
Hello people of earth! How's life? I love all sorts of animals and ride horses! I just wanna give a shout out to my riding buds Denise, Nicole, Lindsay, Liz, and Shelby. Luv you guys! I also wanna say hi to my best bud here on gaia and in real life, Sazuna_Kyoto! I love the pony I used to lease, Prince! He's like a baby brother to me. I miss him so much, because he went to another state. =(. I also love my dressage ponies, Dentina and Delilah. They are so cute! I could never be where I am today in dressage then. My old ponies, Louise and Abby are also the best. I will never forget them.
P.S. The Jonas Brothers ROCK!!!!!!!!!!
Check them out!!!!!

Just being brothers.....
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Sporting cool shades........
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Looking fancy.......
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Camp Rock!
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Camp Rock! and Demi Lovato!
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Nick Jonas
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Joe Jonas
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Kevin Jonas
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Gotta User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Them!!!!!!!!


Viewing 12 of 14 friends


Hey there People of Earth!!!!

Drop me a line sometime!!!!



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

kim elite

Report | 05/05/2009 4:40 pm

kim elite

Your avi is sexiiii
Love ya ALLEY!

Report | 04/22/2009 6:33 pm


haha i know right? =]
oh man, i wish i could go back to Florida. That's all i ever talk about to my friends. My brother said if i do really well this last quarter that i'll go down there sometime in the summer probably. And if that's what he's holding me to, fat chance i'll be going. Most likely i wont pass this year. I plan on going to summer school anyways which i dont really care that i'll have to. It's only for like 3 weeks. I have to say, so far out of the many years of school, junior year is definitely the toughest =/ I've never done particularly well in school. I'm pretty much one of those kids that just pass by the skin of their teeth. It's not that i don't try, i do (atleast i think i do) but it's just really hard for me. So besides my boring school life...i burnt my thumb on my hair straightener! =[ Ya know the skin thats between your knuckle and your nail? yeah, that part. Freakin' hurts!

Report | 04/22/2009 3:52 am


i thought it was a little weird too. I did everything possible from its tongue touching me. Too bad my brother has all the pics from my stay or else i'd post them on mine too

Report | 04/20/2009 2:47 pm


hey! i fed a giraffe too! XD On the day i left, my brother took me to the zoo (my flight didn't leave until later) and i got to feed a giraffe. Everyone was lined up to do it. it was kind of amusing =]

Report | 04/19/2009 6:26 pm


haha i like sitting alone (actually there were other people with me, but i didnt talk to them) because my mommy said to never talk to strangers lol yeah, that rule really applies when you find yourself lost in an airport! and yes, that happpened to me =/ I had a layover in North Carolina and i was running all over the place trying to find the right gate. Luckily, i found it on time! Florida was AMAZING though! I want to go back so bad and i keep telling my brother that. haha you went to Cali right? how was it?

Report | 04/10/2009 9:16 am


oh geez! haha hope your having fun. Im leaving for Florida tomorrow to visit my brother. It'll be my first time flying and i'm going all by myself! I'm nerovous, but really excited too =] It's so funny, cuz my mom wants to see that movie but i'm like:"Noooo way! You couldn't get me to watch it even if you strapped me to the chair." lol

Report | 04/08/2009 4:49 pm


heyyy long time, no speak. whatscha been up to?

Report | 04/03/2009 6:07 pm


nm just home chillaxn >.< you?

Report | 04/02/2009 3:10 pm


no prob (:

Report | 04/01/2009 2:54 pm


lucky im happy for you(:


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