Bakuro Hiru

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~Character Data~

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Time zone: ET
Name: Hoshigaki (干柿, Dried Persimmon) Hiru (昼, Day)
Village: Village hidden in the Mist
Clan/Bloodline: Hoshigaki
Element Affinity: Water
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Rank: Chuunin/ANBU


User Image

Headband: Sowed on the forehead of a one piece wetsuit that covers his whole upper body and head, leaving only an opening for his face and gills.
Height: 6’2’’
Weight: 185 lbs
Hair: Dark blue, almost black.
Eyes: Shark eyes
Physical Description: A bit short for a Hoshigaki but still taller than normal humans. His skin is of a silverish gray, just like a shark’s. Teeth are pointy and he has two rows of them, new ones push all of the old ones away should one break or fall.
Clothing: He wears the regulation Kiri uniform at all times in addition to traditional Kirigakure arm warmers. He wears a one piece wetsuit on his whole upper body leaving only an opening for his face, gills, and fingers.
Background: The expectations for Hiru had always been very high amongst his clansmen when he was born, both of his parents being very respected and influential shinobis of the Hoshigaki. Since their line had been praised both for their accomplishments in combat and their ruthlessness, just as much was expected from their offspring. However, things turned out a bit differently for Hiru, who from a very early age couldn't hurt a fly without feeling remorse. Seeing their boy had oddly apparently not inherited their violent personalities, his parents would heavily and regularly beat Hiru throughout the most part of his early childhood, hoping this would awaken in him the violent Hoshigaki nature. Their efforts, however, ultimately proved unsuccessful. Fearing he could prove to be a disgrace to both their names and their clan, they had originally forbidden him from entering the ninja academy to become a shinobi. Wanting to prove them wrong and simply looking for a way to escape his parent's home, Hiru ran away at the age of 12 to join the academy in secret, squatting an old abandonned house from the housing district.

The years Hiru spent at the academy were eventful to say the least. Mainly, he had to go through the invasion of Kirigakure, which he survived and even managed to save a few of his comrades from its onslaught. In the rebuilding years when few students were left at the academy, Hiru showed extremely high level skill in ninjutsu, a trait most likely inherited form his father, having learned and even develloped many high level water jutsus at a very early age. After having graduated from the academy with highest honorable mentions across the board, Hiru got the attention of the ANBU black ops who approached him to train under their tutelage. In the years that followed, he was rarely seen, save for a few exceptional occasions. His first apparition after 2 years was for his Chuunin exam. His skills having very apparently dramatically improved from his specialized training, he showed nearly special jounin levels of ninjutsu mastery and impressive stealth skills, effortlessly being promoted to chuunin level. Hiru has recently started appearing more frequently in public. However, he still dissapears from time to time without anyone knowing of his whereabouts.
Personality: An abnormality for a Hoshigaki, Hiru is a pacifist who refuses to kill, no matter the mission. This trait being despised by both his clan and his superiors in the black ops, he is neverthless tolerated because of his incredible energy and skills in ninjutsu which make him an asset to any mission. Despite his incredibly hard upbringing and ruthless training, he is still one to love having fun and will always try to devellop friendships with his fellow shinobis. Always putting his partners ahead of his own well being or the mission itself, he has been a source of frustration to some, but an example and a leader to others.

User Image


LV. 19
Experience: 171 / 1000
Hp: [10 + constitution modifier] x level = (10 + 5) x 19 = 285
Cp: [4 + chakra modifier] x level = (4 + 17) x 19 = 399
MHp: [10 + wisdom modifier] x level = (10 + 6) x 19 = 304

Stat cap: [Level + 20] = 39

Attribute: ...... Distribute | Level | Training | Clan | Total

User Image
Strength: .........25 | 00 | 01 | +20% | 31 mod = 10
Dexterity: ........24 | 02 | 00 | ------- | 26 mod = 8
Constitution: ....20 | 00 | 01 | ------- | 21 mod = 5
Intelligence: .....29 | 01 | 00 | -30% | 20 mod = 5
Wisdom: ...........21 | 00 | 01 | ------- | 22 mod = 6
Charisma: .........21 | 00 | 00 | -30% | 14 mod = 2
Chakra: ............30 | 01 | 00 | +50% | 45 mod = 17

Dodge: [level + dex mod + wis mod] = 19 + 8 + 6 = 33

Base Attack Bonus: [level] = 19
Attack Melee: [str mod + bab] = 10 + 19 = 29/24/19/14
Attack Ranged: [dex mod + bab] = 8 + 19 = 27/22/17/12
Number of attacks: 4 (Bab: 19/14/9/4)

Base Save Bonus: [level/2 (down)] = 9
Fort: [con mod + bsb] = 5 + 9= 14 ( +1 for marine poisons)
Rex: [dex mod + bsb] = 8 + 9 = 17
Will: [wis mod + bsb] = 6 + 9 = 15


