
.:About Me:.
Hi! I am a 14 year old fun, loving, care free girl. I love horses, Sheltie, and doing agility. Once a year I go to my Great Aunt's house in CA and run her Bi-Black Sheltie, Tate, and her Tri-Colored Sheltie, Gracie, in agility. I love to horse back ride also. I go out to my friend's ranch in FL to horse back ride about 3 times a year since I don't have a horse of my own. My favorite horse is a black and white Tennessee Walking horse named Marlin. I love him to death. I have a Maltese named Jasper, a Mini Poodle named JJ. I'm a flautist in a high school symphonic band.

Look at these cute pictures!

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You Know You’re a Horse Lover When…
(* applies to me)

1. *You accessorize your hairstyle with a piece of hay.
2. You examine every piece of rope or twine for its
halter potential.
4. *You think a great vacation is spending a long weekend
in front of a horsetrailer by a dusty arena.
5. You take someone’s temperature and think 102°F is
6. You spend more money on horseshoes than your own
7. *You always keep carrots, apples, and sugar cubes in
your refrigerator.
8. *You prefer the smell of stable to cologne.
9. You sleep with your boots on and count horses to fall
10. Your laugh begins to sound like a horse whinny.
11. Instead of giving someone directions to turn “left” or
“right,” you tell them to “gee” or “haw.”
12. *You still have your childhood horse statues in your
13. *Your favorite outfit is the outfit you wear when you're riding.
14. *You talk to your horse more than your family.
15. *You spend more time at the feed store than the grocery
16. *You cringe at paying five bucks for lunch, but won’t
blink at twenty or thirty spent on a riding lesson.
17. *Mucking stalls is more appealing to you than doing
18. *You complain about aching after gym class, but will
never voice your back pain from the ride the previous day.
19. *Your room looks like a tornado hit, but you make sure
your horse’s stall is spotless.
20. *You'd give up heat in your house to afford your horse’s
blanket and heated water
21. *Every time you go to the mall, you search through
every store for horse items… (if only those product
designers knew the money they could make)
22. *Every time you find a horse item, you buy it…
23. You buy horse earrings, even though your ears aren’t
24. *You buy a bumper sticker saying “I’d rather be
riding” or "I Love Horses!", when you don’t own a car.
25. *You buy that shirt with horses on it… because
“They’re so hard to find!”
26. *Your room is covered with horse posters, pictures of
you riding, horse calenders, and other assorted horse
figurines and knick-knacks.
27. *You set up Windows with animated horse icons, horse
backgrounds, and neighing/trotting sounds.
28. *Every time you go to watch a movie, you ask, “Are
there horses in it?”
30. *Every time you go to BLOCKBUSTER, you head for the
kid’s/family section because it’s most likely to have
horse videos.
31. *More than half of the movies in your collection are
focused around a horse/horses.
32. *You won’t even consider a person of the opposite sex
unless they share your love for horses.
33. *You own three or more t-shirts with various horse
events, barns, or breeds on them.
34. *You turn down a vacation because you don’t
want to miss your riding lesson… (the only way you’ll
give it up is if you’re promised a ride)
35. *You find proof that there ARE in fact horses in
36. *You will read an entire magazine about horse
physiology, but hate biology.
37. *When at the grocery store, you determine to buy
carrots and apples… for the horses at the barn.
38. *You refuse to shovel snow, but gladly shovel stalls.
39. *One of the first things in your profile is “I LOVE
HORSES!” or something to that effect.
40. *Every page of your webpage has a horse background…
(or at least a gif)
41. *Your biggest dream as a kid was owning a pony… or if
you knew you couldn’t have that, at least a stuffed horse
or something comparable that you could ride.
42. *At any time in your life, you set up jumps in the
backyard and walked the course.
43. *Instead of skipping, you “canter”.
44. *You find yourself drumming horse gaits with your
45. *Your Breyer horse collection is larger than your penny
46. *You take it as a compliment when people relate your
hair to a horse tail.
47. *You will volunteer hours of time at the local barn,
but whine when your parent asks you to do chores.
48. You will memorize dozens of horses names and their
matching saddle letters, but have trouble remembering ten
vocab words.
49. You will memorize a complete dressage test, but can’t
remember three important names for your history test.
50. *Your doodles are always horses.
51. You are the best at drawing horses in your art class.
52. *Given the choice of going somewhere by car or horse
you opt for the 10 hour horseback ride.
53. *You prefer one horsepower to 200.
54. *You are afraid of getting your license, but speeding
along on the back of a 1,000lb animal is nothing.
55. *You braid your horse’s hair perfectly but let yours
run wild.
56. You know how to tie a half-hitch knot but don’t know
the name of it. (is that what it’s called?)
57. *You’re laughing right now because you relate so much
to these…
58. *You even read this far because it interests you to
know you have so much in common with other horse freaks.
59. *You won a snazzy new sports car in the lottery but you'd trade it in for a pickup truck with a towing package.
60. *All the other girls were designing their dream home. you were designing your dream barn.
61. Your paycheck barely covers your food bill but all your horses eat premium foods.
62. You spend far more on your riding clothes than on the rest of your wardrobe.
63. You call the vet when a horse just loooks cross-eyed but a family member has to be on the death bed before you take them to see the doctor.
64. *Your barn is cleaner than your house.
65. *You are better at braiding your horse's tail than your sister's/daughter's.
66. *You've stopped at more stables/farms than museums on vacation.
67. *You can't eat a carrot or apple without feeling guilty about not sharing it with your horse.
68. Your significant other says. "It's me or the horse." and you hesitate. . .
69. You pay more to board your horse than you do for your hotel room.
70. *You say "Whoa!" to the dog.
71. *As soon as your friend walks into your room, they know you like horses because of all the horsey books, horsey posters, horsey stuffed animals, horse calenders, etc.
72. *You can sit and stare at a horse picture for hours on end.
73. *On Saturday, the day you ride, you are up before your alarm rings but on a school day, you hit the snooze alarm five million times.
74. *You think a saddle is more comfortable than an armchair.
75. *Everything you get for Christmas or Hanukah is horse related.
76. *You start to twitch and stamp when you get impatient.
77. *You pretend your dog is a horse.
78. *Your heart swells when your horse spots you and comes running and whinnying to greet you.
79. *You think beautiful, empty feilds are a waste of good horse land and plan out how you would set up a barnyard.
80. *You wear your cowboy boots with your shorts.

