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Hot vampychick

Hot vampychick's avatar

Last Login: 04/02/2009 9:37 pm

Gender: Female

Location: in a run down castle

Birthday: 12/07/1993

Occupation: suck blood


hey im vampychick
there r so many things that i could tell u about myself but i guess that i will start by tellin u that im not the preson that u would like to bag on, so thats stright!

im 15 years old and hate romance! i know wat ur thinking "wow thats hard 2 believe!" but i know from presonal trys that love and happieness is not 4 some people like me. i hav 2 moms and its SOOOOOOOO AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

every1 i know calls me bi or vampy so thats wat u can call me by. some of the people i know think that i may kill myself but i do my presonal hardest not 2 at times! i think that we all, at least 1 time in our lifes, felt that way before. but thats just me. most of us know who black rose 11 is well thats my sis! i love her 2 death!

im not on the market 4 any boys out there looking 4 love

i love 2 write poems, mostly about death. u may think that im a bit crazy and i need some kind of proff. help! well i can tell u that i ve tried that scince i was very young, basically my whole life but it never seems 2 help! but w/e

im a nice preson ounc u get 2 know me! so dont be afraid 2 talk 2 me. alot of my friends say that im a great listener. i try 2 help where ever i can. so if u need 2 talk 2 some1 dont be afraid to come to me. i will always respond to wat people that r in need of a shoulder 2 cry or len on.
i will never ake u 4 $$$! but only a small part of ur time.

how is love the problem
when all u see is blck 4 the bottem
love isnt the anwser, to life or death
so dont depend on love to hold u up when it can only bring some down

i have 3 dogsand a cat. my mom is lus.



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Zero Wolfbane Shade Report | 11/01/2010 11:57 pm
Zero Wolfbane Shade
haven't seen you on in a while... how you been...
Jenna-zama Report | 04/08/2009 4:21 am
ellow,can u b my friend???
black roses 10 Report | 03/31/2009 6:30 pm
black roses 10
u my sista from a noder mada ok im done love ya smile ya sista
I Doppleganger I Report | 03/04/2009 9:15 am
I Doppleganger I
not sure if u remember but its obelisk516, well new account, wonder how u been, if mad at me i dont blame ya, my new account is x naked snake x, hope to hear from u sad
RinAkurei Report | 01/25/2009 1:17 am
hay, i need u to add me on ur friends list so dat i can "Accept" u, because i already added u and u haven't replied yet, or my computer is just really, sorry.
-Dorinda R.
nice profile! i need to redo mine, now dat i finally no more about personilizing mah profile, lol. hay the vanpire is kute at da top of da page but then this square thing ruined my veiw...*sad*
1is bofo Report | 01/24/2009 12:05 am
1is bofo
Stray The Forbidden Hero Report | 01/11/2009 7:54 am
Stray The Forbidden Hero
hey wats up pm me
black roses 10 Report | 11/22/2008 9:27 pm
black roses 10
hay its me laura we needed to talk please call as soon as posible olease
BABYGURL_21_040 Report | 10/20/2008 7:47 am
HI : )
BABYGURL_21_040 Report | 09/11/2008 5:54 pm


hang upside down with the bats,
Hot vampychick


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Stray The Forbidden Hero
black roses 10

good friend

my sista

this is my gf