Skill cap: [Level + 20] = 39

Skill: (Mod) | Distribute | Rewards | Level |Clan bonus | Total

Strength modifier: 10

Athletics: .................(Str) | 05 | 06 | 00 | 21

Dexterity modifier: 8

Acrobatics: ...............(Dex) | 00 | 04 | 00 | 12
Escape Artist: ..........(Dex) | 05 | 07 | 00 | 20
Stealth: ....................(Dex) | 17 | 00 | 00 | 25
Sleight of Hand: .......(Dex) | 00 | 00 | 00 | 08

Constitution modifier: 5

Concentration: .........(Con) | 10 | 05 | 00 | 20

Intelligence modifier: 5

Alchemy: ...................(Int) | 00 | 00 | 00 | 05
Chakra Control: ........(Int) | 00 | 38 | 00 | 43
Craft: ........................(Int) | 00 | 00 | 00 | 05
Treat Injury: .............(Int) | 03 | 02 | 00 | 10

Wisdom modifier: 6

Awareness: ..............(Wis) | 15 | 04 | 00 | 25
Read Lips: ................(Wis) | 00 | 00 | 00 | 06
Sense Motive: ...........(Wis) | 10 | 00 | 00 | 16
Survival: ...................(Wis) | 00 | 00 | 00 | 06

Charisma modifier: 2

Diplomacy: ...............(Cha) | 10 | 00 | 00 | 12
Handle Animal: .........(Cha) | 00 | 00 | 00 | 02
Intimidate: ...............(Cha) | 00 | 00 | 00 | 02
Innuendo: ................(Cha) | 15 | 00 | 00 | 17
Perform: ...................(Cha) | 00 | 00 | 00 | 02
Seduction: ................(Cha) | 00 | 00 | 00 | 02

Ninja Skills [Combat] ((No Modifiers)):

Taijutsu: ...................(---) | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00
Ninjutsu: ..................(---) | 09 | 30 | 00 | 39
Genjutsu: .................(---) | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00
Fuuin Jutsu: ..............(---) | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00
Sneak Attack: ...........(---) | 20 | 00 | 00 | 20
Puppet Play: .............(---) | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00
Ninja Weapons (Melee):
Bo Staff: ....................(---) | 20 | 00 | 00 | 20
Samehada: ................(---) | 00 | 00 | 10 | 11
Ninja Weapons (Ranged):
Kunai: ........................(---) | 00 | 02 | 00 | 02
Shuriken: ...................(---) | 00 | 03 | 00 | 03

~Abilities and Limits~

Limits :

Mizukokyuu (Water Breathing)
Using his gills, the Hoshigaki can extract the oxygen from the ambient water to breath underwater.
Requirements: Hoshigaki Clan
Special: User cannot drown from water. He can stay underwater for limitless turns as though he was on the surface. No need to make fortitude checks when underwater for long periods of time.

Samesoku (Shark Alacrity)
Because of their unique skin and physiognomy, Hoshigaki are naturally far superior to normal humans for underwater movement, greatly increasing their swimming speed.
Requirements: Hoshigaki Clan
Special: 1.1 x any checks related to underwater movement.

Chuujitsubuki (Loyal Weapon)
If someone other than its Hoshigaki tries to wield a Samehadamaku, it will continuously stab the user's hands with sharp spikes until it is finally dropped.
Damage: (5 - 10), damage dealt is also dealt as chakra damage.
Fortitude DC: 10 + str mod (user) + 2 Per 20 hp past half hp (victim)
Requirements: Hoshigaki Clan, Samehadamaku
Special: Roll fortitude check at the beginning of new user's turn. If The new user fails fortitude check, he drops the weapon instantly and loses his entire attack round.

Weapon Abilities :

Samehada Kensei (Samehada Sword Growth)
Samehada's chakra pool has a direct impact on its size, growing larger and more mobile with every bit of chakra it ingests and smaller and slower with every amount it spends.
Cp: n/a
Dice Rolls: n/a
Special: Add [Samehada Cp / 10] to base attack bonus for attacks using this weapon for a maximum of +10.

Samehada Chakra Joiyou (Samehada Chakra Feed)
Samehada can transfer the chakra it has gathered to its wielder or a specific target through direct contact.
Cp: n/a
Dice Rolls: n/a
Special: Transfer chakra points stored inside Samehada to a target to which it has direct contact.

Samehada Ijutsu (Samehada Healing Art)
Samehada can use the chakra it has gathered to regenerate his wielder or a specified target, converting the amassed chakra into healing energy to close wounds that range from superficial to fatal.
Cp: 2 cp per hp point healed.
Dice Rolls: n/a
Special: Samehada heals the target for one point of hp for every 2 cp spent from its chakra reserves.