I apply to 71% of these!!!!


Viewing 12 of 21 friends


Savannah's Journal

Just a few thoughts on my day, my life, and my friends.


Viewing 10 of 17 comments.


Report | 12/19/2008 11:19 am



Report | 12/16/2008 2:33 pm



Report | 12/15/2008 2:04 pm



Report | 11/24/2008 1:30 pm


hey savannah!!!

Report | 11/06/2008 1:40 pm


Awww, wel i dont own my own horse anymore, but i help out at the stables so yah.. and horses and dogs are kinda alike, but most people dont realize it! Like they kinda have the same parts of body like the cannon bone, muzzle and hocks! and im gonna sound like a chappie paper now, but did u know Rotwielers (a type of dog, duh..haha) were used to pull little vegetable wagons and stuff a few hundred years ago. And the Huskies in the arctic pulling sleds??<might as well have been horses pulling a wagon the way i see it! haha

Report | 11/06/2008 11:52 am


WHAT!? u also read HEARTLAND??? omg thatz like my fav book series!!! excuse me if i speak (type) bad english, im actually afrikaans and dont speak english all that well! haha anyhoo!! I wish i could BE AMY!! LOL, ive really learnd alotta stuff from the heartland books like the T touch and join up. have u ever done any of those? omg!, JOIN UP IS AMAZING!!! That being accepted as the leader and being followed EVERYWHERE??< SOOO worx 4 me!! hehehe Sorry 4 freakin out about horses so much its just that... Im a total horse freak! my life revolves around 'em..hehe what can i say

Report | 10/30/2008 12:56 pm


OMG!!!! I WANT YOU AS MY FRIEEEND!!!!! I ALSO LOOOOOOVE HOSES!!! iF THE WORLD WAS BOYLESS I WOULDNT CARE AS LONG AS WE HAVE HORSES!!!! Almost all of the things on that list is so me! My room consists of a bed with a life sized horse plush on it, a wardrobe hidden under horse posters, 21 model horses placed neatly all over my room, my riding clothes just about everywhere, a grooming kit, thousands of pictures of horses, a bookshelf packed full of horse books and need i say more? haha i dont have my own horse anymore,sadly =(, but i work on a tourism horse farm on weekends and train, school and excercise the horses. I do infact set up my own little jumping courses in our backyard and i do pretent that my dog is a horse! haha and i canter a lot :mr.green: and even do flying changes!! haha and i can't remember all of those things, but theres like 70 that's totally me!! hahahahahahaha!!! I'd love to talk to you about horses and horsey stuff! =D

Report | 10/10/2008 2:01 pm


Hey Savannah

Report | 10/05/2008 4:28 pm


thank you for your purchase

Report | 09/21/2008 8:06 am


Hey savannah i miss u soooo much hows school going