna That Lie Within!!

This is my journal. Got a problem?



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 07/11/2009 4:19 pm


Jenna your profile is WAY TO LONG! lol
Brynhild of Hidarfjall

Report | 04/22/2009 6:26 pm

Brynhild of Hidarfjall

Hey. Since nitemare boots can't be bought at shops we're the only way people can get them. So let's raise the price to 50k and get more money from them. And let's also buy out the compitition. If anybody is selling for a low price, we buy and sell for 50k.

Report | 04/13/2009 8:23 pm


lol yea, I still have most of my junk, I just dont have a lot of repeat items
Hah, sometimes I wish I could sell my stuff for some actual money ^,^
Cuz your a cruel cruel person :-p

Report | 04/13/2009 7:07 pm


lol its that I finally decided to start posting on gaia again and ppl complained about how much my avi at the time sucked emo
Haha wow, I'm a pixel packrat, after I buy something, I usually keep it unless I bought more than one.

Report | 04/13/2009 6:54 pm


Lately I've been changing it once a day and I realized I never use any of the items I have on right now

Report | 04/13/2009 6:46 pm


Arghhhhhhhhh.... but awesome ^,^

Report | 04/13/2009 5:48 pm


lol I try my best not too do too much grown up stuff ^,^
I actually use facebook a lot more than myspace so yay

Report | 04/11/2009 11:08 pm


JENNA!!!! U dont talk to me anymore emo
Makeshift Va gi na

Report | 03/28/2009 8:32 pm

Makeshift Va gi na

Strange as angels.
Dancing in the deepest oceans.

Silly Facebook.

Twisting in the waters.
You’re just like a dream.
Makeshift Va gi na

Report | 03/28/2009 7:46 pm

Makeshift Va gi na

Strange as angels.
Dancing in the deepest oceans.

It's not goign to cost money.
It's just a stupid scam.

Twisting in the waters.
You’re just like a dream.


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