E-Rank :

Bunshin no Jutsu (Clone Technique)
This is a basic technique taught to ninja at an academy. Bunshin no Jutsu creates one or more clones of the user, which can be used as a means to create a diversion, distraction, or cause confusion. These illusory clones will simply disappear if come into contact, and cannot do anything to damage the opponent.
Cp cost: 1 pt. per clone.
Dice Rolls: 1 Roll
Damage: N/A
Special: Can create 1 per 5 ranks in Chakra Control. The user numbers each of their clones individually. The attacker does a random number check to see what they hit.
To See Through Clones: d20 + 1/2 the user's int mod + half the user's chk mod vs. d20 + opponent's int. mod. Opponent will target the real ninja among the clones.

Henge no Jutsu (Transformation Technique)
The user utilizes the sheep hand seal or the tiger hand seal and concentrates their chakra to assume the appearance of another person, an animal, or even any object. This is one of the required basic jutsu taught at the Ninja Academy.
Cp cost: 2 +1 per post
Dice Rolls: 1 Roll
Damage: N/A
Special: +intelligence modifier to disguise (Craft) checks.

Kakuremino no Jutsu (Cloak of Invisibility Technique)
This technique is where one uses a cloak or a piece of cloth to make oneself blend in with the background, making oneself appear invisible.
Cp cost: 1
Dice Rolls: 1 Roll
Damage: N/A
Special: +2 to your Stealth check when hiding.

Kawarimi no Jutsu (Replacement Technique)
This is a technique that usually confuses the attacker. The user quickly projects themselves with another nearby object such as a plant (normally a section of a log), an animal, or even another person within reach, leaving the opponent open to a counter-attack.
Cp cost: 4
Dice Rolls: n/a
Damage: n/a
Special: This attack is considered as having been used during your opponent's turn. (It does not use up your attacks for your turn). Can only be used if all of the opponent's attacks have missed. Allows user to go into hiding. If user wishes to flee, he gets an extra initial roll. If he wishes to attack, his next attack is considered a Sneak Attack.

Nawanuke no Jutsu (Rope Escape Technique)
A basic technique taught at the Ninja academy. When a ninja is tied with rope, he can undo the knots and escape using this jutsu.
Cp cost: 1
Dice Rolls: n/a
Damage: N/A
Special: +2 to your Escape Artist roll when escaping from rope.

Jibaku Fuda: Kassei, (Exploding Tag: Activate)
Utilizing chakra, the user is able to activate the explosion mechanism of a distant bomb tag.
Cp cost: 3 per tag
Dice Rolls: 1 Roll
Damage: Exploding tag damage [10-20]
Reflex DC: 8 + chk mod + 2 per 10 ranks in Ninjutsu

Samekamu (Shark Bite)
The Hoshigaki's shark teeth make a useful weapon when both hands are immobilized. The sharpness of the two rows of teeth are sure to make the victim bleed should he or she be struck by this attack.
Rank: E
Dice Rolls: 1
Cp Cost: None
Damage: (2 - 4) + str mod
Reflex DC: n/a
Fortitude DC: 10 + str mod (user) + 2 Per 20 hp past half hp (victim)
Special: Can be used when grappling ot grappled. If used when grappled and victim fails fortitude check, grapple is broken due to pain. If used when grappling, user can hold the bite to increase the DC to maintain grapple by 5. Succesful hit will cause target to bleed, taking 6 hp damage per turn until it is treated. Critical strikes cause severe bleeding, target taking 12 hp damage per turn.


Genjutsu Kai (Genjutsu Release)
The user attempts to break the chakra circulation flow in his body in order to see through a genjutsu. You can also use this technique on someone else.
Cp cost: 10
Dice Rolls: 2 Rolls
Damage: N/A
Special: +your chakra mod + 2 per 10 ranks in Chakra Control to Will Save. The effect of this technique is stackable, that is if many ninja use it on one person all their bonuses are added.

Shunshin no Jutsu (Body Flicker Technique)
A high-speed movement technique. It is described as 'appearing with the wind and disappearing like the wind.' Using chakra to activate the body, the user is able to move from one point to another with extreme speeds. This super-fast movement is almost impossible to see with the naked eye. To a normal person, it would seem as if the user has teleported.
Cp cost: 15 or 1 per ft
Dice Rolls: 2 Rolls
Damage: N/A
Special: When rolling initiation checks or racing, or anything that involves speed, add chk mod to the dice roll. Does not nullify Stealth checks.

Suiton: Mizu Kassou (Water Release: Water Gliding)
The technique is an improved version of water walking. The user condenses a thin layer of water under his feet and uses it to propel himself with bursts of speed in any direction and ignore terrain difficulties. Instead of moving his feet, the user moves the water he generates to initiate movement before he even moves a muscle. The technique is usually used on the ground, but can also be used on water for a reduced chrakra cost.
Cp: 2 cp per post on water or in a water field, 8 initial cp + 4 cp per post on land
Dice Rolls: 2 to initiate
Damage: Add chakra mod charging attacks (started from a distance)
Reflex DC: N/A
Special: While this mode is active:
*Replace [dex mod] in [Dodge] by [chk mod] (Dodge = [level] + [wis mod] + [chk mod])
*Replace [dex mod] in [Reflex] by [chk mod]
*Add [chk mod] to any chasing, racing, or charging roll while this mode is active.
*Ignore any terrain penalties to movement rolls.
Owner: Hoshigaki Hiru

Ketsu Nioi (Smell of Blood)
The Hoshigaki floods his gills and nose with chakra to boost their sensitivity. Allows the user to smell the blood of any bleeding target from great distances and allows him to know their location without having to see them.
Rank: D
Dice Rolls: 2
Cp cost: 10 cp to initiate,+ 1 per post to maintain
Damage: none
*Target must be bleeding.
*If bleeding target is in close vicinity (less than 30 meters), the user will know his target's exact location and movements without having to see it.
*If bleeding target is far away:
Add (chk mod) to awareness checks involving smell if on land in a dry environment.
Add (1.2x chk mod) to awareness checks involving smell if on land in thick mist (most areas of their native Kirigakure).
Add (1.5x chk mod) to awareness checks involving smell if underwater.

Suiton: Mizuame Kawarimi no Jutsu (Water Release: Syrup Replacement technique)
A derived jutsu from the original Kawarimi technique. Instead of replacing his body with a random object, the user replaces it with a hollow syrup clone. When the attacker makes contact with the syrup dummy, it causes it to splash open, covering him with the highly adhesive substance and impairing his movements.
Rank: D
Cp cost: 20 cp
Dice Rolls: n/a
Damage: n/a
Escape artist DC: 12 + chk mod + 2 per 10 ranks in Ninjutsu
Strength DC: 12 + chk mod + 2 per 10 ranks in Ninjutsu
Special :
*This attack is considered as having been used during your opponent's turn. (It does not use up your attacks for your turn). Can only be used if all of the opponent's attacks have missed. Allows user to go into hiding. If user wishes to flee, he gets an extra initial roll. If he wishes to attack, his next attack is considered a Sneak Attack.
*If used following a melee attack, victim is automatically stuck and must beat Reflex DC to break free.
*If used following a weapon attack, victim is disarmed and has to beat strength DC to unstick his weapon.
Owner: Hoshigaki Hiru


Hijutsu: Kiri Gakure no Jutsu (Hidden Technique: Art of the Hidden Mist)
This displacement technique is a specialty of the Ninja from Kirigakure, where one causes a mist to spring forth by lifting up some water, then goes in and out of sight at will from within the pearly-white realm. The mist's thickness is controlled by the amount of chakra kneaded into it. It cannot fool the Byakugan, but, due to the mist being created with the user's chakra, any Sharingan-user will see the mist colored by their opponent's chakra, which will effectively hide the user from the dōjutsu.
Rank: C
Dice Rolls: 3
Cp cost: 20 + 10 per turn the jutsu is mantained.
Damage: n/a
Reflex DC: n/a
Awareness DC:
*User: 12 + [Stealth] + [Chakra mod] + 1 per 5 in [Ninjutsu]
*Others: 12 + [Stealth] + User's [Chakra mod]
Special: If victims fail awareness check versus a character, they do not know their whereabouts and cannot attack them directly. Even if the user knows the location of the people in the mist, his allies must roll awareness checks versus their opponent's stealth checks also unless they too use the Hidden Mist art. First attack launched against an enemy who does not know your location is considered a Sneak Attack.

Suiton: Mizuame bunshin no jutsu (Water Release: Syrup clone technique)
A hybrid technique of the syrup capture field and the water clone jutsus. The user creates a clone made of syrup that has the sole purpose of sticking the shinobi's opponent in place.
Rank: C
Cp Cost : 20 cp per bunshin, remaining cp is split evenly between all clones generated.
Dice Rolls: 3
Damage : n/a
Reflex DC: n/a
Escape artist DC: 12 + chk mod + 2 per 10 ranks in Ninjutsu
Strength DC: 12 + chk mod + 2 per 10 ranks in Ninjutsu
Special :
*Bunshin can only use non elemental and syrup derived techniques. All syrup derived techniques chakra cost is lowered by 25%.
*Trap Effect: The bunshin melts back into sticky syrup, creating the effect of Mizuame Nabara.
*If the trap effect was triggered following a melee attack, received or inflicted, victim is automatically stuck.
*If the trap effect was triggered following a weapon attack to the bunshin, victim is disarmed and has to pass a strength check to unstick his weapon.
*HP: 20 + 2 per 10 in Chakra Control + 2 per 10 in Ninjutsu Skill + 5 per 10 CP over base CP
To See Through Clones: d20 + 1/2 the user's int mod + half the user's chk mod vs. d20 + opponent's int. mod.
Owner: Hoshigaki Hiru

Suiton: Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu (Water Release: Water Doppelganger Technique)
The technique creates clones out of water. Like other solid clone techniques, the clones can be used to perform tasks the user is unable or unwilling to do for themselves. The range of the clone is limited however, as it can not travel very far from the original body without losing control. Additionally, water clones only have a fraction of the original person's power. Like other clone techniques, if the water clones are injured enough they will revert back to normal water.
Rank: C
Dice Rolls: 3
Cp cost: 15 per clone
Damage: Physical damage caused by clones is cut by half.
Reflex DC: n/a
*Mizu Bunshin can only perform water jutsus and taijutsu.
*Reflex and Dodge Bonus increased by half compared to user's base stats.
*Clones have to stay within same thread as user and within eye or ear shot of them as well
*HP: 20 + 2 per 10 in Chakra Control + 2 per 10 in Ninjutsu Skill + 5 per 10 CP over base CP
To See Through Clones: d20 + 1/2 the user's int mod + half the user's chk mod vs. d20 + opponent's int. mod. Opponent will target the real ninja among the clones.

Suiton: Mizuame Nabara (Water Release: Syrup Capture Field)
Using this technique, the user can spit a stream of extremely sticky syrup that covers the ground and holds opponents in place. Any ninja capable of walking on water can avoid being stuck in the syrup, but needs to do so before being caught.
Cp cost: 30
Dice Rolls: 3
Damage: N/A
Awareness DC: 12 + sneak attack + 2 per 10 ranks in Ninjutsu
Reflex DC: 12 + chk mod + 2 per 10 ranks in Ninjutsu
Escape Artist DC: 12 + chk mod + 2 per 10 ranks in Ninjutsu
Special: Renders victim immobile for [chk mod] number of turns. Victim can only attack using long-ranged attacks or techniques. If used as a sneak attack, user must roll and pass an awareness check before his reflex DC. If he fails Awareness Check, target cannot dodge the technique.

Suirō no Jutsu (Water Prison Technique)
A move used to trap the victim inside a virtually inescapable prison of water. The only downside to this technique is that the user must keep one arm inside the water sphere at all times in order for the victim to remain imprisoned.
Cp cost: 20 + 10 per turn held
Dice Rolls: 3
Damage: n/a
Reflex DC: 12 + chk mod + 2 per 10 ranks in Ninjutsu
Escape Artist DC: 20 + user’s chakra mod + 2 per 10 ranks in Ninjutsu.
Special: If victim is underwater, increase Reflex DC to dodge by 25%. Victim is completely immobilized until he/she can break free.

Kuchiyose no Jutsu (Summoning Technique)
This technique, using a contract, seal, and the user's blood, binds a being to the user. The type of being is determined by the contract and Seal performed. The blood is used as a signature to make the contract, which can be written on a scroll or tattoo, valid. Once bound, the being can be summoned with a blood sacrifice to perform a task or help the user in battle.
The summon usually is subservient to the summoner. However, the more powerful summons demand respect and loyalty from their summoners. Some may even demand hundreds of live human sacrifices.
Other types of summonings include even powerful objects, such as the Rashōmon gates. For more information, check the "Summoning Contracts" thread.
Cp cost: Varies.
Dice Rolls: 4 Rolls
Damage: Depending on summon's power.


Hijutsu: Kirisame (Secret Technique: Mist Rain)
A jutsu known by some Kirigakure shinobis, the user generates a light mist in the area of his target in which a delicate rain starts to pour which eats up the chakra it comes into contact with that is not of the same signature as the original user.
Rank: C
Dice Rolls: 4
Cp: 60 + 10 per holding post
Damage: n/a
Reflex DC: n/a
*Reduce victim's damage dealt by ninjutsu by 15 + chk mod + 2 per 10 points in ninjutsu skill. Double this effect for Katon Jutsus and cut it in half for Doton Jutsus.
*Cancels enemy field of effect jutsus.
*All chakra constructs not generated by the user take [15 + chk mod + 2 per 10 points in ninjutsu] damage per turn regardless of their regenerative capacities.

Suiton: Mizuame Teppōdama (Water Release: Syrup Gunshot)
The user spits out condensated balls of sticky syrup at his enemy. Even though this technique is far weaker than its water counterpart due to the fact that the syrup bullets are bigger and have more wind resistance, the projectiles can reach fairly high velocities thus generating significant concussive force. Some go as far as to say the technique can be as powerful as a cannon shot for advanced ninjutsu specialists. If the bullet makes contact with a target, it bursts and partially covers it with sticky syrup, impairing its movements. The number of bullets that can be generated depends on the user's skill.
Rank: B
Cp cost: 100 cp
Damage: (25 - 40) + chk mod per bullet
Reflex DC: 15 + chk mod + 2 per 10 points in ninjutsu skill
Special :
*User can fire one bullet for every 10 levels in chakra control.
*Target must roll one reflex save per bullet to dodge them.
*For every succesful hit, reduce the target's base attack bonus for all attacks by [2 per 15 points in Chakra Control] for [chk mod / 2] turns. If this effect reduces one of the opponent's attacks to a base attack bonus lower than 1, he loses that attack until the syrup wears off. This effect is stackable.
*For every succesful hit, reduce target's dodge rating, reflex saves and movement rolls by [2 per 15 points in Chakra Control] for [chk mod / 2] turns. This effect is stackable.
Owner: Hoshigaki Hiru

Suiton: Bakusui Shōha (Water Release: Exploding Water Shockwave)
The user generates a great volume of water, swallowing up and crushing the enemy with the advancing surge. The user can ride the wave, allowing them to move at high speed, and attack the enemy, now swept off their feet, without fear of counter-attacks. The amount of water created is proportional to the amount of chakra used; when used with an enormous chakra, even a dry wasteland can become a small ocean.
Cp cost: 130
Dice Rolls: 4
Damage: 130 - 150 + chk mod
Reflex DC: n/a
Athletics DC: 15 + chk mod + 2 per 10 ranks in Ninjutsu
Special: Cannot be dodged due to the volume of the attack, targets must flee or get caught in the blast. Creates a water source. User can launch an attack in the same turn as he uses this technique, if the victim fails the Reflex save, his dodge rating will be 0.

Chakra Kyūin Jutsu (Chakra Absorption Technique)
This technique allows the user to absorb the physical and spiritual energy of an opponent. The user doesn't have to actually touch the opponent, since it is also possible to use it through other media such as earth or water. The only necessary condition is some medium through which chakra can be channeled.
Cp cost: 1/4 of chakra drained.
Dice Rolls: 4 Rolls
Damage: User can drain from (Chakra Control / 2) to (Chakra Control x 2) cp per usage
Will DC: 15 + user's chakra mod + 2 per 10 ranks in user's Ninjutsu
Special: A successful Will check prevents any chakra from being drained. A natural 1 on Will check doubles it. The user gains the Cp drained from the target. Can be used while grappling.

Hijutsu: Suika no Jutsu (Secret Technique: Hydration Technique)
By liquifying the whole body, this technique makes it impossible to receive damage from physical attacks. As this technique turns the body into water, the user is vulnerable to lightning techniques. Given the nature of the technique, the user must have a very strong affinity to water to use it.
Rank: C
Dice Rolls: 4 (can be used as reaction)
Cp: 50 + 8 per holding post
Damage: n/a
Reflex DC: n/a
Special: Can be used as a reaction (During opponen'ts turn). If used as a reaction, replace user's dodge rating by [level + wis mod + chakra control] and user's reflex rating by [Chakra Control + Base Save Bonus]. Gives immunity to physical, earth, wind and water damage. Fire jutsus deal half damage although they cause no status ailments. Ice jutsus deal no damage but cause status ailments. Lightning jutsus inflict normal damage and cancel the jutsu immediately upon impact.



Blocking : Samehada
Using a weapon to block an attack from another weapon is an essential skill to the survival of all shinobi. Obviously the techniques for blocking with a kunai are not the same as blocking with a spear. The size categories are Small(kunai and smaller)/Medium(katana and smaller)/Large(Kusarigama and smaller/Huge(15 feet or 25 pounds and smaller).
Dice Rolls: 2 Rolls
Damage: Chakra damage.
Requirements: Strength 18, Dexterity 18, Samehada 5
*Against physical attacks, use attack roll against attacker's attack score. If the Block is higher, all damage from the attack is negated and victim takes chakra damage through a damage roll as though he had just been struck by the blade.
*Against ninjutsu attacks, use attack roll against jutsu's evade DC. If the Block is higher, damage is negated and Cp cost of the technique is added to the weapons chakra pool.


Blocking : Bo Staff
Using a weapon to block an attack from another weapon is an essential skill to the survival of all shinobi. Obviously the techniques for blocking with a kunai are not the same as blocking with a spear. The size categories are Small (kunai and smaller) / Medium (katana and smaller) / Large (Kusarigama and smaller) / Huge (15 feet or 25 pounds and smaller).
Cp cost: ---
Dice Rolls: 2 Rolls
Damage: N/A
Special: Use the formula 1D20 + Bo Staff against attackers attack score. If the Block is higher all damage from the attack is negated.

Kenpou: Samehada Dangan (Sword Art: Samehada Bullet)
The user throws Samehada at his target while still holding its handle, allowing him to launch a ranged attack without losing the benefit of direct contact with the blade. The handle can stretch to very long distances and back, preventing the throw from losing velocity or the user from being separated from his weapon. When this technique is used, the weapon resembles more of a flail than an actual blade.
Cp: n/a
Dice Rolls: n/a
Damage: (11 - 25) + dex mod + 0.5 x str mod
Reflex DC: n/a
Special: Used as a regular long ranged attack. Can go around obstacles.


Hiruken (Leech Fist)
A special fighting style in which the user is in a constant state of chakra absorption. Every single one of his attacks is aimed at major chakra centers of his opponent's body as much to drain chakra as to inflict damage. Therefore, impact intensity is sacrificed in favor of longer contact with the victim. Given the fact that every absorption is so brief and accompanied with physical pain, the victim cannot summon his will to prevent the drain.
Rank: C
Dice Rolls: n/a
Cp Cost: n/a
Damage: Reduce melee damage by 20%.
Special: All melee attacks drain (Chakra Control /4 - Chakra Control / 2) cp from target. Double this effect for critical hits.
Owner: Hoshigaki Hiru

~ Summoning Contract ~

~Nature of Contract~

User Image

Name of the contract: Sameruizumi Kame (Cool Springs Tortoises)
Nature of the summons: Tortoises
Description: The Cool Springs Tortoises are a community of tortoises who live a usualy calm life in their retreated springs. Because of their laid back nature and unbelligerent attitude, few shinobi are compelled to seek them out as summoning partners. However, this does not mean they do not make powerful allies. Even though their motivation to train is mostly for recreational pruposes, these tortoises still devellop their skills on a daily basis and can be fearsome opponents. Just don't bother them too often...
Origin: The cool springs where these turtles live are on an island very far off the coast of the Water Country. The island being surrounded by cliffs, the only way in is through a small passage at the bottom of the water that leads under the mountains and to the Springs. The Springs themselves are dozens of small warm springs that practically look like a summer resort filled with tortoises. There, you can hear the music from the turtles drum shells, see their water shows or even be a spectator to some of their sparring competitions.
Signature form: The user needs to go the Cool Springs in the cave of the elder and write his name on one of its walls with an ink mixed with a drop of his blood.
Physical requirements: None, really.
Psychological requirements: The tortoises are in no way the belligerent, lust for power aggressive types. They like a positive attitude and people who love to have fun. They do not want to be summoned only to fight!


User Image

Name: Kuurukame (平亀)
Element Affinity: Water (Can use fire)
Gender: Male
Rank: Chuunin
Height: 4'6'' (From the bottom of his legs to the top of his shell)
Weight: 250 lbs
Physical Description: This four legged turtle is of a cool blue colour to both its scales and shell with orange markings.
Clothing: Slick shades, a seashell necklace, a rope bracelet and a small Kirigakure forehead protector tied to a wristband on his left leg.
Background: Does water shows for a living in the spring using its water jutsus. Impresses the gallery by pulling out now and then a little fire show.
Personality: Very mellow and a bit of a showoff.

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Name: Kamesaru (亀猿)
Element Affinity: Water (Can use Earth)
Gender: Male
Rank: Chuunin
Height: 7'2''
Weight: 550 lbs
Physical Description: A bipedal tortoise covered in scars from its tournament combat hobby. Very muscular. Has brownish scales with blue markings.
Clothing: One elbow and knee pad. A Kirigakure forehead protector is sown on his knee pad.
Background: A brawler by nature and interest, when Kamesaru isn't loafing around it's to train his signature Kameken fighting style or to take part in the various physical Cool Spring tournaments.
Personality: By his look, people would think he's aggressive but he's really not. Has a recreational approach to combat and tries to avoid it if not in very specific situations.

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Name: Gakkame (楽亀)
Element Affinity: Air (Can use water)
Gender: Male
Rank: Chuunin
Height: 1'0'' (From the bottom of his legs to the top of his shell)
Weight: 10 lbs
Physical Description: Very small turtle with green scales, a red shell and red markings. Of the musical genotype of the Coll Springs Tortoises. Too small to be in battle on its own, it must be carried by the user and protected or it could otherwise very easily get injured. A speaker is built into his shell to project sound despite his small stature.
Clothing: Always wears his headphones and his goggles, although his goggles usually rest on the top of his head rather than his eyes. Has a very small Kirigakure forehead protector dangling loosely around his neck.
Background: A musician, plays the classical trotoise tunes byflipping on its back and drumming on its shell and singing. Very catchy!
Personality: Likes crowds. Contrarily to most Tortoises, likes a good battle too, sees bewitching opponents as a challenge proving his musical prowess.

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Name: Kamesori (亀刀)
Element Affinity: Lightning (can use water)
Gender: Male
Rank: Chuunin
Height: 5'7''
Weight: 220 lbs
Physical Description: A crimson bipedal tortoise of relatively small stature with gold circular makings to his skin and shell.
Clothing: Wears a thick cape suited with pockets to contain ninja tools and various objects. His lower face is usually covered while on missions to protect his identity. Has a Kirigakure forehead protector sown on his cape.
Background: The one who gets the dirty jobs done for the Cool Springs Tortoises. Selected by the elders and trained for his abilities in espionage and stealth based combat, he knows that in order to maintain the happy go lucky ways of his fellow kame some threats must be contained and prevented before they become problematic. Will take assignments most other tortoises will refuse.
Personality: Even though his function amongst the tortoises might be more violent and serious, he remains nevertheless a guy who enjoys lying back and laughing it off in his down time. His ideal day is a Kameken combat tournament in the afternoon and a shell melody concert in the evening with a cold beverage.

~ Weapons ~

Samehada (Shark Skin)
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Type: Legacy (Seven Swordsmen of the Mist, Hoshigaki Clan)
History: Originally lent to Kirigakure by the Hoshigaki Clan for their alliance with the village, the clan has long since taken the blade back for themselves, only allowing Hoshigaki to wield them even in the Swordsman of the Mist. The blade is now handed down to a champion of the Hoshigaki, as a symbol of promise and honour. The user, however, must return to the clan when summoned since it is from this great blade that are plucked the scales that will form every new Hoshigaki's Samehadamaku, the living weapons that makes the Hoshigaki one of the most fearsome clans in the Water Country.
Description: Samehada is a large living sword comparable in size to the Kubikiribōchō. It is described as "the most terrifying of all the Seven Swordsmen's blades". Its actual blade is covered in scales, which causes it to inflict shredding or shaving damage rather than cutting what it comes into contact with. The effect is similar to a shark's skin, hence its name. While it ordinarily remains rigid, Samehada is able to stretch and bend to a great extent, allowing it to be used like a flail. Samehada is unique for being a sentient weapon that gains nourishment from the chakra of others. The blade is happiest when engorged with chakra. Although it constantly feeds off of the chakra of its owner, its largest "meals" come from fights wherein it absorbs the chakra of its owner's opponents. Such an ability allows Samehada to literally slice through an opponent's technique and even prevent techniques from being performed by absorbing all of the opponent's chakra. With every bit of chakra the weapon drains, it grows larger and more active, increasing its effectiveness in combat.
Cp: Absorbed through combat. Passively drains one tenth of the user's chakra pool.
Damage: (10 - 20) + 1.5x str mod
Range: Melee + 5 to 15 feet, depending on the blade's chakra level.
Requirements: Strength 30, Chakra 45, Hoshigaki Clan.
Acquisition: Plot specific.
*The wielder of Samehada is constantly at a maximum of 0.9x his chakra reserves.
*Every time the blade causes damage, damage dealt is also caused as chakra damage.
*All chakra points drained are added to Samehada's chakra point pool.
*Double chakra points gained from training while wielding this weapon.
*Allows use of Samehada specific abilities.
Dual Wield: No.
Owner: Hoshigaki Clan, Seven Swordsman of the Hidden Mist.

Samehadamaku: Bo staff
Hiru's Samehadamaku took the form a bo staff. When unsheathed, the weapon senses where Hiru's hands are gripping it and retracts the scales at that spot, preventing its wielder from cutting his hands when he wields it.
Description of Samehadamaku in clan thread: Samehadamaku
Description of Bo staff in weapons thread: Bo staff
( 1 - 8 ) + [1.5 x str mod] + [1 per 4 levels in bo staff] if sheathed.
( 4 - 11 ) + [1.5 x str mod] + [1 per 4 levels in bo staff] if unsheathed.
Range: Melee + 5 ft.
*Can be used as a defensive weapon, spinning the Bo in front of you gives you +4 in dodge bonus at the cost of your first Dice Roll in your next turn.
*+4 to trip and blocking checks.
*Succesful melee hit with the unsheathed weapon causes bleeding effect.
*Chakra eater, damage dealt is also dealt as chakra damage if the naked weapon touches the opponent.
*Inc the effect of chakra draining effects by 50% if used as a conduit (which means if the contact required to use chakra draining techniques is made with the Samehada).

~ Possessions ~


Ryo: 24



Shuriken x6

Kunais w/ Explosive tags x10

Low Adherence Wetsuit
A one piece wet suit covering Hiru's whole body, from his ankles to his head, with holes for his hands, face, and hair. It was given to him as a graduation gift.
Effect: +1 to all underwater movement related rolls.




View All Comments

Dafee Report | 05/28/2013 7:46 pm
Jin Shirosin Report | 03/19/2012 9:26 pm
Jin Shirosin
Happy bday man. Or belated?(Sorry if im late)
Qyp Report | 12/15/2011 4:46 am
Qyp Report | 08/16/2011 8:41 pm
No one is mad at you...

Most people think you acted silly though I think...
Qyp Report | 08/13/2011 10:11 pm
Good! And you good sir?

Do not leave us man...
Qyp Report | 08/06/2011 6:49 am
heart ninja
Hoshigaki Hiru Report | 05/04/2011 6:35 pm
Hoshigaki Hiru
Trying my best to come back! xd
kouri-chan_xx Report | 04/27/2011 4:47 pm
Hello Hiro!!!! whee
Qyp Report | 11/29/2010 2:13 am
I miss you man...
kouri-chan_xx Report | 12/27/2009 2:38 am
Where have you been? crying




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